Jul 10, 2006 at 3:30 PM Post #47 of 93
i was pulling for france the entire game until zidane made that stupid headbutt... what a disappointment... i lost alot of respect for him. it took one headbutt to ruin a legacy that's 15-20 years in the making. what a sad way to exit. i'm sure he'll come back next year. he can't go out of the game on a red card. there's no worst way to retire from a profession. that's like getting fired on the last day of your job....
Jul 10, 2006 at 3:40 PM Post #48 of 93

Originally Posted by padi89
I dont see how Zidane cost france the world cup???
He made a stupid rash decision to lash out but even after he left the pitch France were still all over Italy.When it came to penalty kicks ,both teams struck beautiful kicks ,unfortunate for france to hit the crossbar.

No point blaming the individual,look at England ,they are blaming their World cup loss on Chritiano Ronaldo???? Go figure?

They have some great players and unfortunatly they just didnt gell well together,its unfortunate because they excel in the premiership.

or can be looked at it like this...
Zidane was their best PK person on the unit (i.e. he scored their only goal), and if he was still in the game, the lineup and time would have been the timing and PK's would have been very different, and the guy whom missed his PK for France, may not have been in the lineup to even kick if Zidane hadn't been tossed out of the match...
Jul 10, 2006 at 4:33 PM Post #49 of 93
I wonder what is his excuse for such a childish action. I'm sure that he was pretty heated up, but being a team captain and a veteran, he should knew better not to do it.
Jul 10, 2006 at 4:43 PM Post #50 of 93
If Zidane is not sent off, he will most likely be the first guy to take the penalty kick. Now as for Trezeguet, he will likely to take the PK regardless of whether Zidane is in or out. If you look at 1998 world cup when France played Italy, Zidane was the first to take PK, Lizarazu (retired)was the second, then Trezeguet was the third. This time since Zidane was out and Trezeguet was the second in the line you can say that their PK lineups did not change much from the past.
Jul 10, 2006 at 5:26 PM Post #51 of 93

Originally Posted by JahJahBinks
There was a shot where the french coach smiled seeing Zidane's red.

He smiled and started applauding but was being sarcasted. He threw his arms out in disgust right after.
Jul 10, 2006 at 7:37 PM Post #52 of 93
Bravo - viva Italia!
Jul 10, 2006 at 7:55 PM Post #53 of 93

Originally Posted by CousCous
He smiled and started applauding but was being sarcasted. He threw his arms out in disgust right after.

LOL! He must've been applauding something else!
Jul 10, 2006 at 8:08 PM Post #54 of 93

This is the first page of the most important italian sport-newspaper.

The main title says "It's all true! World champions"

That picture of Cannavaro raising the cup to the sky is awesome!!!
Jul 10, 2006 at 8:21 PM Post #55 of 93
Its a great win for Italy, who no one really expected to make it very far. They only need one more World Cup to equal Brazil in prestige.

And of course an immense shame for Zidane to end his illustrious career like that. I think there's no doubt that France's chances were severly hindered in the penalty shootout and subsequently to win the World Cup. I wonder what Materazzi said to provoke him so badly? Something about his Algerian background? We'll probably never find out
Jul 10, 2006 at 9:06 PM Post #56 of 93
Well, in Italy it's a known fact that Materazzi is not the most ...ehm... "delicate" player on the field.
One of his nicknames is "Macellazzi" (macellaio=butcher).
But despite his reputation, I think He was playing a very good match (He scored a great goal).

Anyway, football is not a sport for delicate souls. Insults are very common. It's a way to make the opponent lose his concentration, make him nervous/angry. A nervous opponent is very likely to make mistakes. So there's no way that Zidane (a long time and very succesful football player) can justify his act by saying that Materazzi insulted him.
I think that the problem is with Zidane himself (his temper). Materazzi was just doing his job as it's supposed to be done (give hell to the opponent).
We'll see...
Jul 10, 2006 at 9:29 PM Post #57 of 93
It's definitely Zidane's own fault for getting himself sent off, much in the same way a Mr Rooney got himself carded, contrary to popular English perceptions of Ronaldo. But racial slurs, if that is what happened, are definitely not accepted in football or any other sport. I almost sure it was a racist remark by Materazzi. Still, he played a great game and had quite an eventful tournament

Anyways, is it tomorrow we find out what the Italian court decides on that Serie A scandal?
Jul 10, 2006 at 9:50 PM Post #59 of 93

Originally Posted by DJShadow
Anyways, is it tomorrow we find out what the Italian court decides on that Serie A scandal?

On the 7th July, they said it might take at least 3 days (max. 15 days) to communicate the sentence.
Jul 10, 2006 at 10:01 PM Post #60 of 93

Originally Posted by Audiofiler
or can be looked at it like this...
Zidane was their best PK person on the unit (i.e. he scored their only goal), and if he was still in the game, the lineup and time would have been the timing and PK's would have been very different, and the guy whom missed his PK for France, may not have been in the lineup to even kick if Zidane hadn't been tossed out of the match...

that's the lamest reply I've ever heard

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