Just received [...] iGrados
Sep 16, 2006 at 2:05 AM Post #121 of 143

Originally Posted by Gaughtfried
So, has anyone tried pad swapping yet?

Do regular Grado bowls fit? Ahh, the possibilities.

No such luck. The bowls won't fit because they're blocked by the "behind the neck" band. I suppose you could probably cut a pair to make them fit, but I only have one pair from my HF-1.

What's kind of cool is I took the pads off the iGrado and put them on my HF-1. By themselves I got a very immediate, in your face kind of sound. With the drivers right up against your ears, the soundstage collapses, as you might imagine. But it's not a bad sound and the bass seems to be a bit deeper.

Then I tried the bowls over that. I think that's really cool. Not only are drivers protected but it smooths out the sound a bit and give back some semblance of soundstage. It looks kind of neat too, although you can't see the wood housing.
Sep 16, 2006 at 3:38 AM Post #122 of 143
Okay so a whole lotta bickering about design...but not so much about sound. How do they compare with SR60's? SR80's? KSC-35's?

I am looking to the iGrados as my answer to the flimsy 35's. I really love the SR60 sound but they are not made to run with. The 35's are simply too fragile for every day use (I am so very gentle with my gear and I am on my fourth pair...). This could be my final workout phone (hoping...so hoping!). So...do I reinvest in another round of 35's? Or do I get the iGrados?
Sep 16, 2006 at 3:55 AM Post #123 of 143

Originally Posted by Zanth
Okay so a whole lotta bickering about design...but not so much about sound. How do they compare with SR60's? SR80's? KSC-35's?

I am looking to the iGrados as my answer to the flimsy 35's. I really love the SR60 sound but they are not made to run with. The 35's are simply too fragile for every day use (I am so very gentle with my gear and I am on my fourth pair...). This could be my final workout phone (hoping...so hoping!). So...do I reinvest in another round of 35's? Or do I get the iGrados?

It sound like the iGrado would be perfect for you. They are quite a bit better than the KSC-35s and more durable. They also fit securely so they would work well as a workout headphone.
Sep 16, 2006 at 4:41 AM Post #124 of 143

Originally Posted by PsychoZX
It sound like the iGrado would be perfect for you. They are quite a bit better than the KSC-35s and more durable. They also fit securely so they would work well as a workout headphone.

OH SNap thats the exact question i asked in the other iGrado thread. Thanks for the info. I'm stared to get bit excited about these
Sep 16, 2006 at 5:29 PM Post #127 of 143

Originally Posted by shawntp
Are we sure these don't swivel??? I think its possible that they are just realy tight and making the cracking noise because they havnt been moved. I can't blame one for not wanting to risk breaking them especially if they fit.

I am not convinced yet - they have to move ...I will be floored if the really do not swivel. Hopefully a few more will be making their way into the hands in the next few days.

As far as putting the "do they swivel?" question to rest, wouldn't the [incredibly well thought-out] packaging indicate as much? Seems to me Grado wouldn't spend the time engineering something like that just to make it a hidden feature. I think we can safely say these cans don't swivel. I, for one, assumed the hinge would make the earpads adjustable in a KSC-50 spring-type fashion, but no luck there, either.
Sep 16, 2006 at 6:49 PM Post #128 of 143

Originally Posted by mattg3
How much does Todd charge for regular shipping of the Igrado?

You can just create an account on TTVJ (free) and checkout with the iGrados to see the shipping costs (You can view the shipping costs before having to enter in your payment details).
Sep 16, 2006 at 11:51 PM Post #129 of 143

Originally Posted by Azure
You can just create an account on TTVJ (free) and checkout with the iGrados to see the shipping costs (You can view the shipping costs before having to enter in your payment details).

I just bought mine a few hours ago. Todd gives you varios shipping options ranging from USPS Priority Mail to UPS to Overnight at various prices.

I think USPS was about $5 and I chose UPS and it was ~$6.50

Also if you have never ordered anything from Todd before you can sign up for an account and I think he still sends you a coupon to use towards your very first purchase.

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