JVC HA-SZ2000/1000 Impressions Thread
Feb 8, 2017 at 10:07 PM Post #3,841 of 4,826
  Ya I was going to ask you how you liked that isolation in them cans Vapman. A lot of people only think about comfort and sound quality, but something that also helps with sound, is not hearing the family squables outside the door while your trying to listen to your music.
"MOM, suzy stole my doll!" "No I didn't!" "Yes she did!" "Oh shutup!" :D
Thank god for the isolation ha? LOL

Yet another reason I'm glad I chose the path of solitude and isolation...for now. ^‿^
(But really, if you're listening at loud volume, only the loudest external noises are audible anyway, even with open headphones.)
Feb 9, 2017 at 12:03 AM Post #3,842 of 4,826
I just got my set of SZ2000's today and I've been giving 'em a go for the last little while through a Cayin C5. I'm loving the bonus face massage that comes every time the bass drops. My ultra-technical first impression of the cans after just a few hours: Day-yum. 

Feb 9, 2017 at 12:05 AM Post #3,843 of 4,826
  I just got my set of SZ2000's today and I've been giving 'em a go for the last little while through a Cayin C5. I'm loving the bonus face massage that comes every time the bass drops. My ultra-technical first impression of the cans after just a few hours: Day-yum. 

Welcome to basshead nirvana!
Feb 9, 2017 at 12:18 AM Post #3,845 of 4,826
DMG EQuilibirum is the nicest, but also costs over $200.

Electri-Q and EasyQ are similar in that you can create (seemingly) endless bands.

Equalizer APO can apply system-wide EQ. (The VST ones can as well with a plugin.) With the PEACE GUI you can have a graphical interface. Although it's parametric, it looks like a graphic equalizer, and it's not the type of interface I like. It's a little buggy too. Last time I installed an update for it, it messed with my computer and I couldn't even get any audio, so I uninstalled it and had to go into options and reconfigure things to get the audio to even work again. lol

ToneBoosters and ReaEQ only have a few options to manipulate and are not recommended for beginners.

Actually, if you're a beginner, just mess around with a graphic equalizer like this one to get a feel for things.

To use the VST parametric equalizers in foobar2000, you'll need a VST wrapper like this one.

Edit: All in all, I'd say EasyQ has the best combination of no cost, good features, and ease of use. You can download it here: http://rs-met.com/freebies.html

That's very informartive. Would be nice to have a screenshot of your EQ settings for optimum bass specially if you're using APO.
Feb 9, 2017 at 8:25 AM Post #3,846 of 4,826
That's very informartive. Would be nice to have a screenshot of your EQ settings for optimum bass specially if you're using APO.

I'm continually improving them. Here is an example: http://cdn.head-fi.org/4/48/4826c4ef_EQ20170125.png
Those settings are interesting, but have problems. My ultimate goal is to have crazy bass and an otherwise balanced sound.
Feb 9, 2017 at 12:12 PM Post #3,847 of 4,826
I'm continually improving them. Here is an example: http://cdn.head-fi.org/4/48/4826c4ef_EQ20170125.png

Those settings are interesting, but have problems. My ultimate goal is to have crazy bass and an otherwise balanced sound.

That certainly looks bassy and somewhat "exotic". I'm using APO so I'll try to apply that into it and see what happens. I'v been through one disappointment and a series of pleasent surprises with these monsters :)
Feb 9, 2017 at 12:19 PM Post #3,848 of 4,826
That certainly looks bassy and somewhat "exotic". I'm using APO so I'll try to apply that into it and see what happens. I'v been through one disappointment and a series of pleasent surprises with these monsters

The basic concept is pretty simple, but implementing it is tricky: boost the bass to however much you want, then cut down some of the upper bass and adjust the mids and treble to make them sound more natural. I plan on bringing up the mids more and perhaps cutting down some of the treble.
Feb 9, 2017 at 12:30 PM Post #3,849 of 4,826
I ordered the Schiit Stack with the Modi 2 Uber / Vali 2 and it just wasn't enough for the SZ2k's, so I bought an iFi Micro iDSD and sweet baby Jesus on Turbo with X bass on I think I dislodged some teeth. The iFi is pure insanity with the JVC. :basshead:

I'm sure you will be pleased with result. Using the Fiio E12 was a game changer after relying on the E5 alone. The second major change came along with system-wide equalizers such as APO. It turns out the eq on E5 cost me loads of time and effort, and had me bear uncessary grudge against those mighty cans.
Feb 9, 2017 at 12:58 PM Post #3,850 of 4,826
The basic concept is pretty simple, but implementing it is tricky: boost the bass to however much you want, then cut down some of the upper bass and adjust the mids and treble to make them sound more natural. I plan on bringing up the mids more and perhaps cutting down some of the treble.

It's not so simple for rookies such as myself. Say, If I have enough "rumble" but the "punch" doesn't slam hard enough. How can increase the power of the punch eq-wise? I hope I'm making sense, lol.
Feb 9, 2017 at 1:20 PM Post #3,851 of 4,826
I ordered the Schiit Stack with the Modi 2 Uber / Vali 2 and it just wasn't enough for the SZ2k's, so I bought an iFi Micro iDSD and sweet baby Jesus on Turbo with X bass on I think I dislodged some teeth. The iFi is pure insanity with the JVC. 

I'm sure you will be pleased with result. Using the Fiio E12 was a game changer after relying on the E5 alone. The second major change came along with system-wide equalizers such as APO. It turns out the eq on E5 cost me loads of time and effort, and had me bear uncessary grudge against those mighty cans.

Yeah, I thought I'd found the best the JVC could do with the E5. Then Vapman said "Dude, get a better damn amp!" (Paraphrasing of course, lol), so I got the Nobsound tube amp and it was a major change. Then like all bassheads, I needed mooooooore! I ordered up that Schiit Stack with the tube amp and it wasn't that much different from my laptop's on-board DAC to the Nobsound. But with the iFi Micro iDSD in Turbo mode with X Bass its flippin' transformative. I also switched back to using EqualizerAPO when I stopped using my E5. I've been having a blast playing with the EQ to see where either I quit or the SZ2k quit. So far, they have won every time, lol.
Feb 9, 2017 at 1:31 PM Post #3,852 of 4,826
  It's not so simple for rookies such as myself. Say, If I have enough "rumble" but the "punch" doesn't slam hard enough. How can increase the power of the punch eq-wise? I hope I'm making sense, lol.

I'm assuming you're using a good amp and reducing the gain in your player by at least the amount of your largest boost/cut. Without those two things, you're dead in the water. It will also help if you have 55X/77X pads.
What you want to do is experiment with different areas of the bass. You can start with boosting everything under 80 Hz. See if 10 dB or so is enough for you. If not, keep cranking it to somewhere between 20 and 30. The more you emphasize the bass, the more rumble and punch you will get, but you do sacrifice sound quality in return. (It pretty much covers up the articulation and detail in the bass.) You can reduce the upper bass frequencies to bring out the lower ones further. If that doesn't satisfy you, switch things around and bring up 100 to 250 Hz, either instead of or in addition to the sub-bass. Continue testing how much of a boost corresponds to the sound you want. You can have different boosts/cuts for different bass frequencies. Then get into the mids and treble, bringing them up or down to whatever sounds good to you. There's no one way of going about this. The "best" way is to boost nothing and only cut frequencies, but that's more difficult.
Feb 9, 2017 at 1:34 PM Post #3,853 of 4,826
Yeah, I thought I'd found the best the JVC could do with the E5. Then Vapman said "Dude, get a better damn amp!" (Paraphrasing of course, lol), so I got the Nobsound tube amp and it was a major change. Then like all bassheads, I needed mooooooore! I ordered up that Schiit Stack with the tube amp and it wasn't that much different from my laptop's on-board DAC to the Nobsound. But with the iFi Micro iDSD in Turbo mode with X Bass its flippin' transformative. I also switched back to using EqualizerAPO when I stopped using my E5. I've been having a blast playing with the EQ to see where either I quit or the SZ2k quit. So far, they have won every time, lol.

lol, they have been winning each round ever since they realized E5 wasn't their right partner, even though it still comes in handy for watching movies. However, the thing with the EQ is that it's getting me obsessive compulsive with all those variations for each track and all. I think I'll reach an agreement with it someday. The MR55x pads should arrive next week, I hope they won't take away any of the bass for the sake of comfort. I've never babied any pair of headphones -or any gadget for that matter- the way I've been spoiling this pair. I hope they grow up to be good real men after alll 
Feb 9, 2017 at 1:48 PM Post #3,854 of 4,826
I'm assuming you're using a good amp and reducing the gain in your player by at least the amount of your largest boost/cut. Without those two things, you're dead in the water. It will also help if you have 55X/77X pads.
What you want to do is experiment with different areas of the bass. You can start with boosting everything under 80 Hz. See if 10 dB or so is enough for you. If not, keep cranking it to somewhere between 20 and 30. The more you emphasize the bass, the more rumble and punch you will get, but you do sacrifice sound quality in return. (It pretty much covers up the articulation and detail in the bass.) You can reduce the upper bass frequencies to bring out the lower ones further. If that doesn't satisfy you, switch things around and bring up 100 to 250 Hz, either instead of or in addition to the sub-bass. Continue testing how much of a boost corresponds to the sound you want. You can have different boosts/cuts for different bass frequencies. Then get into the mids and treble, bringing them up or down to whatever sounds good to you. There's no one way of going about this. The "best" way is to boost nothing and only cut frequencies, but that's more difficult.

I do have all the prerequisites: Fiio E12 with bass boost on, high gain off on both the amp and the player 55X pads are on their way (by the way, do they contribute to bass or just comfort?). I hear what you're saying, about boosting low frequencies. With some tracks I seem to nail it like a master but sometimes things get muddied. Like everything else, it needs some getting used to. I'm so satisfied with the progress I've made so far, but a basshead will alway crave for more.
Feb 9, 2017 at 2:05 PM Post #3,855 of 4,826
That certainly looks bassy and somewhat "exotic". I'm using APO so I'll try to apply that into it and see what happens. I'v been through one disappointment and a series of pleasent surprises with these monsters

If anyone would like to try them, here are the two different APO profiles that I currently use.
This one is less measured and more winging it:
Stage: post-mix
Filter: ON HSC 12 dB Fc 140 Hz Gain -27 dB
Filter: ON HS 12 dB Fc 2800 Hz Gain 10.3 dB
Filter: ON PK Fc 150 Hz Gain 2 dB Q 3.4265
Filter: ON PK Fc 600 Hz Gain -3 dB Q 3.3332
Filter: ON PK Fc 880 Hz Gain -3 dB Q 0.9012
Filter: ON PK Fc 1000 Hz Gain 14 dB Q 0.7292
Filter: ON PK Fc 3520 Hz Gain 9 dB Q 0.7192
Filter: ON PK Fc 12000 Hz Gain 3 dB Q 1.3895
This one I took more time to measure:
Stage: post-mix
Preamp: -12 dB
Filter: ON PK Fc 17 Hz Gain 5.8 dB Q 2.0108
Filter: ON PK Fc 27 Hz Gain 11 dB Q 0.9012
Filter: ON PK Fc 54 Hz Gain 3 dB Q 2.4595
Filter: ON PK Fc 108 Hz Gain -4 dB Q 0.6469
Filter: ON PK Fc 216 Hz Gain -5 dB Q 0.6837
Filter: ON PK Fc 432 Hz Gain -7 dB Q 0.8032
Filter: ON PK Fc 864 Hz Gain -9 dB Q 0.7601
Filter: ON PK Fc 1300 Hz Gain -3 dB Q 3.588
Filter: ON PK Fc 1500 Hz Gain 2.1 dB Q 10
Filter: ON PK Fc 2000 Hz Gain -1.1 dB Q 9.2654
Filter: ON PK Fc 2556 Hz Gain -9 dB Q 2.1323
Filter: ON PK Fc 3200 Hz Gain -5 dB Q 3.5064
Filter: ON PK Fc 5112 Hz Gain 0 dB Q 1.64
Filter: ON PK Fc 7668 Hz Gain -10 dB Q 1.6401
Filter: ON PK Fc 8800 Hz Gain -8 dB Q 5.5829
Filter: ON PK Fc 10500 Hz Gain 4 dB Q 2.162
Filter: ON PK Fc 17000 Hz Gain -10 dB Q 3.3332
disclaimer: all with reference to my ears; ymmv :wink:

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