Apr 10, 2024 at 3:19 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 34


1000+ Head-Fier
Nov 28, 2019
It's finally here! The wait is over. I managed to stumble across this while going through the company's website: https://www.kaldasresearch.com/pages/inox

Almost 5 years have gone by since Kaldas Research entered the headphones industry with its RR1 Conquest open-back electrostatic headphones. At an asking price of $500, it shook up the electrostatic manufacturer market quite a bit. This is the headphone that so many of us fell in love with, it granted us a chance to experience the electrostatic "sound" without breaking the bank. To be fair, we weren't left starving for all this time, as Aumkar Chandan launched the CAL.1H under Altiat, a sister company to Kaldas Research, just about 2 years ago.

However, some of us have been hearing rumors and teasers of an upcoming headphone launch under Kaldas Research. Knowing Aumkar's passion and sheer dedication to breaking new grounds, especially those in in-house manufacturing, I knew it was going to be something spectacular. He established his technical ability to manufacture great-sounding headphones with the RR1 Conquest, and with the CAL.1H, he established that he can take manufacturing and design to the next level. A second product in Kaldas Research's portfolio is a big deal, and most of you know exactly why. Whatever headphone that came after the RR1 Conquest couldn't just be an improved and better-performing headphone; it had to be something worthy enough of carrying the Kaldas Research name whilst not taking away any value from the RR1 Conquest.

It is 2024 now and Kaldas Research just announced the upcoming release of INOX — the world's first commercially manufactured consumer closed-back electrostatic headphone (ain't that a mouthful, huh?). There appear to be many intriguing specifications and details about the INOX. Let's start off with the subjective: design. In my opinion, it achieves a similar sleek and futuristic design that the CAL.1H had, but with a more normal and tame appearance. As for the rest, I will update this thread once I read the entirety of the detailed description on Kaldas Research's website.

I will leave out the technical specifications and graphs. I hope someone with more knowledge in that field can post them here. However, I must say that it's in the technical specifications where INOX stands out the most. This is where its greatest achievements are at.

Ladies and gentlemen, you know the drill. This thread is a place where you can discuss the INOX and share your impressions. It's a free and open-minded space without any censorship or moderation from the manufacturer. With this said, take it away!

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Apr 10, 2024 at 5:39 AM Post #4 of 34
IIRC, the Stax Lambda 4070 was a closed back electrostatic from last century.
Apr 10, 2024 at 6:45 AM Post #5 of 34
IIRC, the Stax Lambda 4070 was a closed back electrostatic from last century.
I believe that who gets to claim the title is up for debate. Aumkar Chandan's focus with the INOX was to successfully create a closed-back electrostatic headphone, meaning its performance matches that of a "conventional" electrostatic headphone.

But I cannot speak in Aumkar's name. It would be great to hear his comments and opinion on this, as I'm sure there's significant value in it. The creation of the INOX was very much calculated, and I don't think that Aumkar would be throwing around the "world's first" for no reason.
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Apr 10, 2024 at 7:14 PM Post #6 of 34
Let's hear his response then, because at a superficial level, his statement is incorrect.
Apr 13, 2024 at 2:24 PM Post #7 of 34
IIRC, the Stax Lambda 4070 was a closed back electrostatic from last century.
I'm pretty sure the marketing hook here is that it's the first closed-back e-stat designed and intended for 'the consumer masses' whereas the 4070 was specifically targeted at studio-use only.
Its semantics but still an important distinction for some people.

Personally I'm very hyped.
Two of my favourite headphones of all time have come out of India, and I'm fully expecting a hat-trick!


After hearing the magic of the RR1, if Aumkar says the INOX has Harman compliance, I can believe it.
(As seen on the Kaldas Instagram announcement)

All true e-stat-heads should probably pay some VERY close attention to this.
Personally I think the design is once again totally on-point.
Also the most 'grown up' design so far.
From the tech specs I've seen online so far, it's probably got a sound to match.

Hoping to audition these at CanJam London if I can make it this year.

Jun 24, 2024 at 11:38 AM Post #8 of 34
saw this from my guy's web page
- INOX (World's First Audiophile Closed E-Stat!)
and that kinda make sense since I've tried wearing 4070's corpse once , probably doesn't make for human ears.

really looking forward to this one. closed back electrostatics mean I don't have to use and store them in vacuum anymore.
Jun 24, 2024 at 5:01 PM Post #10 of 34
Jun 25, 2024 at 12:56 AM Post #12 of 34
Let's hear his response then, because at a superficial level, his statement is incorrect.
Hello Sir,

Apologies for the delayed response. In our press-release a few months ago we have mentioned the SR-4070 as well as the ESP-900. The former was built on the Lambda platform to capitalize on the lucrative Broadcasting home market which was being enjoyed by Sony and the latter was built for MRI applications. None built for the specific purpose of listening to music. I am the biggest STAX fan out there and know a few people at the factory as well, and myself own a few historically significant STAX models like the SR-1. Hope this clears it and doesn't require further explication.
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