Ipod classic - rockbox - its happening.
Jun 27, 2016 at 8:07 AM Post #3,572 of 3,645
  I agree. Searching through this 200 page thread does not not help. Either we ought to have a sub forum with separate thread subjects OR a FAQ/ Wiki in the initial post that points to relevant posts. 

Yes, both this thread and the ipod modding thread really could do with their own wiki or something, but...well I certainly can't be bothered to do the work!  Plus, to be fair, things change all the time and I'm not entirely sure what the attitude of the rockbox and freemyipod people is to this thread/site as they do have their own sites after all.  Just good that they post stuff here at all, really.
A guide to installing the dual-booter for the classic was posted on here a couple-of-dozen pages back somewhere.  V8 I think was the most recent one. It works very well for me.
Jun 28, 2016 at 3:56 PM Post #3,573 of 3,645
Yes, both this thread and the ipod modding thread really could do with their own wiki or something, but...well I certainly can't be bothered to do the work!  Plus, to be fair, things change all the time and I'm not entirely sure what the attitude of the rockbox and freemyipod people is to this thread/site as they do have their own sites after all.  Just good that they post stuff here at all, really.
A guide to installing the dual-booter for the classic was posted on here a couple-of-dozen pages back somewhere.  V8 I think was the most recent one. It works very well for me.

It would be great if you could point me to it. Couple of dozen meaning 12/24 or 36 i.e. Page 200/ 210/ 220? Approx? 
Also, where is this iPod modding thread? 
Jun 28, 2016 at 4:42 PM Post #3,574 of 3,645
Jul 9, 2016 at 10:27 AM Post #3,575 of 3,645
iPod Classic 5th Gen 60 Gig
I figured I'll go Rocbox using this way for Dual Boot - https://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/bootloader-ipodclassic.html 
How Beta is the current Beta when it comes the above iPod? Would you recommend staying with Stable or going with Beta? 
Pre-Rockbox Music/ Audio Extraction: 
So I wanted to Pull all the old Music & Audio I had lying on the iPod. Based on my googling I found Sharepod & Yamipod both that are unable to read the iPod. 
Was also getting this Disk has issues and needs to be scanned popup from Windows 8.1 - http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/103265/using-windows-8-message-says-problem-with-this-drive
So, figured maybe updated it from 1.1.1 to 1.3 and that might fix the issue. 
It hasn't as yet. 
I suspect Sharepod and Yamipod leverage and need older version of iTunes somehow? Any thoughts on how I could pull the info from my iPod. The last used/ synced it was few years back with an older Win XP partition. 
PS: I might have an older version of CopyTrans somewhere. 
Jul 10, 2016 at 2:43 PM Post #3,576 of 3,645
iPod Classic 5th Gen 60 Gig

There is no such device. A 5th Gen (or 5.5) is an iPod Video. An iPod "Classic" is a 6th Gen or newer.
There is a world of difference between the 5.x and 6.x/7 gen iPods when it comes to modding and installing Rockbox. If you have a 5th Gen iPod Video (60GB makes it pretty certain that it's a 5th Gen, not 5.5 Gen), you're lucky to have an easier road ahead of you: Just use the Rockbox install utility to get things running, and you'll save yourself a lot of heartache.
If, however, you are trying to fix up an iPod 6.x/7 (a true Classic), you've come to the right place. There have been very promising recent developments, thanks to Rockbox developer Castor Munoz and others.
For iPod Classic owners: Our long Rockboxless iNightmare is almost over.
Jul 10, 2016 at 8:11 PM Post #3,577 of 3,645
Can you give a link to the latest stable installation tool for iPod classic? (My classic dead twice due to rockbox clashed so I change the HDD twice!). Now I have modded it with Tarkan SD adaptor, installed apple fw and having a headache to convert all my files to alac...a real nightmare! I missed my rockboxed classic!
Jul 11, 2016 at 7:46 AM Post #3,578 of 3,645
  There is no such device. A 5th Gen (or 5.5) is an iPod Video. An iPod "Classic" is a 6th Gen or newer.
There is a world of difference between the 5.x and 6.x/7 gen iPods when it comes to modding and installing Rockbox. If you have a 5th Gen iPod Video (60GB makes it pretty certain that it's a 5th Gen, not 5.5 Gen), you're lucky to have an easier road ahead of you: Just use the Rockbox install utility to get things running, and you'll save yourself a lot of heartache.
If, however, you are trying to fix up an iPod 6.x/7 (a true Classic), you've come to the right place. There have been very promising recent developments, thanks to Rockbox developer Castor Munoz and others.
For iPod Classic owners: Our long Rockboxless iNightmare is almost over.

I guess then I have the iPod video (I used the Utility and it recognized it as 5th Gen) _ I just installed Stable release on it. Looks good. 
I am a bit confused between the Gens, so how can I be sure which Gen I have? 
How Beta is the current Beta (from the above link)?
Would you recommend staying with Stable or going with Beta?
What are PROS and CONS of the DesignWare USB thingy? 
Jul 13, 2016 at 3:24 PM Post #3,579 of 3,645
Pre-Rockbox Music/ Audio Extraction: 
So I wanted to Pull all the old Music & Audio I had lying on the iPod. Based on my googling I found Sharepod & Yamipod both that are unable to read the iPod. 

Was also getting this Disk has issues and needs to be scanned popup from Windows 8.1 - http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/103265/using-windows-8-message-says-problem-with-this-drive

So, figured maybe updated it from 1.1.1 to 1.3 and that might fix the issue. 

It hasn't as yet. 

I suspect Sharepod and Yamipod leverage and need older version of iTunes somehow? Any thoughts on how I could pull the info from my iPod. The last used/ synced it was few years back with an older Win XP partition. 

PS: I might have an older version of CopyTrans somewhere.

Try using Foobar2000 if your music is correctly tagged.

Use add folder to add all your music in from your iPOD in to a playlist. Select all the files (or do it bunch by bunch) then use the right click file operations > copy to function. Set the destination folder and then the tricky part which is getting the file name pattern how you want it. If you do this in smaller bunches to can tweak as needed and you also get a nice preview of the output name before you commit. Make sure you untick copy entire source folder content.

I'm using this naming formatting.
$replace($caps($left(%album artist%,1)),1,#,2,#,3,#,4,#,5,#,6,#,7,#,8,#,9,#,0,#)\$if($stricmp(%album artist%,Various Artists),%album artist%\%date% - %album%\%Tracknumber%. %artist% - %title%,$if(%album%,%artist%\%date% - %album%\%Tracknumber%. %title%,%artist% - %title%))

first letter of artist or # if number \ Various artists or artist if they have an album or artist - title if single songs \ year - album \ tracknumber. title or if various artists tracknumber. artist - title
Jul 15, 2016 at 8:07 PM Post #3,580 of 3,645
Is the dual boot rockbox usable with the ipod classic 7th gen 160GB? Because when I opened up the installer the configure box did not show 7th gen ipod classic only 5th gen.I tried both stable and beta and it was the same for both.My apologies if this was already answered. 
Aug 4, 2016 at 12:24 PM Post #3,582 of 3,645
  New USB driver was committed to git builds for the iPod 6G and Nano 2G.  Should be a lot more stable/compatible then the old driver.  

Just want to double check the system info after unzipping rockbox-ipod6g-20160803.zip.  Under System | Rockbox Info I see: 0f89b04-160628   Is that correct?  Now I suspect the git build is not the same as the daily build.  Sorry for the noob questions.
After ejecting and detaching the device from my Win7 laptop and pressing Select to reboot, I saw the initial Rockbox screen, then got a black screen with an error (something like "No partition ... insert USB cable to fix it").  I forced a reboot with Select + Menu, and it came up OK.
Aug 4, 2016 at 12:58 PM Post #3,583 of 3,645
Just want to double check the system info after unzipping rockbox-ipod6g-20160803.zip.  Under System | Rockbox Info I see: 0f89b04-160628   Is that correct?  

I'm not sure where you got that file, but the build date is from June, so it's definitely not going to have stuff committed yesterday. 
After ejecting and detaching the device from my Win7 laptop and pressing Select to reboot, I saw the initial Rockbox screen, then got a black screen with an error (something like "No partition ... insert USB cable to fix it").  I forced a reboot with Select + Menu, and it came up OK.

The new USB stack should hopefully fix problems like that.  
Aug 4, 2016 at 1:12 PM Post #3,584 of 3,645
  I'm not sure where you got that file, but the build date is from June, so it's definitely not going to have stuff committed yesterday. 
The new USB stack should hopefully fix problems like that.  

I got rockbox-ipod6g-20160803.zip from here: http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=ipod6g
Could you elaborate on where to find the latest build, and any installation steps beyond just unzipping/overwriting... if any.

Aug 4, 2016 at 1:27 PM Post #3,585 of 3,645
I got rockbox-ipod6g-20160803.zip from here: http://www.rockbox.org/dl.cgi?bin=ipod6g

Could you tell me how you found that link?  That is basically a list of old builds provided by the build system.  It is meant to let developers test old builds if something breaks, you're not supposed to be using it.
Could you elaborate on where to find the latest build, and any installation steps beyond just unzipping/overwriting... if any.

I think you can just run rockbox utility and tell it to update your build.  Alternatively, there is a download link on the wiki if you don't want to use the GUI tools:

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