Interconnects: Cardas Golden Cross vs. Virtual Dynamics Signature?
Jun 18, 2003 at 4:02 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Found that torchiere lamps induce nicotine addiction in moths.
Dec 9, 2001
I'm definitely going to buy some new interconnects this summer, as I am starting to not care for my PSS Quartets (silver) as much as I used to. I would like to warm things up a little, and perhaps gain some in the bass department (yes, I realize cables aren't the first place to start). If it means losing some details, I can live with that, as my headphones and amp are already quite detailed, perhaps to a fault.

The Signature and Cross (both used) are right at the end of my budget (~$400). Has anyone heard both? How do they compare? Specifically, I am interested in bass, but anything you can tell me about them would be nice, even if you have only heard one or the other, or you have heard lower/higher VD interconnects.

My current system: Music Hall MMF-CD25 (soon to be modded), Pure Silver Sound Quartet, Gilmore V2, AT W1000.

Jun 18, 2003 at 4:18 PM Post #2 of 16
Haven't heard the Cardas, but the VD cables meet your criteria of warm(ish) with excellent bass response, plus soundstaging capabilities to die for. They aren't "floaty" or "soft" cables, yet they don't have that "etched" or "outlined" sound that some cables have-- sounds just appear naturally out of space and silence. Impeccable tone/timbre, excellent cables all around. They are not very flexible and are best paired with gear that have strong RCAs.

Jun 18, 2003 at 4:42 PM Post #3 of 16
I don't want to kill your entusiasm but to me fitting a $500 CDP with a $400 interconnects is a bit of an overkill. I don't imply that the player is bad, I haven't heard it and many are fond of it so it's perhaps very good but still, it sounds a bit disproportioanate (is this a word?).

If you want more warmth, why don't you look at something like Harmonic Technology truth link or even precision link ICs cheaper.
Anyway if you've decided to get a $400 cable be sure to audition first. At this price point strange things begin to happen.
I recently recabled all my HiFi-headphone and speaker rigs with Supra cables and couldn't be happier. I actually first listened carefully then commited myself to buyng 4 pairs. Supra may be tough to find in the US but Harmonic Technology should do just fine.
Jun 18, 2003 at 5:05 PM Post #4 of 16
You might also try out some of WireWorld's offerings -- I think that Cable Co. might still have some Equinox III+ available for around $100 new (regular is $200). Nice, slightly warm cable with very very transparent midrange and good highs. I have played around with some of the more established brands of cables, and found that I generally like WireWorld's offerings the best.

edit: FWIW, I have not heard either the cables you're interested in. But I do have the W1000, and think it sounds great with the Equinox III+ (replaced Nordost Blue Heaven).
Jun 18, 2003 at 8:01 PM Post #5 of 16

I don't want to kill your entusiasm but to me fitting a $500 CDP with a $400 interconnects is a bit of an overkill. I don't imply that the player is bad, I haven't heard it and many are fond of it so it's perhaps very good but still, it sounds a bit disproportioanate (is this a word?).

Good point. Believe me I have thought about it. However, this interconnect will be staying with me when I have the player modded in the future, which brings its "price" up to about $1000. Supposedly, the modded Music Hall is competitive with stuff up to $2000. I'm not asserting this is accurate (I have no idea), but assuming that it is, then I am putting the interconnects on a ~$2000 sounding player, and it does not seem quite as out of proportion. Finally, I am hoping to get an interconnect that will stick with me through future upgrades, and even if it doesn't, the resale value of used interconnects seems to be pretty high, so in the end, I don't think this is a stupid investment (or no more stupid than any of the other stuff I buy
). Nevertheless, thanks for raising that point because it is definitely a valid one.

Anyway, thanks for the comments so far, and I would definitely appreciate more, especially in regards to whether the Cross would be significantly warmer than the Signature. I'm leaning towards the Sig right now, as the Cross might be too warm, but I don't really have any solid reason to believe this (hence my starting this thread).
Jun 18, 2003 at 8:13 PM Post #6 of 16
blr has a good point. radrd, for a list price of $250 (much cheaper used or in auction at audiogon), check out the Voodoo Reference, it's a real winner. A couple of people here have purchased on my reco and both are happy with their purchase. A stunner *at the price*, IMO. Check here for my review:

Good luck!

Jun 19, 2003 at 12:18 AM Post #7 of 16

Originally posted by radrd
I would like to warm things up a little, and perhaps gain some in the bass department (yes, I realize cables aren't the first place to start). If it means losing some details, I can live with that, as my headphones and amp are already quite detailed, perhaps to a fault.

In the spirit of exploring a different approach, I'll suggest adding some form of equalizer to your system. :wink:

Jun 19, 2003 at 12:56 AM Post #8 of 16
why not mod the musichall cd25 first - then maybe by modding it - you dont have to change interconnects as the sound of the cdp may change .
Jun 19, 2003 at 1:23 AM Post #9 of 16

In the spirit of exploring a different approach, I'll suggest adding some form of equalizer to your system. :wink:

I can't afford the equilizer I would want; moreover, I don't believe in equilizers.


why not mod the musichall cd25 first - then maybe by modding it - you dont have to change interconnects as the sound of the cdp may change .

That's the plan more or less. However, since I will be getting these interconnects used and the VD Sig isn't particularly common on Audiogon, I'm making sure that I have my bases covered in case one comes up at a good price.

Now that we have covered everything that has nothing to do with my question (as well as some very useful suggestions I might add
), is there anyone out there who has any experience with the Golden Cross and VD interconnects? It doesn't seem that unlikely considering the popularity of the Cross and VD around here.
Jun 19, 2003 at 4:10 AM Post #10 of 16
Players far better then the cd25 still sound better even with dirt cheap interconnects. Just something to think about..

I own the cd25 and compared to higher end players it lacks depth, fullness, bass, and is too bright. Also I find it fatiguing on both my headphones and speakers. For now I'm just trying to work with what Ive got heh. Going to switch the op-amps and demo some power cords.

Jun 19, 2003 at 5:54 AM Post #11 of 16

I own the cd25 and compared to higher end players it lacks depth, fullness, bass, and is too bright. Also I find it fatiguing on both my headphones and speakers. For now I'm just trying to work with what Ive got heh. Going to switch the op-amps and demo some power cords.

For the last time: I am having it modded!!!!!!

The modification process supposedly corrects every single problem that you just listed. Does it? I don't know, but it is what I am going to do, and I didn't ask for anyone's opinion on whether it is a good player or whether I am spending too much on my interconnects. I'm not a newb, I've done plenty of reading, and I have given numerous people the same advice you guys are giving me. I get it.

Now, if no one else will answer my damn question, then let my thread die. I have put plenty of thought into this, which should be obvious if more people would bother to actually read the thread. I'd probably be better off asking on Audioasylum.

I don't need people to tell me I'm wasting my money. I need people to tell me about these two cables. And, I might add, this is not the source forum.

Sorry about the rant, but this is frustrating.
Jun 19, 2003 at 7:19 AM Post #12 of 16
There are cheaper cables now being raved about in the Asylum that have them besting some very top cables. For instance the Bogdan Silver Spirit which is suppose to beat out the Acoustic Zen Silver Ref IIs, with the price right now "only" being $269. I got a pair just out of curiosity (coming this Sat), since more than one member on AA has said so and it's such low risk. The other one to consider is Zcables though they are more expensive and have said to compete up there as well (and I believe Vertigo has posted about them).
Jun 19, 2003 at 7:24 AM Post #13 of 16
I don't have experience with the Golden Cross but do have experience with VD Nites. In fact I'm auditioning them right now. Impressions? It's a quick cable. I expected it to be "cold sounding" since things are very quiet and fast. The Reference might actually be "warmer" sounding than the Signature. I don't have experience with the Signature but I know someone who does and he feels the Sigs gives more detail but found the reference to be more well rounded. The Nites is suppose to correct this "thinness" that you might get from the sigs. Of course it is all about equipment and personal tastes. VD has apretty good upgrade program why not try the Reference first if you're stretching your budget a bit? In any case I would describe the VD cables as "filtering" out the signals. Does it leave you just with the music or is something lost (ie the emotion of the music gets lost) because something has been filtered out?

With all that said. I love the cables for instruments such as acoustic guitar but didn't like it as much for instruments such as the violin. If you have noisy recordings (not unusual for classical recordings I have found out) they give you "blacker blacks/they are quieter" but you might feel some of the emotion of the music is lost and might find it a bit edgy sounding. So I think you would like it more for acoustic instruments.
Jun 19, 2003 at 7:27 AM Post #14 of 16
Since radrd is considering the Golden Cross vs. VD Signature, my guess is he's looking for a warmer sound. In that case, he should stay away from pure silver and silver plated copper.

I can't agree either with the notion of simply carrying a cable over from system to system. A cable that works well with one system or component won't necessarily work well with another. It's best to actually have whatever source you intend to end up with in place, listen to your system, see what's missing, and adjust accordingly with cables as a final tweak. That is, assuming you're happy with your major components like source, headphone, and amp.
Jun 19, 2003 at 8:27 AM Post #15 of 16
Okay, now we are getting somewhere. Thanks Howie especially, that was a great post. The Reference are cheaper too, which makes them attractive.


It's best to actually have whatever source you intend to end up with in place, listen to your system, see what's missing, and adjust accordingly with cables as a final tweak.

As I said, this is my plan. I realize that it does not make sense to upgrade cables first, then upgrade my source. I plan on upgrading the source first, as I might not even want new cables after I do so. This thread is for my information, just in case an awesome deal shows up on Audiogon (it happens occasionally) before I get my source modded.

I am happy with my amp, headphones, and power cables BTW.
Only two upgrades this summer: source (definitely) and interconnects (maybe).

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