JPS Labs Abyss
Apr 13, 2013 at 12:14 AM Post #169 of 208
Just returned from NY Audio show.  $5,500 for these babies.  They sound excellent, but not convinced that they sound $4,000 better than my HD-800s.

Do they even sound better than the HD-800?
Apr 14, 2013 at 6:03 PM Post #171 of 208
^ What's up with this resonance control stuff? My Yamaha orthos are made of yellow plastic yet have almost zero audible resonance. Oh, and they have a disc of nylon at the back and a disc of knit wool at the front.
Apr 14, 2013 at 6:04 PM Post #172 of 208
"Signed by JPS Labs, what we have here is not just a headset, but an absolutely exclusive way of enjoying the true tones of good music"
"They only weigh 660 grams, so they can even be used by girls, though they don’t look like anything for them."
This begs the questions... if it was not "signed" and thus not "absolutely exclusive", would one still be able to enjoy the "true tones of good music?"
Also... how many grams does a headphone have to weigh before it can not "even be used by girls?"
Seriously, the fact that one of these "" type websites is doing the first feature on these says a whole lot about their outlook on everything from headphone production to potential clientele.  The LCD-3's were featured in a hundred different audio periodicals before hitting the Robb Report.
Apr 14, 2013 at 6:14 PM Post #173 of 208
Oh how delicious.  It is also featured on
"When it comes to listening to ultra-high grade audio, the bigger brand names do pretty the trick of making customers buy their high priced products" pretty the trick?
"But then, the next category refers to those who want something more; headphones which everyone would turn their head around to see, and make them stand apart from the rest of the crowd"
Because of course people will be wearing the Abyss in a crowd.  The same headphones that are of questionable weight for a woman's head (or neck?  Inferior spine?  Still hung up on that to be honest... )  How is everyone going to turn thier head around to see?  What if they are already facing you to begin with?  Are they obligated by this article to do a Looney Tunes double take?
"We recently saw the $30,000 Monster black diamond headphones with the spider on it, and then there were toned down options like the Ultrasone Signature Pro headphones, and some of the Dr Dre headphones, which perhaps won't shock people as much. We gather that the latest Abyss AB-1266 headphones falls into this category, which never the less of premium fabrication of lambskin ear pads and a portable amplifier."
So we know the Abyss are less visually shocking than a pair of headphones with a giant glittery three dimensional spider on each cup - oh, lest I forget "which never the less of premium fabrication of lambskin ear pads and portable amplifier."  Avoiding the nonsensical grammar... no I can't avoid that actually.
Also, does it come with a portable amplifier or is that part of the "fabrication?"
Edit-  don't forget the press blurb on
Apr 14, 2013 at 6:27 PM Post #174 of 208
The very fact that that "review" chose to draw upon comparisons between the Abyss and celebrity headphones, rather than against other audiophile headphones, means the review is worth absolutely nothing. It also doesn't bode well for what target audience the Abyss is trying to impress.
Apr 14, 2013 at 7:17 PM Post #175 of 208
To be fair, any time a headphone over a certain amount is released these websites pick up on it like pigs sniffing out truffles in the mud. They did blurbs about the Muramasa (which ended up never getting an official release). Don't think it's JPS who is to blame for these reviews. It's also inevitable this will attract a certain crowd just based on the price. Like I said in another thread, these are the types of headphones that businessmen will buy just because it's expensive, listen to once, and then put back in the box until a high-profile client needs a gift. It's not true enthusiasm for audio, or even true enthusiasm for gear for its own sake, really.
Speakng of which, the comment about girls and the Abyss is up there with the most obnoxious things I've read in this hobby recently. I'm willing to bet I've heard more high-end gear than the assclown who wrote that.
But yeah, JPS is marketing the Abyss as being a serious tool for audiophiles. So far I don't think they even remotely have the interest of this market. I spoke to someone I know and trust who actually has an Abyss, and he really likes it, so I'm going to have to hear it for myself one way or another.
Apr 14, 2013 at 8:47 PM Post #178 of 208
Wow, the new pictures on luxatic make them look like some sort of BDSM torture device.
Apr 15, 2013 at 9:20 AM Post #179 of 208
Let's put those 2 articles in perspective - websites like that rarely if ever have the actual product on hand for a "review". They just use marketing copy to write about how "luxuuuuuuurious" the thing is. If I had to guess I'd say that English was not the native language involved either. 
As some have said - terrible articles, but not the fault of the Abyss folks. 
Apr 15, 2013 at 9:58 AM Post #180 of 208
The atrocious writing is definitely not the fault of JPS if that's what I was putting out - I was saying that if these sites are similar to a sort of PR newswire site for "luxury goods" then JPS sending the press release to those types of sites show how they are marketing the product and the clientele they expect.
It is telling that each site talks about the "technical side" and then gives only three of the technical aspects (bandwidth, sensitivity, weight) available on the site while all omitting impedance and distortion.  That indicates they all either received a stock press release from one source or one website featured it and the others copied.  From the publication dates I would be inclined towards the latter.

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