Joining Team "Baby Orpheus"! [56k beware]
Apr 3, 2007 at 5:50 PM Post #16 of 100
Congrats. The HE60 pair well with the stax amps. I've heard great things from a friend's 007t and the HE60....they do take a little time to warm up, so your 2 hour revelation makes sense. As a general rule I turn on my e-stats when I get home from work at the time listening time comes around 8-9 or so they're all ready to go

Apr 3, 2007 at 6:00 PM Post #17 of 100
milkpowder, congratulations with a beautiful pair of headphones!
Nice write-up as well...
Apr 3, 2007 at 6:07 PM Post #18 of 100

Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
........ Then start looking for a Blue Hawaii or better and your set!

Stop that, Alex!.. 8~) You're not helping the poor... You should expect a package from me in about a week; take good care of the Baby.

As a recent new member of Baby Os United, thanks to the very excellent E-the-cat, I'm now moaning and negotiating for an amp upgrade.

MP - Glad to read that you are having good results with the 006t; might be a cost-effective solution.

After letting the HEV70 warm up and playing the HE60 at soft volumes for a few hours, I spun some Aimee Mann and other female vocals. I have to admit that it was the most realistic sounding and intimate reproduction I've ever heard on my own equipment. I'm simply amazed. For the small amount of headroom that's there with the HEV70, it's all there. I am feeding the HEV70 5 volts from my Opus's XLR outs via a Grover XLR-RCA cable. Wondering if the extra voltage is giving it a bit more ooph...(?)

Anyone try the SRM717 with the HE60? Or is the KGSS the only SS amp that will do it justice?
Apr 3, 2007 at 6:12 PM Post #19 of 100

Originally Posted by drp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Stop that, Alex!.. 8~) You're not helping the poor... You should expect a package from me in about a week; take good care of the Baby.

As a recent new member of Baby Os United, thanks to the very excellent E-the-cat, I'm now moaning and negotiating for an amp upgrade.

MP - Glad to read that you are having good results with the 006t; might be a cost-effective solution.

After letting the HEV70 warm up and playing the HE60 at soft volumes for a few hours, I spun some Aimee Mann and other female vocals. I have to admit that it was the most realistic sounding and intimate reproduction I've ever heard on my own equipment. I'm simply amazed. For the small amount of headroom that's there with the HEV70, it's all there. I am feeding the HEV70 5 volts from my Opus's XLR outs via a Grover XLR-RCA cable. Wondering if the extra voltage is giving it a bit more ooph...(?)

Anyone try the SRM717 with the HE60? Or is the KGSS the only SS amp that will do it justice?

I will get that said package back to you ASAP so you can continue to enjoy your new purchase sooner.

Those are actually 2 amps I have never tried the HE60's on. I probably will DIY a KGSS at one point for the fun of it once I get a good amount of free time, but I need to finish the Blue Hawaii first. No interest in the SRM717 though.

Apr 3, 2007 at 7:02 PM Post #20 of 100
Welcome to the club - They are goegeous! Im almost tempted to get another pair!

No Alex, i love your work, but im not going BH if i do! I personally love the HEV70 too much!!

And Alex expect me to bring the AD1000's to you soon for a recable
. I might need your expertise in more than just a recable. These arent airy enough and feel muddy. Im sure if we can engineer W3000s, we can make this an amazing pair as well.
Apr 3, 2007 at 7:33 PM Post #22 of 100
Welcome to the club Jonathan and congratulations.
Thrice is twice right, the HE60 likes a good 2 warm up and they do well on Stax amps. I predict many eargasms in your future.
Apr 3, 2007 at 8:42 PM Post #23 of 100

Originally Posted by W.T. /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No Alex, i love your work, but im not going BH if i do! I personally love the HEV70 too much!!

Stan, you are one sick puppy... HEV70 love is, well, unnatural.
Apr 3, 2007 at 9:23 PM Post #24 of 100
Just been out for dinner. Now back and listening again! I'm still blown away. Alex, this Blue Hawaii stuff is not helping. I cannot possibly afford it.

The 006t matches very well with the HE60, not that I've tried other combinations. If I manage to make my way to Duggeh's, then I'll be able to try it on his 717 and compare it to his O2s. For an unemployed student (which I am), cheap is good. 006t does its job. That's good enough for me

Wow... Sitkovetsky's Bach Partitas sound great... Percussion is really the HE60's strong point... Norah Jones' voice is in perfect harmony with the guitar 30 degrees to the left, the piano 15 degrees to the left, the chorus 40 degrees each way, double bass 5 degrees to the right, etc... Yet all this accuracy and detail doesn't come at the expense of enjoyment and so called musicality.
Wonderful. You bet I'll be listening for at least another couple of hours

I really wonder what the HE90/HEV90 sounds like... If my puny rig already sounds like this... How much better does it get? Too bad I can't make it to the Nationals.
Apr 3, 2007 at 11:06 PM Post #25 of 100

Originally Posted by milkpowder /img/forum/go_quote.gif

*moved to OP*

They made 11k+ HE60s? Wow! Where are they all?

They started at 010001. There's over a thousand, but I don't know how many total.
Apr 4, 2007 at 12:04 AM Post #26 of 100
Ah... So at least the HE60 are more exclusive than the K701s

I have been listening; The HE60 sounds much better when plugged in on their own. Plugging in the SR-404 along side the HE60 sorta mutes the sound a bit. It's much less alive. Placebo? Who knows... Maybe my Stax amp doesn't like the SR-404 anymore now that there's a much sexier alternative to "drive"
Slightly ironic since the 006t was sorta born to drive the SR-404
Apr 4, 2007 at 12:16 AM Post #27 of 100

Originally Posted by milkpowder /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Slightly ironic since the 006t was sorta born to drive the SR-404

It was born to drive the SR-3N. The circuit hasn't changed much since the SRA-3S from the late 60s.
Apr 4, 2007 at 3:45 AM Post #28 of 100
Congrats. Still think the 404 is more comfortable? I found after an hour it's not too comfortable. The seal is good, too good actually, that it gets humid. The plasticly feel of the headband always turned me off too.

The HE60 comfort I love. Yeah, some people say it clamps too hard, but stretch out the headband a bit and its fine. The pads on the HE60 are probably some of the best I've ever used. Not too firm, not too soft. Not an airtight seal so ears don't get warm and humid.

Are you driving the amp single ended or balanced? To really get the most out of electrostatics, I think you really have to drive them balanced. Imaging gets even sharper and the soundstage widens a few more degrees.

I run a balanced source through a KGSS and 717. The 717 sometimes presents music too sharp and hard. But its a much smaller footprint and runs much cooler.
Apr 4, 2007 at 3:55 AM Post #29 of 100
Thanks for the suggestions. Due to money constraints, I have a mediocre but thankfully vaguely competent single-ended source. When and if I do get a balanced source in the future, I shall definitely be running the amp balanced.
I checked out your profile and you're music tastes are very similar to mine! I love classical music and also listen to a bit of jazz, vocals & light rock on the side. Very nice of you to stop by

Could you possibly give me a quick run-down of how the K1000 sounds compared to the HE60? As always, I am open to suggestions as to how to maximise listening enjoyment.

How amp dependent is the HE60? The KGSS and 717 are similarly priced, but the general consensus around here is that the KGSS sounds better. Do you think so too? Upgrading the amp is the second thing I'll do after first upgrading the source. Does the amp matter that much?

One more thing: do the DAC1 and DA220 work well with the HE60? I've got both in my (long term) sights. Both of them seem to be reasonably-priced balanced sources.
Apr 4, 2007 at 4:14 AM Post #30 of 100
Oh damn, now you ask about the K1000, a set just sold at $650 and the guy was happy to ship to the US so he's basically ship anywhere. I can't tell you how they'd compare to the Baby Orfy as I've never heard one but I really love the K1000 waaaaaaaaaaaay more than the 404, not in the same league as far as I'm concerned. The K1000 is more immediate, more solid sounding, better bass definition, more comfy and deliciously clear, like the Stax SR-X in many ways.

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