Is the LCD-2 worth the $1k price?
Jan 25, 2015 at 11:53 PM Post #16 of 68
I have to agree with the others that we cannot tell you if its worth it or not. The LCD2 cans sound amazing to me. I prefer them over the 555,595, 598, 600, 650, 700. I prefer the LCD2 over the HE-400 and HE-500 too.
That's me though.
Go to a meet if there is ever one in your area and demo some cans. Then make a informed decision.
Jan 26, 2015 at 2:04 PM Post #17 of 68
  I have to agree with the others that we cannot tell you if its worth it or not. The LCD2 cans sound amazing to me. I prefer them over the 555,595, 598, 600, 650, 700. I prefer the LCD2 over the HE-400 and HE-500 too.
That's me though.
Go to a meet if there is ever one in your area and demo some cans. Then make a informed decision.

100% Agree the worth is entarley up to the person from there tastes there ears and overall what they look for in a can, its purley up to the the person to decide its worth.
Jan 26, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #18 of 68
If the he-400 and lcd2 were similar priced, how would they compare?
  I have to agree with the others that we cannot tell you if its worth it or not. The LCD2 cans sound amazing to me. I prefer them over the 555,595, 598, 600, 650, 700. I prefer the LCD2 over the HE-400 and HE-500 too.
That's me though.
Go to a meet if there is ever one in your area and demo some cans. Then make a informed decision.

Jan 26, 2015 at 4:02 PM Post #19 of 68
  If the he-400 and lcd2 were similar priced, how would they compare?
  I have to agree with the others that we cannot tell you if its worth it or not. The LCD2 cans sound amazing to me. I prefer them over the 555,595, 598, 600, 650, 700. I prefer the LCD2 over the HE-400 and HE-500 too.
That's me though.
Go to a meet if there is ever one in your area and demo some cans. Then make a informed decision.

That's a bit of an odd question, as their price gap is/was huge.
The LCD-2 is the better can, but...
not without an adequate amp--the HE 400 can get by without one;
probably not if you don't like a dark sound signature;
probably not if you are all about the sound stage;
and who know--if you care about mids and treble--both cans have issues and limitations.
Jan 26, 2015 at 4:03 PM Post #20 of 68
If the he-400 and lcd2 were similar priced, how would they compare?

lol the lcd2 is triple the price of the old he-400s.
Jan 26, 2015 at 4:50 PM Post #22 of 68
  Price clouds your judgement, if the HD800 was priced at $100-200, people would say it lacked bass and was too bright, if the hd600 costed $300 and hd650 $700 people would laugh at sennheiser. Then you look at LCD2 $1k dollars and lcd3 $2K.
  lol the lcd2 is triple the price of the old he-400s.

Price doesn't cloud mine much.  The HD 800 has excellent bass; it isn't boomy or over emphasized as much of the consumer market prefers.  We're smart and experienced enough to talk about quality cans within given price ranges.  The HE 400 is a quality can in one price range.  The LCD-2 is a quality can in a much higher price band.
The LCD-3, which does everything better than the LCD-2, is in a very much higher price band.  If you can't hear the clear differences between the 2 and the 3, then you have some homework to do.  It's another question entirely if the price difference between these two cans--or any other two--is worth it to [insert large personal and subjective components here] you.
Jan 26, 2015 at 5:25 PM Post #23 of 68
If priced the same. The lcd2 still destroys the he400.
Jan 26, 2015 at 6:23 PM Post #25 of 68

I think the latest LCD-2 are warm, but NOT dark. I think the HiFiMan are too bright. You say the opposite for both.

I really think you need to have a listen to the latest versions of the Audeze headphones, and I really think *I* need to have a listen to the latest versions of the HiFiMan headphones. :wink:

Then we can both go have a beer! :beerchug:
Jan 26, 2015 at 6:33 PM Post #26 of 68

I think the latest LCD-2 are warm, but NOT dark. I think the HiFiMan are too bright. You say the opposite for both.

I really think you need to have a listen to the latest versions of the Audeze headphones, and I really think *I* need to have a listen to the latest versions of the HiFiMan headphones.

Then we can both go have a beer!

Love the idea.
The HD 650 is warm.  My LCD-2 version 2 is dark.  In fact it is darker than my LCD-3 because the 3's mids and treble are both stronger and better.
The DT 880 and T1 are bright.  The HD 800 tends to be a bit bright, especially with some amps/equipment--more neutral with others.  The HE 500 and HE 6 are very close to neutral.  The MDR 7520 and Focal Spirit Pro are almost dead neutral.
Jan 26, 2015 at 10:02 PM Post #27 of 68
I've only listened to the LCD-2F's for a few hours through the Gustard H10 (a Chinese amp that is almost identical to the Violectric V200, but, according to some people that have heard both, sounds even better).
They are much better than my HE-400's imo. Everything sounds much more "real", everything sounds more dynamic, natural, weighty and smooth.
I also own Q701's, Pro 900's, MS1's, AD700's, DT880's, Pro 750's, TMA-1 Studio Young Guru's and have owned DT250's. The LCD-2F's are definitely in a league of their own, above the rest. Who knows though, with more listening I might start finding things that I don't like about the LCD-2's. So far, they definitely provide the best listening experience. If you spend a lot of time listening to music and have the money, then yeah I think they're worth the asking price.
Edit: Having said that, you should also factor in the cost of an upgraded amp and/or DAC if you don't currently have ones that are suitable for the LCD-2's.
Jan 27, 2015 at 12:25 AM Post #28 of 68
I'd say no. It's a case of price to performance ratio, which for headphones above $500 severely diminshes. Although for those with the money, they sound quality is certainly worth it. IF you could pick it up used or on clearance for $700-800, then I'd be interested.

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