K701, non-toilet edition?...
Jan 11, 2006 at 12:01 PM Post #61 of 88

Originally Posted by Comfy
I find it rather offensive to read these toilet comparisons around here, especially having just ordered a shiny new pair of white K701s. Headphones are still for listening, not so much for looking at them, so I don't really understand the point in this bashing. Is it that the HD-650 people need something they can mock about these phones, as sonically they seem to better the Senn flagship?

I agree with your overall point. I think it's cool that they chose a different look. But your tinfoil hat needs adjusting.
Senn folk are not the main bashers of the 701. Some of the 701 owners themselves seem to be taking part in criticizing the look, as is apparent from this thread. Nor is it certain that "sonically they seem to better the Senn flagship." But I'm guessing you were tongue-in-cheek about the HD650 envy. And c'mon...I don't really care about the status of these headphones, but whenever I see pictures of them, they remind me of bathroom fittings and old white enamel crockery.
Jan 11, 2006 at 12:08 PM Post #62 of 88

Originally Posted by jagorev
I agree with your overall point. I think it's cool that they chose a different look. But your tinfoil hat needs adjusting.
Senn folk are not the main bashers of the 701. Some of the 701 owners themselves seem to be taking part in criticizing the look, as is apparent from this thread. Nor is it certain that "sonically they seem to better the Senn flagship." But I'm guessing you were tongue-in-cheek about the HD650 envy. And c'mon...I don't really care about the status of these headphones, but whenever I see pictures of them, they remind me of bathroom fittings and old white enamel crockery.

Old white enamel rocks.
Jan 11, 2006 at 2:02 PM Post #63 of 88
one problem may also be, that the K701 looks much better on the marketing pictures than in reality -> so this can lead to some disappointment
Jan 11, 2006 at 2:03 PM Post #64 of 88

Originally Posted by swt61
Larry do you see the dust on the bottom of the headphone stand Of Philodox's? Tsk Tsk!

Actually, someone else at the Hamilton meet brought that stand...

I usually just hang them on my equipment rack.
Jan 11, 2006 at 2:36 PM Post #65 of 88

Originally Posted by philodox
I usually just hang them on my equipment rack.

...oh, I can see your "equipment rack" in your avatar

Keeps itself clean! Good choice


Originally Posted by Cris
one problem may also be, that the K701 looks much better on the marketing pictures than in reality -> so this can lead to some disappointment

That's exactly what I guess happens most of the time when ordering a pair before actually seeing them "live"
Jan 11, 2006 at 2:40 PM Post #66 of 88

Originally Posted by leofahrer
oh, I can see your "equipment rack" in your avatar

Keeps itself clean! Good choice

LOL... that is my old pair which xandx1 owns now. I haven't had a chance to get a picture with the bumbacat wearing my new pair yet.
Jan 11, 2006 at 2:50 PM Post #67 of 88

Originally Posted by philodox
LOL... that is my old pair which xandx1 owns now. I haven't had a chance to get a picture with the bumbacat wearing my new pair yet.

...there always has to be a disadvantage - it keeps itself clean, but you don't always know where it is and sometimes have difficulties in catching it to get your cans
Jan 11, 2006 at 3:26 PM Post #68 of 88
I like headphones that give a black background and can't stand listening to white noise, so I'm sure these mods will imporve the sound of the K701's substantially.
Jan 11, 2006 at 3:27 PM Post #69 of 88

Originally Posted by Romanee
Ahhhh. Maybe a nice "TRON" color scheme?......


or perhaps a 701 with that lovely LIQUID sound look?.......


[size=medium]Hey vo328!!! Swiped the avatar I created, eh?![/size]

Believe it or not, actually, no.
I took the image from AKG's site and using Photoshop, cropped what I liked from it. I actually compared yours with mine a minute back, and you'll see there is indeed a difference. Look closely.

Jan 11, 2006 at 3:30 PM Post #70 of 88

Originally Posted by Romanee
Ohhh … okay. Spoiled my fun.

Mine's not lower quality exactly … I saved some "detail" to retain a bit of the screen look … otherwise it gets smoothed out. Who can tell at that size, anyway? (Don't care for the psychedelic look, huh?)

Well, we both have good taste in avatars.
Jan 12, 2006 at 1:02 AM Post #71 of 88

Originally Posted by philodox
Actually, someone else at the Hamilton meet brought that stand...

I usually just hang them on my equipment rack.

LOL. I should have known better!
Jan 12, 2006 at 1:17 AM Post #72 of 88

Originally Posted by philodox
LOL... that is my old pair which xandx1 owns now. I haven't had a chance to get a picture with the bumbacat wearing my new pair yet.

Once you do, I may need that avatar of yours for archival purposes. hehe.
Jan 12, 2006 at 1:26 AM Post #73 of 88

Originally Posted by Cris
one problem may also be, that the K701 looks much better on the marketing pictures than in reality -> so this can lead to some disappointment

I completely agree, they look sweet on this page:


In fact the outer grill looks silver-grey in that picture and I think that makes the phones look very good. In fact it just looks like the whole outer rim is grey and only the center ring is white plastic. I wish the phones in real life looked like they do in that picture.
Jan 14, 2006 at 5:47 AM Post #74 of 88
Has anyone tried painting the grill grey?
Jan 14, 2006 at 6:05 AM Post #75 of 88

Originally Posted by sxr71
Has anyone tried painting the grill grey?

Larry is the only one *nuts* enough to have even tried to take the K701's apart. Per his post in this thread, he can paint them any color you might choose. However, he's not convinced (at the moment) that it would make sense to offer this type of mod service because he estimates that even if he were to be able to get the process down to a science, it would take 3 hours to take apart and put back together EACH of the earcups (and 5 minutes to paint the grills)! So with 6 hours of labor (at minimum), I'm sure it wouldn't be terribly cheap. And with zillions of tiny parts to remove and replace, it doesn't sound like something I'd like to try at home.

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