JVC HA-SZ2000/1000 Impressions Thread
Feb 22, 2017 at 10:00 PM Post #3,976 of 4,826
  The problem with the O2 is that I'm currently with his maximum gain and at the maximum of his volume knob with "only" -15 db on EqualizerAPO. If I boost the bass more I must decrease the pre-amp and I will not ear "anything" 

That doesn't sound right. My Chord Mojo outputs up to 600 mW at 32 ohms and 720 mW at 8 ohms. That's roughly the same as the O2. I can boost the bass by very extreme amounts (20 to 30 dB), reduce the gain in foobar2000 by that amount, increase the volume to whatever I like, and not come close to pushing its limits. Which DAC are you using to connect to your O2 amp? It may be possible that the output voltage of your DAC is limiting how loud the amp can get.
Feb 22, 2017 at 10:47 PM Post #3,978 of 4,826
Hello everyone, enjoy them JVC's, for they will dominate your life, consume you they will, as did all who came before it. The shroud of the sub bass has fallen, begun the world of head shaking. :) Welcome to the JVC SZ series, they will really whip that lamas a**
Feb 23, 2017 at 5:38 AM Post #3,979 of 4,826
That doesn't sound right. My Chord Mojo outputs up to 600 mW at 32 ohms and 720 mW at 8 ohms. That's roughly the same as the O2. I can boost the bass by very extreme amounts (20 to 30 dB), reduce the gain in foobar2000 by that amount, increase the volume to whatever I like, and not come close to pushing its limits. Which DAC are you using to connect to your O2 amp? It may be possible that the output voltage of your DAC is limiting how loud the amp can get.

I'm using the amplified headphone output of my Asus Xonar U7, but I also tried the standard output.
Feb 23, 2017 at 9:08 AM Post #3,980 of 4,826
Hello :)

I'm using the HA-SZ1000 since 1 month with a Xonar U7 and an Objective 2.

This is my EqualizerAPO config file:

I also bought the 55X pads, but I've not received them yet.

Bass with this headphones are great (I'm usually listen to really low frequencies <35 Hz), but I feel like there is no enough power with the Objective 2. Am I wrong?

I also tried the paper test with a lot of songs, even bass test, and the paper can't move.

It's because of the amplifier or because of the stock pads?

Excuse me for my imperfect english.

I haven't tried my O2 with this setup because I use my phones in balanced mode with a PHA-3 on high gain. There is a 24db loss of sound in that eq so you need to have an amp that can drive these cans 4 times louder than normal. I belive the O2 has a standard 2v out whereas high gain amps can reach 6v, but you have to check the specs to know exactly what the output will be.
Feb 23, 2017 at 10:40 AM Post #3,981 of 4,826
  I'm using the amplified headphone output of my Asus Xonar U7, but I also tried the standard output.

I used to connect the headphone outputs of my laptop directly to amps, and it severely limited the available volume. Get a DAC with a decent output voltage and you should have more than enough. Or you could get a DAC/amp.
Feb 23, 2017 at 12:54 PM Post #3,982 of 4,826
Which is the BEST amp that you can buy for the 1k or for the 2k?


There is no such thing as best, as we all hear different.  But if you go through this thread, you'll find the Cayin, Fiio, IFI, Mojo being used a lot with these headphones.  
Just remember that any Amplifier is only as good as it's power supply.  Power requirement to push lower frequencies(60hz and below) are far greater than pushing 1kHz. 
Feb 23, 2017 at 1:00 PM Post #3,983 of 4,826
I haven't tried my O2 with this setup because I use my phones in balanced mode with a PHA-3 on high gain. There is a 24db loss of sound in that eq so you need to have an amp that can drive these cans 4 times louder than normal. I belive the O2 has a standard 2v out whereas high gain amps can reach 6v, but you have to check the specs to know exactly what the output will be.

I used to connect the headphone outputs of my laptop directly to amps, and it severely limited the available volume. Get a DAC with a decent output voltage and you should have more than enough. Or you could get a DAC/amp.

I'm using the Objective 2 @ 6.5x gain and the U7 output is setted to the maximum gain that should be Headphone) 1.3Vrms (3.677 Vp-p) (specified by an online review). Are you sure that it's not enough for the O2?
Feb 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM Post #3,984 of 4,826
  I'm using the Objective 2 @ 6.5x gain and the U7 output is setted to the maximum gain that should be Headphone) 1.3Vrms (3.677 Vp-p) (specified by an online review). Are you sure that it's not enough for the O2?

Most DACs will give you two or three volts output to the amp, which is significant. You say that you're not getting nearly enough volume from an amp that has about the same power as mine, so I'd say the 1.3 volts is not enough.
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:28 PM Post #3,985 of 4,826
If you have an amp which comes with a DC power supply that supplies 12 volts, and say the PSU only supplies 1 amp. Get yourself a notebook PSU that is 12 volts at 6 amps, and watch that amp fly like the wind in power output. It will be strong however so you gotta be careful not to turn up too high and blow your drivers lol. The JVC SZ series has a power limit of 1.5 watts. If you turn it up to even 800mw, that is enough to kill your hearing so be responsible. :p
Feb 24, 2017 at 10:29 PM Post #3,986 of 4,826
  If you have an amp which comes with a DC power supply that supplies 12 volts, and say the PSU only supplies 1 amp. Get yourself a notebook PSU that is 12 volts at 6 amps, and watch that amp fly like the wind in power output. It will be strong however so you gotta be careful not to turn up too high and blow your drivers lol. The JVC SZ series has a power limit of 1.5 watts. If you turn it up to even 800mw, that is enough to kill your hearing so be responsible. :p

My O2 has a power supply of 15V 0.5A. Should I buy one with 15V and 1A? Do I will notice power differences? Is not the amplifier limited internally?

Anyway If I switch from the Xonar U7 to a DAC such as the ODAC, will I notice any differences? 
Thank you :)
Feb 24, 2017 at 11:02 PM Post #3,987 of 4,826
I will give you an example, there is a Chinese brand of amp called a Lepai, its actually pretty popular in the Chinese world as far as small amps go. Well, these amps are rated to do 20 - 30 watts, but in actuality barely pump out 10 watts with the included adapter. This is one of those times where Zeo's is actually helpful fellas. On his channel he was testing one of those Lepai's, I think the included adapter was only 1-amp. So he got a notebook PSU which as you know is a small brick, and it outputs 6-amps. The amp all the sudden had the power to blow many types of speakers, and power some insane hard to drive speakers. The amp got so loud that it was killing his hearing HAHA. So the point is, the more power you supply an amp, the more power it can use if need be.
Do I think 1 amp will make much a difference to your 0.5? Nope. But would 4 to 6 amps make a difference? Hell yes! :D
Feb 24, 2017 at 11:12 PM Post #3,988 of 4,826
  I will give you an example, there is a Chinese brand of amp called a Lepai, its actually pretty popular in the Chinese world as far as small amps go. Well, these amps are rated to do 20 - 30 watts, but in actuality barely pump out 10 watts with the included adapter. This is one of those times where Zeo's is actually helpful fellas. On his channel he was testing one of those Lepai's, I think the included adapter was only 1-amp. So he got a notebook PSU which as you know is a small brick, and it outputs 6-amps. The amp all the sudden had the power to blow many types of speakers, and power some insane hard to drive speakers. The amp got so loud that it was killing his hearing HAHA. So the point is, the more power you supply an amp, the more power it can use if need be.
Do I think 1 amp will make much a difference to your 0.5? Nope. But would 4 to 6 amps make a difference? Hell yes! :D

I used to drive an electret (variation of electrostatic) system with a Lepai LP-2020A+ speaker amp and an electret converter. I compared it to an entry-level electrostatic amp and heard no difference, so that's impressive in its own way. Never hooked up the right connections to drive conventional headphones with it. It would be interesting to drive the SZ2000 from a speaker amp! But obviously, the listed power ratings are for speaker impedances, like 4 or 8 ohms. Most headphones have far higher impedance, and many (if not most) speaker amps output less power than many headphone amps do at the impedances of typical headphones. The 16 ohm impedance of the SZ2000 makes things more interesting since there you can tap into more power with headphones than you normally could when using a speaker amp.
Feb 24, 2017 at 11:34 PM Post #3,989 of 4,826
I used to drive an electret (variation of electrostatic) system with a Lepai LP-2020A+ speaker amp and an electret converter. I compared it to an entry-level electrostatic amp and heard no difference, so that's impressive in its own way. Never hooked up the right connections to drive conventional headphones with it. It would be interesting to drive the SZ2000 from a speaker amp! But obviously, the listed power ratings are for speaker impedances, like 4 or 8 ohms. Most headphones have far higher impedance, and many (if not most) speaker amps output less power than many headphone amps do at the impedances of typical headphones. The 16 ohm impedance of the SZ2000 makes things more interesting since there you can tap into more power with headphones than you normally could when using a speaker amp.

I hope you ran that 2020a+ with a 3a or higher power supply? Have you ever tried replacing the power caps in it with non-no name ones? Amazing really if you haven't.
Feb 24, 2017 at 11:46 PM Post #3,990 of 4,826
  I hope you ran that 2020a+ with a 3a or higher power supply? Have you ever tried replacing the power caps in it with non-no name ones? Amazing really if you haven't.

I got a used one, but I believe everything was stock. It was just something cheap to be able to use a certain system; nothing serious.
But like I mentioned, I later compared it to a much fancier out-of-production amp that has an identical circuit to an in-production amp that originally retailed for $450, and there was no audible difference—and this is with ultra-transparent headphones—so that's something.

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