Koss KSC75's. Dont Forget This Giant Killer in all the ''Hidden Gem'' Hype.
May 18, 2013 at 11:18 AM Post #76 of 1,442
thats false.
only reason they use the emotiva is because its a cheaper alternative to buy a headphone amp to drive the he-6's.
Very, very, very few headphones need a speaker amp to drive them.
the KSC75 needs no where near that power.  
Anyone thinking of using a speaker amp to drive their headphones (especially vintage ones).... careful; don't turn the volume knob too fast or much.  

Not false at all and it has very little to do with power requirements. Read the other thread.
May 18, 2013 at 11:47 AM Post #77 of 1,442
Not false at all and it has very little to do with power requirements. Read the other thread.

Very few headphones require a speaker amp to drive them.
KSC75 is definitely not one of them.  They're meant to be driven without an amp....sure an amp will open it up a bit more. 
The Emotiva is definitely not needed for the ksc75.
May 18, 2013 at 11:52 AM Post #78 of 1,442
Very few headphones require a speaker amp to drive them.
KSC75 is definitely not one of them.  They're meant to be driven without an amp....sure an amp will open it up a bit more. 
The Emotiva is definitely not needed for the ksc75.

You are completely missing the point.
May 18, 2013 at 12:42 PM Post #79 of 1,442
if you mean its a good sounding amp... there's a lot of headphone amps that sound good.  
There would be no need to get the emotiva...especially with the needed adapters and potential of blowing out the majority of headphones
May 18, 2013 at 1:19 PM Post #80 of 1,442
if you mean its a good sounding amp... there's a lot of headphone amps that sound good.  
There would be no need to get the emotiva...especially with the needed adapters and potential of blowing out the majority of headphones

No what I mean is you obviously have not read both threads and have become fixated on the Emotiva. Go over there and crap all over that thread then. They will be happy to indulge you.
 I have no inclination of doing so on the KSC75 thread. Which is why I linked to the other two threads in the first place.
May 18, 2013 at 5:52 PM Post #81 of 1,442
The KTX uses the same ti coated driver as the 75's.

There is definitely some smearing/distortion in the high frequencies. Cymbal hits aren't crisp, clean hits, they break up into a jumbled mess. It's quite distracting at times.
Does the koss ksc75 exhibit this trait? Overall, this is a good set of headphones, even very good overall, but obviously I'd like a sound signature that's quite a bit cleaner.
May 18, 2013 at 6:28 PM Post #82 of 1,442
There is definitely some smearing/distortion in the high frequencies. Cymbal hits aren't crisp, clean hits, they break up into a jumbled mess. It's quite distracting at times.
Does the koss ksc75 exhibit this trait? Overall, this is a good set of headphones, even very good overall, but obviously I'd like a sound signature that's quite a bit cleaner.

I found a good dose of cymbals at the 2:30 mark of Soundgarden's Spoonman, and they sound pretty darned good with my ksc75's. Not quite as good as with my ad900x's (or cks1000's - very detailed with them!), but quite impressive nonetheless. And better than my new sportapros (although the mods I'll be doing to them will bring them up to snuff I think). Fwiw, I replaced the ksc75 driver covers with steel mesh, and put the drivers on a parts express headband.
May 19, 2013 at 6:33 AM Post #83 of 1,442
I found a good dose of cymbals at the 2:30 mark of Soundgarden's Spoonman, and they sound pretty darned good with my ksc75's. Not quite as good as with my ad900x's (or cks1000's - very detailed with them!), but quite impressive nonetheless. And better than my new sportapros (although the mods I'll be doing to them will bring them up to snuff I think). Fwiw, I replaced the ksc75 driver covers with steel mesh, and put the drivers on a parts express headband.

Thanks for the reply!
It should be clear to all by now that koss is THE KING of budget headphones!
It's seems a shame that a company that offers this much value at such a low price is often overlooked, whereas a company like apple, which has been churning out pure garbage with it's earbud line, is ubiquitous. 
May 19, 2013 at 7:32 PM Post #84 of 1,442
ok so kind of off topic, but last night I was listening to my ipod through these cans before going to sleep and I noticed something. These cans sound really good when played quiet! I could not believe the balance and sound quality at this volume! Maybe because I am kinda new to this whole hi-fi thing but it just blew me away!

What volume do you listen at? As measured with a sound meter or simply in the number of ticks on your ipod?
May 22, 2013 at 3:17 AM Post #85 of 1,442
I've burned the ktxpro1's in for about 40 hours. The highs have become noticeably more prominent, and the percussion seems a lot smoother. I'm listening to a lot of the same songs over again, so it seems likely that the headphones are changing, rather than my experiencing differences due to listening to a whole new set of recordings.
As I said, the high frequencies are smoother, but more prominent, and a bit of the balance is being lost. Because of the highs, the bass is often lost in the mix. I've remedied the issue with some success by using the second bass setting on my fiio amp. Neither the 'flat' nor bass setting are completely satisfying, however.
The more serious issues are 1) the cheap and flimsy build of the headphones, 2) the less than exemplary fit and comfort. These headband and enclosure are 100% lightweight plastic (aside from a silicone headband loop). Not exactly confidence inspiring build quality, but expected given the extremely low price point. The major problem is with fit. The driver enclosure tilts up and down, but not left and right. The portapro and sportapro by comparison have a universal hinge allowing for total freedom of movement in any direction, allowing for a much more comfortable fit. 
After a moderate number of hours of burn-in, I can see these being a crazy value for someone who likes sparkling highs with clean mids and bass in smaller quantity. If that sound signature suits you, and if the earpads are not irritating, you may wind up being very pleased with these headphones. 
May 22, 2013 at 8:51 PM Post #86 of 1,442
60 hours in, and my ktxpro1's now sound SPECTACULAR!
Originally, the percussion smear was the major liability. Also, they were slightly dark, but without any bass slam. There was a bit of high frequency sparkle, but it only drew attention to the sloppiness of the high frequencies.
Now, the percussion smear and digital sloppiness is almost completely gone. This is a much cleaner sounding pair of headphones with a very consistent, but subdued sparkle. I can add even more with an amp but it can border on being just a bit too much. 
These are exceptional headphones. I think anyone would be happy with the sound quality at ANY price. At $10-$16, these are an absolute steal.
I'm thinking of not even buying grado's anymore. I probably will, but it's making me reconsider. 
May 22, 2013 at 9:48 PM Post #87 of 1,442
60 hours in, and my ktxpro1's now sound SPECTACULAR!
Originally, the percussion smear was the major liability. Also, they were slightly dark, but without any bass slam. There was a bit of high frequency sparkle, but it only drew attention to the sloppiness of the high frequencies.
Now, the percussion smear and digital sloppiness is almost completely gone. This is a much cleaner sounding pair of headphones with a very consistent, but subdued sparkle. I can add even more with an amp but it can border on being just a bit too much. 
These are exceptional headphones. I think anyone would be happy with the sound quality at ANY price. At $10-$16, these are an absolute steal.
I'm thinking of not even buying grado's anymore. I probably will, but it's making me reconsider. 

Get a can of flat black Krylon shoot em, post that you put a thousand hours in modding them and sell em for 500 bucks. The high end snobbos will come a running

May 23, 2013 at 12:09 AM Post #88 of 1,442
Get a can of flat black Krylon shoot em, post that you put a thousand hours in modding them and sell em for 500 bucks. The high end snobbos will come a running

I refer everyone to page 1 of this thread. The OP and another poster prefer the ksc75's ($10-$16) over the $400 beyerdynamics and $600 grado's. 
You have found the holy grail here folks. 
I just continue to be stunned at the huge number of head fi forum members who apparently enjoy throwing away thousands of dollars when the truth is right here for a tenner. Insanity.
May 23, 2013 at 9:47 PM Post #89 of 1,442
It looks like the ktxpro1's are going back. It's unfortunate, but I've had to return my two best sound pair of headphones: igrado's and ktxpro1's because of the same issue: a lack of comfort. 
To add insult to injury, the ktxpro1's are unmoddable. You can't switch out the foam cover and you can't transplant the driver enclosure onto another headband. 
Next up......ksc75? The headphones this thread is supposed to be about rather than any and all of it's closely related 60 ohm siblings? :)
May 23, 2013 at 10:12 PM Post #90 of 1,442
Next up......ksc75? The headphones this thread is supposed to be about rather than any and all of it's closely related 60 ohm siblings? :)

Yes, ksc75's all the way baby. But you'll want them on a headband. I have the Parts Express headband which cost $2, but the shipping to Canada was more than the ksc75's cost! It might not be so bad to your neck of the woods though. The ksc75 drivers on the Parts Express headband can't possibly be any more comfortable - you don't even know you have them on.

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