K401, K501, K701
Jan 15, 2009 at 12:17 AM Post #16 of 49
I like the K501 the best with its huge soundstage, clarity, and sparkle. The K601 is pretty nice too, smooth, a little darker, and warmer. The K701 is a bit more resolving, but tends to be very analytical. All of these headphones will need a nice beefy amp to drive properly.
Jan 15, 2009 at 1:40 AM Post #18 of 49

Originally Posted by scompton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K501's bass problems go away with K601 pads and supposedly with K701 pads, but I haven't tried that.

Good point, I forgot about that. I didn't like the extra bass for the K501 with K701 pads though. It sounded muddy to me.
Jan 15, 2009 at 9:13 AM Post #19 of 49
Don't forget the K-400
normal_smile .gif
Feb 6, 2009 at 9:12 AM Post #21 of 49

Originally Posted by Xan7hos /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Where can I purchase K501s?

They are out of production.
You're best luck finding one is Ebay or the For Sale forum here.
Feb 6, 2009 at 1:25 PM Post #22 of 49
I've really only heard the K501 and K701, and came to strongly prefer the K501 due to their seamless midrange and wonderfully coherent presentation overall. Having said that, the K501 do give up some bass response to the K701, but not enough to change my decided preference. The UP-OCC solid silver recable on the K501 simply add to their wonderful coherency and bring an equally wonderful tonal purity to the sound.

I currently own the K240/sextett/MP, too. The sextetts are very liquidy, warm, weighty and musical.
Feb 6, 2009 at 5:05 PM Post #25 of 49

Originally Posted by scompton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They both have the great AKG mid range. The Sextett has more bass and the K501 has much more sound stage.

What he said!

The K501 sound more open and unbounded than the K240. I would also submit that the K501's midrange is arguably "cleaner" than the K240's, but [the K501] lack the liquidy warmth of the K240.

There's something quite alluring and satisfying about the K240 in their own right: they [the K240] seem to have "just enough of everything" that you want in a musical listening experience. God willing, I will ask Fitz to screen-mod and recable the pair I currently have. : )
Feb 6, 2009 at 5:07 PM Post #26 of 49

Originally Posted by jellojoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good point, I forgot about that. I didn't like the extra bass for the K501 with K701 pads though. It sounded muddy to me.

That was my experience with the K701 pads on the K501, too. They made the K501 sound honky and muffled in the lower midrange.
Feb 8, 2009 at 7:05 PM Post #27 of 49
I have three AKG phones: k501, k240m and sextett. Each has its purpose.
The k501 is my first choice for an absolutely perfect recording, where its abilty to put me in the middle of a giant soundstage is thrilling. That said, it is less forgiving and on a less then perfect recording, I prefer the Sextett or the 240m. Each of those seems just a tad less revealing and with an upper bass warmth.

I honestly can't pick a favorite. It depends upon the recording and maybe the amp and the DAC. I use all three amped. Curiously, the k501's sound more forgiving when powered from any of my portable CD players. Perhaps it's just an illusion or maybe one or more of them has some sort of accidental impedance synergy. I similarly found this to be true with my Beyer DT990 (600 ohm) phones.
Feb 8, 2009 at 7:47 PM Post #28 of 49
I'm curious when you'd pick the K240M over the Sextett, because I don't think I ever would. I've been thinking of selling my K240M because I haven't listened to it for over a year.
Feb 8, 2009 at 8:00 PM Post #29 of 49

Originally Posted by scompton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm curious when you'd pick the K240M over the Sextett, because I don't think I ever would. I've been thinking of selling my K240M because I haven't listened to it for over a year.

I'm not sure who you're asking since you didn't quote my email, but since mine is last in sequence before yours, I did not pick the 240M over the Sextett. I don't think I would either. I own both, and I haven't done deep A-B comparisons between them. They both sound more similar than say a k501 and either. In fact, isn't a 240M a later (simpler) variation on the Sextett?

Sorry for any confusion reading my post, if mine's the one you're refering to. Again, I think the k501 is my favorite for the best recording; anything else I prefer a Sextett or 240M.
Feb 8, 2009 at 8:26 PM Post #30 of 49

Originally Posted by Kevin Sinnott /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm not sure who you're asking since you didn't quote my email, but since mine is last in sequence before yours, I did not pick the 240M over the Sextett. I don't think I would either. I own both, and I haven't done deep A-B comparisons between them. They both sound more similar than say a k501 and either. In fact, isn't a 240M a later (simpler) variation on the Sextett?

Sorry for any confusion reading my post, if mine's the one you're refering to. Again, I think the k501 is my favorite for the best recording; anything else I prefer a Sextett or 240M.

I'll quote you this time

In your previous post you said


on a less then perfect recording, I prefer the Sextett or the 240m

and I was curious when you'd pick the 240M over the Sextett. I'll admit that they sound similar, as does the K260 that I own, but I prefer the Sextett. The main difference between the Sextett and the K240M is the passive radiators in the Sextett.

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