Klipsch High End Over Ear-your input appreciated
Jun 5, 2020 at 4:16 AM Post #1,231 of 1,468
The point is the balanced output of your DAP, not on the cable actually.
Balanced output uses dual DACs, dual amplifier circuits ... taking all the advantages of the sound processing and it is day and night different vs the 3.5mm single end output!

I know that :wink: but here I am talking about the availability and the pricing of balanced cables for the HP3.
Jun 5, 2020 at 6:42 AM Post #1,237 of 1,468
Jun 5, 2020 at 7:26 AM Post #1,240 of 1,468
Hi all,

I am in the same situation as our friend, torn between the Klipsch and the Clear... I want to buy a high-end headphone, and those 2 are on the final list... Right now I enjoy my music through my Sony NW-ZX1 (from 2014, still relevant...) or from my desktop with a small Fiio Dac/Amp and I am splitting my time between my Earsonics Velvet V2 IEM and my good old Fidelio X1. I also own a beautiful ATH-W1000X but this one is the least favorite when it comes to pleasure I take listening to mucic, too quiet for me.

Listening to Rap / Metal / Electronic and what I need is a foot tapping headphone, and I think the HP3 is a good choice for that, but what disturbs me is all those reviews saying they are overpriced and not precise enough...

What do you guys think?

(Just a note, if I buy them, I will also buy the paired amplifier)

@SpAwNCQN , sorry I missed this post. We're in very similar situation! hahah I had Sony NW-ZX1 too! Then I switched to AK 100 II , and then switch again to FIIO M11 pro because I wanted to be able to run streaming apps. Anyways, sorry for the detour hahah. Yeah I think, according to the reviews I have seen I don't own them, the Clear one sounds more tonally balanced and should be more comfy. But soundwise, it is about preference/taste here, some may prefer the HP3 sound signature. But the HP3 has definetely worse comfort.

Even better if you can, find a localshop and test them before your purchase. I decided between them purely by the aesthetics and reviews hahah.
Jun 5, 2020 at 8:06 AM Post #1,242 of 1,468
Regarding balanced vs unbalanced cables, I look up the circuitry of my player, you guys prolly know about this so just for iteration:

The output from the dual DAC is streamed to 2 amplifiers in reversed order:
- For unbalanced output, the stream is amplified with "normal" (+) phase. Let's call this U+ output.
- For balanced output, the stream is additionally amplified by another amplifier with "reversed" (-) phase. let's call this U- output.

=> both U+ and U-, are indentical outputs, both containing L and R channels.

With the balanced cables, U- output is reversed again to make it "normal", thus U- becomes -> U+. At the end both two U+ are combined to create the final 2xU+ output. So obviously the balanced output here is with stronger power/louder, but that's it, I don't think there's any additional sound quality improvement. So I decided not to buy new balanced cables. The stock one is pretty and quality anyways.

Yes, I am aware that balanced output with cables should in theory reduce noise if there is any interference happening meanwhile the signal is transmitted in the cable. But I doubt there's any interference since the cables are at max 1.5 meters and there's no electromagnetic field radiating from my body hahah. It makes sense for long (Karaoke) microphones cables, but not for 1.5meters headphones cables.

This is my opinion observed from the technicalities and having both balanced/unbalanced output for AKT5P, maybe you guys have different experience?


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Jun 6, 2020 at 10:29 AM Post #1,244 of 1,468
Threads rarely stay fully on topic, and it is true that people can and should discuss alternatives to help others decide. It is about the balance of the discussion I find. One thing for those folks who have owned and gotten used to the HP-3 signature and are now starting to use the Clear, or about to, please remember that the first period of a new signature is very often a gushy honeymoon period. At first as you play with a new headphone you are really caught up in the freshness of the experience.

Wait until you have had just as long with the Clear as you had with the HP-3. I have found you get the mountain top ride experience with a new headphone. Up the slope and you love all the new sights and sounds, you reach the top and spend some time there thrilled with the unrivalled heights, and then you start down the other side and you start to notice that things look and feel kind of familiar. Eventually as you are walking through the surrounding region you start to notice things that you didn't think were so amazing. My long and poorly metaphoric point is that we are hardwired to really respond to new stimuli but eventually our brain gets used to things and we search for a new high.
Jun 6, 2020 at 2:14 PM Post #1,245 of 1,468
@sontung I suguest you to discover an ...IEM which is portable with your Fiio M11 pro on the go! I just got the amazing Dita Fealty which is very very suitable for your acoustic and instrumental musics. Incredible great soundstage. Just google it!
Interesting, thanks for the tip for Dita Fealty, mate! I am more into full size headphones but always happy to learn about new stuff!

One thing for those folks who have owned and gotten used to the HP-3 signature and are now starting to use the Clear, or about to, please remember that the first period of a new signature is very often a gushy honeymoon period. At first as you play with a new headphone you are really caught up in the freshness of the experience.

Wait until you have had just as long with the Clear as you had with the HP-3. I have found you get the mountain top ride experience with a new headphone. Up the slope and you love all the new sights and sounds, you reach the top and spend some time there thrilled with the unrivalled heights, and then you start down the other side and you start to notice that things look and feel kind of familiar. Eventually as you are walking through the surrounding region you start to notice things that you didn't think were so amazing. My long and poorly metaphoric point is that we are hardwired to really respond to new stimuli but eventually our brain gets used to things and we search for a new high.

True, the humans! always wanting more and exploring new things. Bad for wallets, but I guess good for the macroeconomy and pushing the technical boundaries (sometimes).

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