Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
Mar 6, 2019 at 11:04 AM Post #2,071 of 10,273
Hi all.

About Chinese people, here is a new review of the Kennerton Thror with a tube amp (300B?), this time write in Chinese.


Mar 7, 2019 at 6:11 AM Post #2,076 of 10,273
Her success will be determined by how many likes you gathered online lol

It is of "good war" that pretty girls are often associated with luxury products (cars, headphones).
Human nature makes men sensitive to it (we will approve or not); the French do not escape the rule. :beyersmile:










Mar 7, 2019 at 6:47 AM Post #2,077 of 10,273
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Mar 7, 2019 at 2:19 PM Post #2,078 of 10,273

A Kennerton Thridi headphones in amaranth wood (purple heart).



Imho, Dave (@ithilienrp) should appreciate! :)

Hello everyone.

Dave, this picture is not for you! :beyersmile::)


Kennerton Thror Purple Heart.

I love it ! :)

EDIT: you can note on this Thror (in Amaranth wood) the black color of the adjustment scroll wheels.
Personally, but it's quite personal, I find that the Thror pictured above, in this livery of amaranth wood (purple heart) and with the scroll wheels of black color, approaches a certain perfection: it is both to beautiful, sober and classy: luxury, calm and sensuousness!
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Mar 9, 2019 at 3:25 AM Post #2,079 of 10,273
Mar 13, 2019 at 2:04 AM Post #2,080 of 10,273
Hello everyone.

Here is the link of a new comparison of the three headphones planar Kennerton: Odin mk2, Thridi and Thror made by @Milan01, this time on several movie soundtracks, followed by some of my comments about this new comparison.
(In french, to read on this French forum at the following link :

Do not hesitate to use google translate (note: "aigu" in french = treble (and not "acute") ; "grave" in french = bass (and not "serious")
Mar 13, 2019 at 3:21 AM Post #2,081 of 10,273
Good morning everyone !

Thanks Eric for the sharing ! The translation is now here.

Here is my CR about film music. Good reading :)

Hans Zimmer - Detach (from the movie Interstellar)

3:40 and 4:55
On this music where we feel very well the sub bass, I have a little more on Thridi and Thror than on the Odin, it gets along quite easily.
The Thror seems to have a bass / sub bass a little more precise and defatted than the Thridi.

The 3 headphones go up about as high but there is a feeling of acute more airy with the Odin, I have the impression of having a high that "flies" when it rises on this headphone ( with the stock cable) while on the Thror and Thridi it's more terrestrial.
The treble is detached (small word games with the title of the music in passing:) ) better off the rest of the spectrum than the other 2, maybe because the Odin is less linear in the transition high medium / treble, I do not know, but it's pretty clear on this kind of passage anyway.

Hans Zimmer - Inception (live in Prague)

The bass goes down about as low on the 3 headphones. The recording is superb, we have a feeling of immensity and incredible power on this live. A headphone that lacks body will make me lose this feeling, and this is not the case on the Odin / Thridi / Thror, a similar restitution, full of ease.

On this very beautiful end of music (entitled Time) played on the piano by Hans Zimmer himself, the headphones are once again quite close. Only, once finished, the applause of these thousands of spectators present is most readable with Thror, followed by Thridi and Odin; it's easy enough to notice.

M83 - Earth 2077 (from the movie Oblivion)

Same as on "Detach" for the treble, I feel it is finer / air on the Odin (but not skinny).
The 3 headphones are never aggressive on this passage, it's great.

James Newton Howard - Solomon Vandy and London (from the movie Blood Diamond)

On these 2 African music, the Odin has the warmest restitution (as with all the others for that matter), followed by Thridi and Thror.
The Thror is the most distant on the voices and the instruments (more in conformity with a listening type concert).

James Newton Howard - The Hanging Tree (from the movie Hunger Games)

On the voice of Jennifer Lawrence, the Thror is slightly more natural than the other 2.

There is a better feeling of the atmosphere with the Odin, the voice of Jennifer Lawrence is closer and there is more treble than the 2 others, in the end these differences always gives me the feeling to have more " "I have no other words that come to my mind).

Same sensation on the treble as with the music "Detach" and "Earth 2077".

The Thror is a little more precise / detailed than the Thridi and the Odin on this complex passage.
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Mar 14, 2019 at 9:28 AM Post #2,082 of 10,273
Hi all.

About Chinese people, here is a new review of the Kennerton Thror with a tube amp (300B?), this time write in Chinese.



Hello everyone, I just ordered my customized Thror with karelian birch. I'm from Taiwan and I could read Chinese. I could explain the article in brief.

The tube amp is Primavera, the product of Trafomatic audio. The author said the combination of Thror and Primavera is the best of the best among his collection. Some pictures in the article showed the head amplifiers and headphones he owned.

In conclusion, the author said: In my experience, the best sound still have some limits. The sound of the combination exceeds far from the perfect sound I could imagine. I never expect how good it is. I'm ashamed of my poor imagination of perfect sound.

The author is an experienced editor of audio magazine. He also created a thread in the forum of with the title: The best combination I've heard until now: Trafomatic audio Primavera headphone amplifier + Kennerton Thror
Mar 14, 2019 at 11:02 AM Post #2,083 of 10,273
Hello everyone, I just ordered my customized Thror with karelian birch. I'm from Taiwan and I could read Chinese. I could explain the article in brief.

The tube amp is Primavera, the product of Trafomatic audio. The author said the combination of Thror and Primavera is the best of the best among his collection. Some pictures in the article showed the head amplifiers and headphones he owned.

In conclusion, the author said: In my experience, the best sound still have some limits. The sound of the combination exceeds far from the perfect sound I could imagine. I never expect how good it is. I'm ashamed of my poor imagination of perfect sound.

The author is an experienced editor of audio magazine. He also created a thread in the forum of with the title: The best combination I've heard until now: Trafomatic audio Primavera headphone amplifier + Kennerton Thror

Thanks for the translation.

And congratulations on your order of a Kennerton Thror headphones wooden in Karelian birch: this headphones will be beautiful with a very great sound! :)

In France, many people are hesitant to buy this Kennerton Thror headphones versus Meze Empyrean, Focal utopia, LCD4, HE-1000 SE; but some of them should take the step to buy a Thror, because this headphones likes a lot.
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Mar 15, 2019 at 2:10 AM Post #2,085 of 10,273
Why choose though

"Why choose though"

Between an Odin mk2, a Thridi or a Thror?

or between a Meze Empyrean, a Focal Utopia, an Audeze LCD4, a Hifiman HE-1000 SE or a Thror?

For the first series of headphones, the young Milan will try to give us his answer, which of one or several of these three headphone planar Kennerton he prefers?

For my part, I would probably choose all three at once, all made of Karelia birch, the most beautiful wood for my taste.

But with which amplifier?

It is up to you to give us the answer in your future full review of the Kennerton Thror.

For the second series of headphones, it is also up to you to give us the answer in your future complete review of the Thror compared to other TOTL headphones on the market.

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