Interesting machine from Luxury n Precision
Apr 21, 2022 at 6:54 PM Post #2,566 of 4,148
Out of curiosity would anyone have any hard facts on the DSP settings for how they tailored the FR to the FW 10000, the IE 900 and Trailli? I have them all in my player but I was curious if anyone knew in what ways they affected playback.
Apr 22, 2022 at 9:47 PM Post #2,567 of 4,148
Hey, did everyone else's P6 pro come with the green case? Or did you have to buy it separately? I think mine came without it... Just the wood box and no leather case in it.
Apr 22, 2022 at 10:02 PM Post #2,568 of 4,148
Hey, did everyone else's P6 pro come with the green case? Or did you have to buy it separately? I think mine came without it... Just the wood box and no leather case in it.
It should come with it if you buy from Musicteck, otherwise you can contact Andrew.

Alternatively, the TPU case for P6 Pro is pretty nice, allowing you to see the wooden back.
Apr 22, 2022 at 10:08 PM Post #2,569 of 4,148
It should come with it if you buy from Musicteck, otherwise you can contact Andrew.

Alternatively, the TPU case for P6 Pro is pretty nice, allowing you to see the wooden back.
Same here. I have one from MusicTeck and the other from Jaben Singapore. Both came with complimentary leather cases. It will be in a separate package. :)
Apr 23, 2022 at 12:22 AM Post #2,570 of 4,148
no amp then with LP6 Ti ?????
Personally, I think the LP6TI can drive the HD800s about 85%. But the quality of sound from the LP6TI can be improved especially the headroom if you have a good power AMP and the musicality in terms of harmonics through some custom tubes. I am experimenting with the Pico Audio Origa SE customized version (Class A). There is a small company talking about Mods on youtube called CAS Workshop but it is all in Chinese. Apparently, with the heavy duty PSU, Op-Amp and the 2 Capacitors with the Tube change, that Tube Amp can literally drive a bus:wink: Pushing 800 ohms. They don't state the mW since it's all customizable and depends on the PSU, Op-Amps you use but it will certainly go over 3000mw IMHO if you make all the changes. I am still testing it now. The LP6Ti really doesn't need more power if using IEM. But for the size of the PICO Audio Amp it packs a heavy punch if you want the power.
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Apr 23, 2022 at 12:30 AM Post #2,571 of 4,148
@Steranko, I've moved this thread here instead, don't want to hog the N8ii spotlight. I am also eagerly awaiting to see what LP does to the LP7. But honestly, crazy as it may sound, if I'd amped the LP6, I would amp the LP7! I firmly believe it's not the quantity that really count, but the quality that freeing it from the burden of powering its DAC may produce.
yes move this thread. I don't think I have the budget to move to the LP7. I can see them improving the power and added a big battery but I hate to see it's size grow too big and end up with a brick of a DAP. The Lp6Ti will always have a room in my collection for a player this small and light which also sounds TOTL.
Apr 23, 2022 at 1:06 AM Post #2,572 of 4,148
Personally, I think the LP6TI can drive the HD800s about 85%. But the quality of sound from the LP6TI can be improved especially the headroom if you have a good power AMP and the musicality in terms of harmonics through some custom tubes. I am experimenting with the Pico Audio Origa SE customized version (Class A). There is a small company talking about Mods on youtube called CAS Workshop but it is all in Chinese. Apparently, with the heavy duty PSU, Op-Amp and the 2 Capacitors with the Tube change, that Tube Amp can literally drive a bus:wink: Pushing 800 ohms. They don't state the mW since it's all customizable and depends on the PSU, Op-Amps you use but it will certainly go over 3000mw IMHO if you make all the changes. I am still testing it now. The LP6Ti really doesn't need more power if using IEM. But for the size of the PICO Audio Amp it packs a heavy punch if you want the power.
Think it also depends on what sort of music you are listening to. For vocals and acoustics which is much of what I listen to, the LP6 Ti 7th Anniversary Edition does it for me. Considering it is a simple DAP, I think it’s quite a feat. Especially since many desktop set ups don’t have that sort of synergy with the HD800S. :)
Apr 23, 2022 at 2:03 AM Post #2,573 of 4,148
Think it also depends on what sort of music you are listening to. For vocals and acoustics which is much of what I listen to, the LP6 Ti 7th Anniversary Edition does it for me. Considering it is a simple DAP, I think it’s quite a feat. Especially since many desktop set ups don’t have that sort of synergy with the HD800S. :)
Agree, For classical music and orchestra type music it is more than enough and the sound is already extraordinary! 👍 and I love the size and weight of it.
Apr 23, 2022 at 3:21 AM Post #2,574 of 4,148
Personally, I think the LP6TI can drive the HD800s about 85%. But the quality of sound from the LP6TI can be improved especially the headroom if you have a good power AMP and the musicality in terms of harmonics through some custom tubes. I am experimenting with the Pico Audio Origa SE customized version (Class A). There is a small company talking about Mods on youtube called CAS Workshop but it is all in Chinese. Apparently, with the heavy duty PSU, Op-Amp and the 2 Capacitors with the Tube change, that Tube Amp can literally drive a bus:wink: Pushing 800 ohms. They don't state the mW since it's all customizable and depends on the PSU, Op-Amps you use but it will certainly go over 3000mw IMHO if you make all the changes. I am still testing it now. The LP6Ti really doesn't need more power if using IEM. But for the size of the PICO Audio Amp it packs a heavy punch if you want the power.
I watched the CAS YouTube video on the Origa with Ming; bit hard to follow though I caught most ig not all the foul language haha(!), the tech talk and terminologies much harder to catch in Cantonese. I even chatted with Ming briefly on Messenger, and heard he has a balanced Origa in the works. I’m really keen to get your input on the amp, your tube rolling and impressions on pairing with DAP/DACs. 🙏

I am a believer of component separation, and the first part of the audio chain to split is the Amp-DAC. It’s not just a matter of wattage and ohms, the current needed by capacitors, etc is important too. In my experience, amping, even an already powerful DAP, makes a difference To me, it's like -- can you push a Toyota to 200Km/h? Sure, if you red-line it. But a Porsche will be cruising along at that speed. The same result, more or less, but an entirely different experience.

yes move this thread. I don't think I have the budget to move to the LP7. I can see them improving the power and added a big battery but I hate to see it's size grow too big and end up with a brick of a DAP. The Lp6Ti will always have a room in my collection for a player this small and light which also sounds TOTL.
The LPs appear to occupy a space all on its own -- ample power in a portable form factor. Looks like the best alternative to stacking, especially for travel use. I’ll wait to see what the LP7 brings; otherwise, the LP6, hopefully a collectible edition like the 7AE, would be available on a deal.
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Apr 23, 2022 at 5:08 AM Post #2,575 of 4,148
The LPs appear to occupy a space all on its own -- ample power in a portable form factor. Looks like the best alternative to stacking, especially for travel use. I’ll wait to see what the LP7 brings; otherwise, the LP6, hopefully a collectible edition like the 7AE, would be available on a deal.
Frankly, as it is the P6Pro has more than ample power whilst being light pocketable. @Sabre2 and I both have the FitEar DC which is one of the most difficult to drive IEMs around. Heheh! Almost as difficult to drive as the Sendy Peacock. We happily drive the FitEar DC on the P6Pro on volume 32 on high gain. So, unless you are driving headphones, the P6Pro will be more than enough when I start flying again. :)
Apr 23, 2022 at 6:17 AM Post #2,576 of 4,148
Frankly, as it is the P6Pro has more than ample power whilst being light pocketable. @Sabre2 and I both have the FitEar DC which is one of the most difficult to drive IEMs around. Heheh! Almost as difficult to drive as the Sendy Peacock. We happily drive the FitEar DC on the P6Pro on volume 32 on high gain. So, unless you are driving headphones, the P6Pro will be more than enough when I start flying again. :)
Its not that the P6 Pro doesn’t have the quantity of watts needed to drive my IEMS, the 300Max on paper also has enough, but it just does not deliver the complete sound — increased resolution, micro details, spatial imaging, better layering and separation — that I hear when it’s amped. I can’t explain or describe the sound of effortless-ness, you will know it when you hear it, just like you can feel the difference in a Toyota or Porsche at 200Km/h. When are you next at Adelphi or if you are free, come by my office with some of your toys, you can test my rig and I can listen to your 7AE! :L3000:
Apr 23, 2022 at 7:13 AM Post #2,577 of 4,148
Personally, I think the LP6TI can drive the HD800s about 85%. But the quality of sound from the LP6TI can be improved especially the headroom if you have a good power AMP and the musicality in terms of harmonics through some custom tubes. I am experimenting with the Pico Audio Origa SE customized version (Class A). There is a small company talking about Mods on youtube called CAS Workshop but it is all in Chinese. Apparently, with the heavy duty PSU, Op-Amp and the 2 Capacitors with the Tube change, that Tube Amp can literally drive a bus:wink: Pushing 800 ohms. They don't state the mW since it's all customizable and depends on the PSU, Op-Amps you use but it will certainly go over 3000mw IMHO if you make all the changes. I am still testing it now. The LP6Ti really doesn't need more power if using IEM. But for the size of the PICO Audio Amp it packs a heavy punch if you want the power.
LP6 with Traillii and Isabellae at maximum volume goes into protection (the amp) and distorts the sound. I was thinking of a portable amp. Mass Kobo: Little power but a lot of quality. But I only read something about this Mass Kobo 428.
Apr 23, 2022 at 7:47 AM Post #2,578 of 4,148
Its not that the P6 Pro doesn’t have the quantity of watts needed to drive my IEMS, the 300Max on paper also has enough, but it just does not deliver the complete sound — increased resolution, micro details, spatial imaging, better layering and separation — that I hear when it’s amped. I can’t explain or describe the sound of effortless-ness, you will know it when you hear it, just like you can feel the difference in a Toyota or Porsche at 200Km/h. When are you next at Adelphi or if you are free, come by my office with some of your toys, you can test my rig and I can listen to your 7AE! :L3000:
That is why I listen off my desktop rig. If I want that sort of thing. For travel, there will be necessary compromises. :)
Apr 23, 2022 at 3:13 PM Post #2,579 of 4,148
LP6 with Traillii and Isabellae at maximum volume goes into protection (the amp) and distorts the sound. I was thinking of a portable amp. Mass Kobo: Little power but a lot of quality. But I only read something about this Mass Kobo 428.
The MassKobo 428 is a great transportable amp, I actually sold it and re-bought it lol. If you're thinking about one the prices are going up in May due to part shortages etc...
It works off of 4 AA batteries, microusb power and you're able to input either balanced or unbalanced sources. I'm acutally using it right now as my desktop IEM amp which is fed from the pre-out of my Ferrum/Holo Spring stack. When going portable it's fed from my LP6 Ti Anniversary line out, and its just a flip of a switch to place it into SE input and a specific 3.5mm to 4.4mm cable.
Apr 23, 2022 at 4:30 PM Post #2,580 of 4,148
The MassKobo 428 is a great transportable amp, I actually sold it and re-bought it lol. If you're thinking about one the prices are going up in May due to part shortages etc...
It works off of 4 AA batteries, microusb power and you're able to input either balanced or unbalanced sources. I'm acutally using it right now as my desktop IEM amp which is fed from the pre-out of my Ferrum/Holo Spring stack. When going portable it's fed from my LP6 Ti Anniversary line out, and its just a flip of a switch to place it into SE input and a specific 3.5mm to 4.4mm cable.
can you take a picture of Mass Kobo with LP6 connected?

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