Nov 30, 2012 at 7:25 PM Post #16 of 20
Be careful about the M50 on ebay, I've heard there are a lot of fakes for sale.
Nov 30, 2012 at 9:51 PM Post #18 of 20
The HD558 is an open-backed headphone, no wonder it has better soundstage than the M50

As for the SRH840 - its rolled off bass would not really work for the OP's intended use, not to mention that they cost 200$.

In UK/EU the SRH840 is barely more than the M50. £117.49 compared to £102 from accessoryjack, with the average price being £120 for each. The M50 is only good value in the US.
Dec 1, 2012 at 2:32 AM Post #19 of 20
In UK/EU the SRH840 is barely more than the M50. £117.49 compared to £102 from accessoryjack, with the average price being £120 for each. The M50 is only good value in the US.

Be that as it may, my other observation about the SRH840 remains - rolled off bass (and treble). They are also some of the least comfortable headphones I've ever had the misfortune of wearing on my noggin and IMO not really more detailed than the M50, just more mid-forward, which is not the same thing (the SRH940 is a lot more detailed than either, but the 840 is kinda meh)

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