K702 budget amp
Nov 18, 2010 at 9:16 AM Post #16 of 35

I know~!
The combo really does make my 701's sing. I've paired them with the Blue Circle HPT, Heed canamp, and LD MK IV SE. Of the 4 pairings, the e7/e9 sounded the best to my ears, especially in tonal balance and amazing timbre to almost every good instrumental recording in my humble catalog. Although soundstage has always been a plus with the 701's, it was more evident to me with the e7/e9. I no longer own the canamp unfortunately.
I know there are plenty of other amps out there that may pair just as well (and cost much more than I can reasonably afford), but from my listening experiences with the K701's, this  was the most enjoyable for me.

It sounds like you prefer the E7+E9 to the Little Dot MK IV. Is this true?
I typically listen to Radiohead, Black Keys, Gorillaz etc...
I don't which type of amplifier fits best with this music (and a K702) Thoughts?
Nov 18, 2010 at 9:25 AM Post #17 of 35
A hybrid in your budget should get you the best sound. A tube in the circuit helps round the sound out (meaning it softens digital harshness) which cuts down on fatigue during long listening sessions. IMO
Nov 18, 2010 at 9:59 AM Post #18 of 35
Suggestions on a hybrid then?
Nov 18, 2010 at 10:04 AM Post #19 of 35
I wish I could just put a tube in between DAC and E9. Is that possible?
Nov 18, 2010 at 9:19 PM Post #20 of 35
I have been using the Creek OBH 11 for the last six  months with my AKG 702's and it sounds really nice for the price. I picked it up  on EBAY for $80.00. I was using a Musical Fidelity x-Can amp until it broke down on me.
The two amps sound amazingly similar.
Nov 18, 2010 at 9:31 PM Post #21 of 35

Suggestions on a hybrid then?

I don't have it yet, but I just purchased a used Head Direct EF1 to pair with my newly ordered AKG 702 cans. I will be purchasing a 60's NOS Mullard 12AU7 for the EF1 tomorrow when I purchase some 6DJ8's to re-tube my preamp. We'll see how this combination works!
Nov 20, 2010 at 12:46 AM Post #23 of 35

I don't have it yet, but I just purchased a used Head Direct EF1 to pair with my newly ordered AKG 702 cans. I will be purchasing a 60's NOS Mullard 12AU7 for the EF1 tomorrow when I purchase some 6DJ8's to re-tube my preamp. We'll see how this combination works!

Curious as to why you chose 702s?  What other headphones do you have?
Nov 20, 2010 at 8:47 AM Post #24 of 35
I picked the K702s because they're super comfy and cheap. My next best bet was a pair of HD650s but they're $425. The K702s were $260.
Nov 20, 2010 at 3:29 PM Post #25 of 35
I own Grado 80's and have previously owned the Sennheiser 600's.
I don't have it yet, but I just purchased a used Head Direct EF1 to pair with my newly ordered AKG 702 cans. I will be purchasing a 60's NOS Mullard 12AU7 for the EF1 tomorrow when I purchase some 6DJ8's to re-tube my preamp. We'll see how this combination works!

Curious as to why you chose 702s?  What other headphones do you have?

Nov 20, 2010 at 10:11 PM Post #26 of 35
Check out the Schiit Vahalla Tube Headphone Amp. It was voiced with the AKG 701 as well as several other AKG models. It sounds superb. Best of all, it's made in the USA with high quality parts and comes with a 5 year warranty and a 15 day return policy with a full refund. Check it out here on Head-Fi.
Nov 21, 2010 at 7:52 AM Post #27 of 35
Wow! that thing looks nice.
And it was tuned to the K701?
Nov 21, 2010 at 4:09 PM Post #29 of 35
The sound has a warmth and extra body that I find quite enticing. I'm also using the Schitt Asgard Amp, which is a solid state design and also sounds superb. Compared to the Vahalla, the Asgard has tighter bass and slightly more detail in the treble. The Vahalla gives the mid-range a little extra body and a fuller bass, just not quite as tight sounding as the solid state Asgard. The Asgard is $100 cheaper with the same warranty. You can read how the Schiit products were voiced by checking out the Vahalla on their web site and look under FAQ.
Either Amp is fantastic and a tremendous bargain.  Both were recently reviewed by Steve Guttenburg on the Audiophiliac  website. Both recieved glowing reviews. They both are perfect matches for the AKG 701/702.
Nov 21, 2010 at 9:04 PM Post #30 of 35
The E7+E9 is my current amp, but I really want to get a tube.
I've never heard a tube, but I think I would like the sound. Is there any way to add a software "tube effect" just to get an idea of what one sounds like?

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