Introducing CL2 Planar (Impressions Thread)

Sep 17, 2018 at 7:24 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3,158


Headphoneus Supremus
May 30, 2005
They’ve arrived

Nice little hand written note included.

Currently listening straight out of box with default tips, 2.5mm to Fiio Q5.

Will need to try the Comply tips, they are my usual go to tips.

Very early impressions are good with the default tips, don’t want to say too much until there’s more hours on these, I’m assuming that Planars need a little bit of burn in.

Build quality and contents of the box are excellent.
Sep 17, 2018 at 7:51 AM Post #2 of 3,158
They’ve arrived

Nice little hand written note included.

Currently listening straight out of box with default tips, 2.5mm to Fiio Q5.

Will need to try the Comply tips, they are my usual go to tips.

Very early impressions are good with the default tips, don’t want to say too much until there’s more hours on these, I’m assuming that Planars need a little bit of burn in.

Build quality and contents of the box are excellent.

Congrats and looking forward to your first impressions!
Sep 17, 2018 at 7:53 AM Post #3 of 3,158
They’ve arrived

Nice little hand written note included.

Currently listening straight out of box with default tips, 2.5mm to Fiio Q5.

Will need to try the Comply tips, they are my usual go to tips.

Very early impressions are good with the default tips, don’t want to say too much until there’s more hours on these, I’m assuming that Planars need a little bit of burn in.

Build quality and contents of the box are excellent.

Any comments on the general tuning / basic sound profile? Got too much on my plate review wise at the moment to think about joining the early birds on this one (including two RHA reviews - if anyone from RHA is reading this, will have them up soon guys!!) - definitely thinking about picking up a pair soon though if the initial feedback is good.

Would love to hear your thoughts on a Flares Gold / CL2 comparison in due course.

Sep 17, 2018 at 8:13 AM Post #4 of 3,158
One thing I will say straight away is that the fit on these is outstanding. Sits really flush in my ear with minimal fuss.
Sep 17, 2018 at 11:06 AM Post #5 of 3,158
I am really debating these or empire ears vantage.
Any info will be much appreciated.
Please add In your sound impressions as soon as you can.
Sep 17, 2018 at 11:52 AM Post #6 of 3,158
Any comments on the general tuning / basic sound profile? Got too much on my plate review wise at the moment to think about joining the early birds on this one (including two RHA reviews - if anyone from RHA is reading this, will have them up soon guys!!) - definitely thinking about picking up a pair soon though if the initial feedback is good.

Would love to hear your thoughts on a Flares Gold / CL2 comparison in due course.


I no longer have the Golds, sold them a few weeks ago, was finding them a little on the congested side when listening compared to other IEM's.

The basic sound profile at this very early stage - remember less than 3 hours on them so far, is that to my ears they are very detailed in the highs, guitars sound sharp and accurate but importantly not sibilant. Mids seem smooth and upfront in the mix. Bass response is very good, detailed with a nice sub-bass kick but not over powering.

I'd say very early on that to my taste and source these are reasonably neutral with maybe a little emphasis on the treble but I fully expect that to change once the driver has burned in for a few hours, already noticed a little change after the first hour.

I am really debating these or empire ears vantage.
Any info will be much appreciated.
Please add In your sound impressions as soon as you can.

See above.
Sep 17, 2018 at 12:16 PM Post #7 of 3,158
I no longer have the Golds, sold them a few weeks ago, was finding them a little on the congested side when listening compared to other IEM's.

The basic sound profile at this very early stage - remember less than 3 hours on them so far, is that to my ears they are very detailed in the highs, guitars sound sharp and accurate but importantly not sibilant. Mids seem smooth and upfront in the mix. Bass response is very good, detailed with a nice sub-bass kick but not over powering.

I'd say very early on that to my taste and source these are reasonably neutral with maybe a little emphasis on the treble but I fully expect that to change once the driver has burned in for a few hours, already noticed a little change after the first hour.

See above.
I no longer have the Golds, sold them a few weeks ago, was finding them a little on the congested side when listening compared to other IEM's.

The basic sound profile at this very early stage - remember less than 3 hours on them so far, is that to my ears they are very detailed in the highs, guitars sound sharp and accurate but importantly not sibilant. Mids seem smooth and upfront in the mix. Bass response is very good, detailed with a nice sub-bass kick but not over powering.

I'd say very early on that to my taste and source these are reasonably neutral with maybe a little emphasis on the treble but I fully expect that to change once the driver has burned in for a few hours, already noticed a little change after the first hour.

See above.
Thanks for the early impressions. These sound really nice.
Whenever you get a chance, or better yet feel comfortable doing so, can you do a quick comparison with say the audeze or andromeda?
I would have to get a 4.4mm balanced cable with these, but from how you are describing the sound, and the small comfortable form factor, these might be perfect for me.
Sep 17, 2018 at 12:31 PM Post #8 of 3,158
Thanks for the early impressions. These sound really nice.
Whenever you get a chance, or better yet feel comfortable doing so, can you do a quick comparison with say the audeze or andromeda?
I would have to get a 4.4mm balanced cable with these, but from how you are describing the sound, and the small comfortable form factor, these might be perfect for me.

Sorry pal but I don’t have either of those earphones, could only compare against what’s in my signature. Could compare to more from memory but that never works out well lol
Sep 17, 2018 at 12:57 PM Post #9 of 3,158
Sorry pal but I don’t have either of those earphones, could only compare against what’s in my signature. Could compare to more from memory but that never works out well lol
How about the beyerdynamic xelento?
I think empire ears is out for now, till I get a custom legend x. Their return policy is rough and cant get too much info on the vanatage.
So I an down to beyerdynamic xelento and the RHA cl2 planar.
If you have any experience with that, please fill me in.
Sep 17, 2018 at 12:58 PM Post #10 of 3,158
I no longer have the Golds, sold them a few weeks ago, was finding them a little on the congested side when listening compared to other IEM's.

The basic sound profile at this very early stage - remember less than 3 hours on them so far, is that to my ears they are very detailed in the highs, guitars sound sharp and accurate but importantly not sibilant. Mids seem smooth and upfront in the mix. Bass response is very good, detailed with a nice sub-bass kick but not over powering.

I'd say very early on that to my taste and source these are reasonably neutral with maybe a little emphasis on the treble but I fully expect that to change once the driver has burned in for a few hours, already noticed a little change after the first hour.

See above.

Sorry pal but I don’t have either of those earphones, could only compare against what’s in my signature. Could compare to more from memory but that never works out well lol
Sorry I am dense :) just saw you sig.
Sep 17, 2018 at 1:40 PM Post #11 of 3,158
Sorry pal but I don’t have either of those earphones, could only compare against what’s in my signature. Could compare to more from memory but that never works out well lol
Would you call these planars musical?
Are they really neutral or a slight v shape?
Sep 17, 2018 at 1:55 PM Post #12 of 3,158
Would you call these planars musical?
Are they really neutral or a slight v shape?

They are very musical, I’ve listened for around 3 hours this afternoon with no fatigue or discomfort.
Sep 17, 2018 at 2:28 PM Post #13 of 3,158
They are very musical, I’ve listened for around 3 hours this afternoon with no fatigue or discomfort.
Okay. I am pulling the trigger.
Lol I am so impatient.
Will be ordering these Wednesday.
Please chime in some more if you can.
Now I am gonna leave you alone. Enjoy the planars.
Sep 17, 2018 at 3:36 PM Post #14 of 3,158
Sorry pal but I don’t have either of those earphones, could only compare against what’s in my signature. Could compare to more from memory but that never works out well lol

Great first impressions thanks, looks like I might pull the trigger :p

And compared to your N5005?

Edit : uh-oh, it doesn't show on Amazon which says it's in stock but on RHA's website....


@RHA Team : no stock left ?
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Sep 17, 2018 at 4:43 PM Post #15 of 3,158
They are very musical, I’ve listened for around 3 hours this afternoon with no fatigue or discomfort.
One more thing. Could you compare the bass response to some of the iems you currently have?
How much of a bass punch do these have compared to good dynamics?
That will answer all my questions honestly.

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