K701 with no Amp
Nov 1, 2009 at 10:45 PM Post #31 of 46

Originally Posted by dexter3d /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am k701 owner, and currently I use them connected directly to my RME DIGI 96/8PST sound card. There is enough volume, but sometimes I feel that I am not hearing all the bass that is in the recordings, especially in the lowest register. I am considering buying Shanling P100, but RME analog out would be that same 1/4 headphone jack (because there is no other). Is my RME going to bottleneck the chain?

I would really like to get more lows. Now everything seems very nice, just kick drum has no realistic sound, and slap bass sounds like s**t.

Yes, you will need more power to bring the sound up.
Nov 1, 2009 at 10:54 PM Post #32 of 46

Originally Posted by Acix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, you will need more power to bring the sound up.

So I shouldn't worry about this 'bottlenecking' and just get myself an amp for my RME analog line out?
Nov 1, 2009 at 11:32 PM Post #33 of 46

Originally Posted by dexter3d /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am k701 owner, and currently I use them connected directly to my RME DIGI 96/8PST sound card. There is enough volume, but sometimes I feel that I am not hearing all the bass that is in the recordings, especially in the lowest register. I am considering buying Shanling P100, but RME analog out would be that same 1/4 headphone jack (because there is no other). Is my RME going to bottleneck the chain?

I would really like to get more lows. Now everything seems very nice, just kick drum has no realistic sound, and slap bass sounds like s**t.

I've got a few sound cards, among them a modded DIGI96/8 PST. IMO, this AD1852-based card sounds decent as a source; however, I've also found it a bit thin when driving my K702s directly... and mine is modded with an AD8397 on the output, so it has a lot more output driving capacity than the stock NJM4580 unit. Generally, I've used the foobar EQ to beef up the lows slightly. FWIW, I think that the headphone output on my modded Echo Gina24 sounds better/more full.... though the RME remains a comparable source, IMO.
Nov 1, 2009 at 11:43 PM Post #34 of 46
I've heard that the K701 has great synergy with the Heed Canamp. I just bought a canamp off the FS forums but it hasn't arrived yet so I can't verify what I've heard.
Nov 2, 2009 at 11:20 AM Post #36 of 46
I'm listening to K701 out of the TC7520 DAC right now and that's... painful. As for now, I'd rather listen to my CAL!, than K701, gotta buy an amp for sure.
Nov 2, 2009 at 11:51 AM Post #37 of 46
When i went from my HD555's + onboard sound to my K701's + 3move there was definitely an improvement with detail and sound stage but... for sure there wasn't enough power (realised when i got my Shanling PH100, although i think the Shanling may be insufficient still.. have yet to test other equipment). Either that or i just don't like it's sound signiature
. Didn't like the HD650 when i tested it (although a less-than-minute test.. felt the bass was a bit muddy.. gunna have a proper listen sometime in the future).
Nov 2, 2009 at 3:00 PM Post #38 of 46
My K701 with a Yamaha A1 with a Bass Extension ON and EQ Bass at max, sounds excellent, great soundstage, very good bass and a little bit harsh at the top.
I still choose the Denon D7000.
Nov 2, 2009 at 5:16 PM Post #39 of 46

Originally Posted by Commanderloochy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've heard that the K701 has great synergy with the Heed Canamp. I just bought a canamp off the FS forums but it hasn't arrived yet so I can't verify what I've heard.

I predict you will be happy!
Nov 2, 2009 at 9:57 PM Post #40 of 46

Originally Posted by dexter3d /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So I shouldn't worry about this 'bottlenecking' and just get myself an amp for my RME analog line out?

Right, and try some a solid state amps.
Nov 3, 2009 at 12:48 PM Post #41 of 46
After having some reliability problems with the headphone output on my Gina24 (volume pot is flakey), I'm back to using the DIGI96/8 PST to drive my K702s. Tonight I added a couple of 22 µF Panasonic FM electrolytics in parallel with the 0.1 µF ceramics on the power pins of the AD8397 in the output section. This is to ensure stability and to provide a power reservoir to the op amp for transients.

Anyway, my subjective perception is that the RME card sounds pretty good driving the K702s. Volume is generally more than adequate with modern recordings, though it might be a little low if the source is particularly quiet. Still might be a bit thinner sounding than the Gina, however....
Nov 3, 2009 at 5:25 PM Post #43 of 46

Originally Posted by Arctia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
ars. My question is how much would sound improve by getting an amp so I can drop the feeding volume. Right now, I simply don't feel an amp is necessary.

While waiting for my new DAC, I listen to K701 plugged directly into MacBook Pro. The difference between K701 powered by Heed CanAmp and Mac sound card is very big. Without headamp the music is flat, grey, emotionless (probably due to poor dynamic). Details are hidden, instrument separation is worse.. It's listenable, but comparing to CanAmp - it's like a KFC crispy chicken comparing to French cuisine.
Nov 3, 2009 at 8:08 PM Post #44 of 46

I have had the 701 twice. The first time it wasn't fully burned in and this pair that has many hours on them. I've used them straight out of my iPod and out of the computer. I've used 4 different amps. The Headroom Total Airhead, Headamp AE-1, Headroom Micro Amp (a/c version), and the iBasso D2+ Boa. Amped using both the iPod and (with the iBasso dac/amp) out of my computer. All of my music is in the .wav format.

Without a doubt, I believe, the 701 is far better with an amp than compared to using it directly straight from the source. If I listen to the 701 out of the source, they sound good. BUT, when using the amp the headphone sounds superior. In every way. The dynamics, soundstage, and overall sound is better when amped. So much better that I can't listen to the 701 without an amp.

The 701 needs an amp. Why get such a 'phone and not let it show it's full potential?



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