Joining Team "Baby Orpheus"! [56k beware]
Apr 4, 2007 at 5:01 AM Post #31 of 100
Congrats! Don't forget to upgrade the amp!
Apr 4, 2007 at 1:45 PM Post #33 of 100
congrats on ur headphones 'n luv ur naked USB disc in the background.. but aren't u scared of accidently bumpin into it 'n killin it etc.?
Apr 4, 2007 at 1:47 PM Post #34 of 100

Originally Posted by milkpowder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How amp dependent is the HE60? The KGSS and 717 are similarly priced, but the general consensus around here is that the KGSS sounds better. Do you think so too? Upgrading the amp is the second thing I'll do after first upgrading the source. Does the amp matter that much?

Hmmmmm.... how to respond? The HE60 will scale up to whatever amp you throw at it, and, while it sounds nice with the STAX amps, it SHINES with the Blue Hawaii. I have also heard it with a prototype McAlister, and (for what was good about the amp), it was simply spectacular. You cannot go wrong throwing more amp at this can... IMHO, and, YMMV.

BTW, the kgss is a DIY, and can probably be made for about (about) $500.
Apr 4, 2007 at 1:51 PM Post #35 of 100

Originally Posted by D_4_Dog /img/forum/go_quote.gif
congrats on ur headphones 'n luv ur naked USB disc in the background.. but aren't u scared of accidently bumpin into it 'n killin it etc.?

Thanks! I got the USB flash disk for free and hated the outer casing. It's only 64MB so I couldn't really care less if it malfunctioned. Plus, I won't be putting anything valuable on it anyway.


Originally Posted by pabbi1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmmmm.... how to respond? The HE60 will scale up to whatever amp you throw at it, and, while it sounds nice with the STAX amps, it SHINES with the Blue Hawaii. I have also heard it with a prototype McAlister, and (for what was good about the amp), it was simply spectacular. You cannot go wrong throwing more amp at this can... IMHO, and, YMMV.

BTW, the kgss is a DIY, and can probably be made for about (about) $500.

So why does HeadAmp charge so much?! OK, the stepped attenuator and flashy casing may be very nice, but almost three times the price of DIY cost is...

DIY is an attractive option. So the KGSS is $500 in parts. What about the Blue Hawaii (using very good parts, but not boutique stuff)? Now the next part is finding someone to build one for you!
Apr 4, 2007 at 2:29 PM Post #37 of 100

Originally Posted by milkpowder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So why does HeadAmp charge so much?! OK, the stepped attenuator and flashy casing may be very nice, but almost three times the price of DIY cost is...

DIY is an attractive option. So the KGSS is $500 in parts. What about the Blue Hawaii (using very good parts, but not boutique stuff)? Now the next part is finding someone to build one for you!

When you are manufacturing something the lowest price you should set is parts*3. This works only if you sell directly and if you use dealers/distributors you have to use a higher multiplier. It's costs a lot to run a company and you have to make more money then you spend and prepare for something unforeseen. There are some makers out there that charge a bit to much but Headamp isn't one of them.
Apr 4, 2007 at 2:43 PM Post #38 of 100
Wow that's awesome!
May I ask what you paid for it? I might have the ability to get my hands on a Baby Orpheus set but don't want to be ripped off. What's a normal price for this extraordinary piece of equipment these days?
If you don't feel like putting it here for everybody to read, that's fine. Maybe you can PM it to me then, or if you don't feel like telling at all, that's fine too. I am curious though.
Apr 4, 2007 at 2:44 PM Post #39 of 100

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh damn, now you ask about the K1000, a set just sold at $650 and the guy was happy to ship to the US so he's basically ship anywhere.

I have been looking for a K1000 pair for more than a month, and all I have seen sold for $900++. Which I am not willing to pay.
$650 on the other hand...
Apr 4, 2007 at 3:20 PM Post #40 of 100

Originally Posted by Michgelsen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow that's awesome!
May I ask what you paid for it? I might have the ability to get my hands on a Baby Orpheus set but don't want to be ripped off. What's a normal price for this extraordinary piece of equipment these days?
If you don't feel like putting it here for everybody to read, that's fine. Maybe you can PM it to me then, or if you don't feel like telling at all, that's fine too. I am curious though.

Anyway, they were really very expensive. You could get a pair of PS-1, L3000 for around the same price. The HP-1000, K1000, W2002, O2 are much cheaper. Is the sound really worth that much? Well first of all, I haven't tried the other headphones over a significant period of time and neither have I really pushed the HE60 to the limit. Others will be able to chip in with their more qualified opinion. Anyhow, my honest opinion based on my hearing is that the sound itself is probably not worth the price I paid; I think the relative rarity pushes the price up... they're not that rare compared to the O1, HE90 considering there are at least a few thousand of these around. The SR-404 is honestly much better value, but like everything Head-Fi related, you pay a lot of money to get the extra bit of refinement. This extra bit means a lot to me so I am content with my purchase.

My other observation is that the HE60 doesn't get much publicity on Head-Fi. First of all, the HE90 steals all the glory being much rarer and probably much better sounding. Then there's the O2, which is much more readily available and cheaper than the HE60. In the end, the HE60 becomes much like one of those forgotten cousins of your aunt's in your extended family.

Oh and I might as well take this opportunity to thank the person from which I purchased these beauties from -> Afrikane! He was very patient with me and answered all my questions. You don't get many who'll be willing to engage in 30+ PM, 8000+ word-long conversations (probably closer to 40PMs/9000words now) with you


Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have been looking for a K1000 pair for more than a month, and all I have seen sold for $900++. Which I am not willing to pay.
$650 on the other hand...

$650 is a silly price. Most want at least $1k nowadays...

Second day of ownership... Still "wow!" This "Baby" really has bass! I'm really puzzled why some have told me the bass is rolled off. I can't bare listening to poorly recorded stuff now. The SR-404 is more forgiving.
Apr 4, 2007 at 5:11 PM Post #42 of 100
Welcome to the club! Hopefully one day I will be able to purchase a 006t or 007t to drive mine, I've tried both amps before with my He60's and it sounded great. Great pics too!
Apr 4, 2007 at 5:40 PM Post #43 of 100

Originally Posted by Michgelsen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
YG a thank you PM

I'll be seeing you around with your own pair soon then?
Apr 4, 2007 at 7:24 PM Post #44 of 100

Originally Posted by pabbi1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Stan, you are one sick puppy... HEV70 love is, well, unnatural.

Perhaps Al, perhaps. But there are few pairs i wont modify and i enjoy their beauty as they came from the manufacturer.

You know me - i live 15 min from Alex - you KNOW i get a chance to try it all too.

Must admit - if i could ever FIND a pair or OWN a pair of omega I's i'd be all over it
Apr 4, 2007 at 8:23 PM Post #45 of 100
Been comparing the SR-404 and HE60 again. SR-404 still sounds much more relaxed and airy. The performer is definitely a bit further back. The sound is not as focussed: attack and decay is not as clearly defined. Decay is longer. Diffuse-sounding. Not as detailed. For some reason doesn't sound as real. Timbre is slightly off. Hmm... the HE60 does have a much more intimate and realistic sound. This is most evident during musical climaxes. You can feel the passion; It reaches out to your soul whilst the SR-404 remains slightly dreamy and caresses your ear drum with its sweet pleasant sound and a beautiful smile, but lacks a sense of urgency. The SR-404 satisfies you, whilst the HE60 does that and leaves you wanting for even more.

BTW, I used a couple of violin sonatas as "test tracks", namely Schubert Sonata in A D385 performed by Kremer/Maisenberg and Mozart Sonata in F KV376 performed by Mutter/Orkis. Violin sonatas are surprisingly sophisticated pieces of music. Some find them very boring, but to me, they're a musical journey. There are peaks and troughs, happiness and sadness, pleasure and pain, etc... The violin is very much like the human voice and can vary its timbre, phrasing, colour and tone depending on the mood of the music. The changes are subtle, but once you know the piece well, they become blatantly obvious. Through the musical phrasing, tempo, harmonies and melody, a well composed and performed sonata tells a story and is a serious treat to all classical music connoisseurs.

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