JH Audio Angie Impressions and Discussion Thread
Jan 9, 2016 at 9:35 PM Post #1,456 of 3,122
Just shows that we all have different desired sound signatures.  I couldn't get the 846 to sound "right" no matter what I did over a six-month period (modding tubes, changing many many tips, having a brighter, expensive cable, and finally getting Sensaphonic sleeves), got both the UERM and the Angies and they sounded "right" as soon as I put them in.  I find both "funner" than the 846, which I liked but was too dark for my tastes.  Naive loves the 846, tried the Angie for a few hours/a day and said, "nope."  My guess is that the four treble drivers were too much for him, where the double bass drivers of the 846 were exactly what he liked.   No harm no foul.  

Yeah, the 846 did not do it for me at all
Jan 9, 2016 at 11:14 PM Post #1,458 of 3,122
I think it will depends on the pairing it self. I like angie with pawgold or chord mojo.

Shure 846 with hm901s miniboxgoldcard is amazing! I know many people found 846 somewhat too smooth. Hm901s fix that totally. Still smooth but so much improved on details/clarity. I think is a perfect combo!
Jan 10, 2016 at 2:40 AM Post #1,459 of 3,122
I have greatly enjoyed both the UERM and the Angie.  I liked the 846 but couldn't get to the great part.  

Like olddude, I liked the 846. Although I've since sold them, I think they're very good IEMs. I move from the 846 to a custom IEM from Empire Ears (formerly Earwerkz). Due to a very unfortunate accident in which one of monitors was destroyed I needed something TOTL-ish to hold me until the other could be repaired/replaced. While the difference doesn't seem great, I prefer the SQ of the Angie over the 846, but both are excellent products, IMHO.

Keep what you like, and sell the rest is my best advice for guys on the fence. You'll likely lose a few bucks, but that's why they call it a hobby.
Jan 10, 2016 at 11:20 AM Post #1,460 of 3,122
Like olddude, I liked the 846. Although I've since sold them, I think they're very good IEMs. I move from the 846 to a custom IEM from Empire Ears (formerly Earwerkz). Due to a very unfortunate accident in which one of monitors was destroyed I needed something TOTL-ish to hold me until the other could be repaired/replaced. While the difference doesn't seem great, I prefer the SQ of the Angie over the 846, but both are excellent products, IMHO.

Keep what you like, and sell the rest is my best advice for guys on the fence. You'll likely lose a few bucks, but that's why they call it a hobby.

its just so confusing, as some people who owned the 846 and got the angie did not like the angie more, and said the angie is not as as good as 846. Now if the bass is less in angie is less than 846, and the treble is more than 846 then i will guess its not for me either
as i look in an iem for a bass that is at least as equivalent as shure 846 and with no harshness at all
i know a head-fier liked the angoe moe than shure 846 just because it has more treble , so maybe the angie is for treble heads, like the shure 846 is for bassheads :)
Jan 10, 2016 at 12:17 PM Post #1,461 of 3,122
Has anyone used there Angie's on an iPhone 6? No amp or anything, just the phone itself. I just received my Angie's and to be quite honest, I'm very disappointed in the sound that's coming from them using just my iPhone. It sounds muffled and the bass sloppy. Every sound seems mashed together. I'm used to Shure SE 846 and they pretty much blew my mind when used directly with my phone. My expectations were set pretty high and the Angie's came up way short.

I'm new to this arena so Any advice why this could be happening or how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Jan 10, 2016 at 12:23 PM Post #1,462 of 3,122
No, there is plenty of bass in the Angie.  Plenty.  And you can turn it all the way up or back it off a bit, depending on your tastes.  What it is is more distinct, refined, separated bass as opposed to the 846's bass, which is very strong but all of a piece.  The 846 is smooth because of all of that bass and less defined trebles.  Smooth.  That's not to say there is not activity in the upper end, but it falls off before it gets all the way up.  So brushes and cymbals, etc., are less evident. The mids of the 846 are lush because the bass is holding them up, making them fuller.  
The Angie has all frequencies, and they are clearly defined.  So you can hear all of the stuff going on wherever it is you want to concentrate.  It's not smooth like the 846.  You can hear all of the music in whatever area you want to.  That's why the Angies are so good.
Now if you are a basshead and just really want thump thump and some strong mids, the 846 is perfect.  There is no distracting high upper end to intrude on the stuff going on lower down.  That's where the word fatiguing is coming from.  High upper end.  To most of us that is not fatiguing, but instead vastly enjoyable.  But to someone who doesn't really want those frequencies, I suppose it would be fatiguing.  The upper end of the Angie is never harsh- I've tested it by throwing the most trebly material I have at it.  
I was the "head-fier liked the angoe moe than shure 846 just because it has more treble"  In fact, someone else here had warned me the 846 might not be suitable for me, but the talk of it was so strong I went ahead and got it anyway.  And I did like it, except for that pesky problem with the upper end.  
To many of us the Angie is better than the 846.  Others like the 846.  It's personal relating to what sound signature you like.  If you consider yourself a basshead go for the 846.  
Oh, and I've only seen one person on this thread not like the Angie, sell it, and go back to the 846.  
Jan 10, 2016 at 12:28 PM Post #1,463 of 3,122
Thanks for the response. I'm not saying I don't like it. I merely want to know if anyone has used the Angie's with the iPhone 6 and what their response was.

I guess what I'm asking is, do I need an amp to enjoy my Angie's or is an iPhone alone sufficient enough?
Jan 10, 2016 at 12:31 PM Post #1,464 of 3,122
Has anyone used there Angie's on an iPhone 6? No amp or anything, just the phone itself. I just received my Angie's and to be quite honest, I'm very disappointed in the sound that's coming from them using just my iPhone. It sounds muffled and the bass sloppy. Every sound seems mashed together. I'm used to Shure SE 846 and they pretty much blew my mind when used directly with my phone. My expectations were set pretty high and the Angie's came up way short.

I'm new to this arena so Any advice why this could be happening or how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Your source is not working with your Angie.  Could be any number of things, but you've got a top of the line iem and an iPhone.  Without getting into a big kerfuffle here about how good the iPhones are, you might be better served either getting a source (DAP) that is "better," or maybe an amp or a Mojo for your phone (all of which cost money), or simply return the Angie and be happy with your 846.  
Now I'm also going to assume you read the Angie directions and have played with the bass pots.  And have gotten a good seal with the tips.  
Other than the above, there's no reason the Angie, an incredibly detailed, wide and clear iem would sound in any way muffled and mashed together.
Jan 10, 2016 at 12:50 PM Post #1,465 of 3,122
Thanks olddude. That's exactly what I was getting at. Now, I want to hear these beauties as they were meant to be heard!

I've gotten some suggestions from other forum members:
1. Mojo: seems like this amp has a lot going for it. My only concern is how portable it really is since I would have to use the camera connection? Please correct me if I'm wrong but, It just seemed like cables would stick out I kind of awkwardly.

2. Oppo HA-2: this one got great reviews and it connects to the iPhone pretty seamlessly and with great sound.

Or, can you make any recommendations? I'm trying to learn as I go here so any guidance you can provide is appreciated.
Jan 10, 2016 at 1:06 PM Post #1,466 of 3,122
The Oppo is flatter than the Mojo, so it will feel nicer in the pocket when stacked with your iPhone. However, they both need to be connected via digital signal to get the best sound from them.

The Oppo can be used as a DAC&Amp, by digital input. Or just an Amp, by inputting through the Line-in. It has a very good DAC, so you should certainly go digital-in.

I think you need to use the Camera USB cable for either the Mojo or the HA-2.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Jan 10, 2016 at 1:08 PM Post #1,467 of 3,122
The Mojo is supposed to be built to use with phones, and has the best sound out there, but it costs six hundred bucks.  And I've read you have to do some sort of adapting to make it work with an iPhone (cable or something else, don't really know).  Look at the Mojo thread (use Forum search to find it) and ask them.  
Amps cost considerably less.  
Interconnect wires are part of the issue with a stack (attaching two devices together).  You can use elastic bands or a specialized velcro to attach them.  Either way you will have a bigger device and wires going from device to device.  
Or you can buy a relatively cheap dedicated DAP (Fiio X5ll or iBasso DX90 or DX80 or Astell & Kern Jr.) for $250-600 and use it to listen to music with your Angies.  Go to threads here with those names and see what they say about using their devices with the Angie.  
Jan 10, 2016 at 1:17 PM Post #1,468 of 3,122
I just found this linked to in the "Pictures of Your Portable Rig" thread.

This is the sort of cable you want. And it's quite low-profile.


Here it is connecting the iPod Touch 6 and the Oppo HA-2, as posted by forum member zilch0md

Jan 10, 2016 at 2:10 PM Post #1,469 of 3,122
All I needed was 15 songs to go right back to se846, but Angie ia better forbids, I too believe bass is not as nice as se846, mids are decent but the highs of the Angie are far better, for some it can be fatiguing.

Overall, when you consider the size and ergonomic shape.... The Angie overall fell very very short of expectations.
Jan 10, 2016 at 2:18 PM Post #1,470 of 3,122
The sound signatures of the 846 & Angies are going to be pretty different. And the differences have been nicely described above. 846s excel in bass (I personally don't feel that it is one note, but also have the advantage of custom silicon shells that ensures great seal) and are a mid-centic IEM. Angie may be more balanced in its sound, and seems to certainly excel in the treble.

Much will depend on what aspects of music are most important to you. And the genres of music that you listen to will also play a big role too (genres aren't mentioned enough in evaluations here, IMHO).

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