Initial impressions: Stax Omega II/SRM-717
Apr 22, 2004 at 3:06 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 44


JMT Audio:PPA/META42 Amp Factory
Jun 21, 2001
Over the past few years, I have had a bit of experience listening to different headphones, sources, and amps. With one exception I have only owned dynamic cans (the exception being the AKG-K340), and have enjoyed them all for one reason or another. But the majority of them came and went to where I find myself with only 3 headphones remaining: The Sennheiser HD650/Cardas, the Joseph Grado HP-1000/HP-1, and the Etymotic ER-4S.

I had been intrigued by electrostats ever since I first listened to a Stax set up back in the early 1980s. Even then, relatively speaking, they were prohibitively expensive but the store that I used to buy gear from had a complete Stax display, with a listening station. I don't recall exactly which ones I listened to, but I know that my untrained ears liked what they heard.

Fast foward to June 7, 2003 when I hosted a meet at my home. Headroom sent a Stax Basic system along with all of the other cool toys for us to play with. I got to listen to it for a while prior to the meet. It sounded ok, but I was not not terribly impressed. I had asked Tyll (he was planning on attending the meet) if he could bring the Omega II/SRM-007t and his Meridian player, he did. Bless his heart. During the meet, as the host, I did not get to listen to much gear, but I made it a point to listen to the Omega II's. THAT is what my feeble little mind remembered from years back. The liquid, effortless sound.

Since then, I coveted the Omegas.

When a member/moderator decided to sell his Omega II/SRM-717 rig he contacted me, as he knew that I had a genuine interest in it. I couldn't say YES fast enough. I have been listening to the rig exclusively for the last week and wanted to post some initial impressions. It must also be noted that the day prior to receiving the Stax, I also received my Meridian 507 that I purchased from Todd. Life is funny that way.

Vertigo-1 told me to let the headphones charge for at least a half hour, they would sound their best after that. Of course I will (not), and I placed them on my head and listened. Sounds good, but there seems to be a channel imbalance. After figuring out how the volume control works (yes, I am an idiot and have been quasi chastised for my ineptitude around volume controls in another thread), I REALLY listened.

I read somewhere that the real strength of electrostatics is the reproduction of the midrange, specifically vocals. That they really demonstrate the timbre of the individuals voice. I put on a Manhattan Transfer CD, The Best of the Manhattan Transfer". Good Lord, I have never heard the harmony of this fine vocal group blend so well, but at the same time hear each and every voice in the harmonies. I could literally focus in on one voice and follow it thoughout the piece, and then toggle my focus back to the harmony, and then back to another individual. It was incredible.

I then listened to some Lee Ritenour and CSN, primarily to hear how the Omega's reproduced acoustic guitar. I recall when I owned the SRM-003 portable Stax, listening to Simon and Garfunkle, I was so impressed by the sound of acoustic guitar that it almost made me keep them....almost. If you like the sound of acoustic guitar and/or piano, I have not heard any dynamic that can deliver the tonal quality of a hammer or a pick striking a string like the Omegas can. Those two acoustic instruments sound so very natural through the Omegas. That is the best compliment that I can give the midrange reproduction of the Stax.

I have also read some impressions regarding the bottom end extension of the electrostats. While I don't think these would be ideal for DJing
, there is bass and then some. There is a portion of the soundtrack to "The Patriot" where cannons are firing off in the background. The Stax handles them without even breakng a sweat. During track #3, "The Battle" of The Soundtrack to the Motion Picture Gladiator there is a part where someone goes nuts with tympani, the Stax reacts to the different low end pitches nicely. If someone tells you that these can't go deep, tell them to bite you.

Where I was the most surprised was the treble extension. My experience as a Stax owner was limited to the Stax portable. I sold them because the top end roll off was just too apparent and too problematic for what I like to hear. While the Omegas do not give you that Grado-like treble, cymbals do sound "real" and triangles have just the right "ring" to them.

These are just impressions based on a week of listening. My usual disclaimers apply:
  1. Take my opinions with whatever grain of salt you would like.
  2. I don't write well, keep that in mind when reading this.
  3. I have thin skin and don't take criticism well.
  4. Have a nice day

Source: Meridian 507, Sony SCD-555ES
Cables: Cardas Neutral Reference, Cardas Golden Cross
  1. Manhattan Transfer: The Best of
  2. Lee Ritenour: Collection, Live in LA
  3. Crosby, Stills, and Nash: CSN
  4. Fleetwood Mac: Rumors
  5. Soundtracks: Gladiator, The Patriot
Apr 22, 2004 at 3:15 PM Post #3 of 44

I don't write well, keep that in mind when reading this.

I beg to differ...


If someone tells you that these can't go deep, tell them to bite you.

Best Line Ever.

Congrats on the amp/phones there JMT. Some day I am going to have to try them out (or buy some
). A pity I couldn't make it to the last Seattle meet.
Apr 22, 2004 at 3:55 PM Post #4 of 44
Jon, as we well know, you're way too modest. That was a great review, further whetting my building desire to get my hands on some Omegas

I look forward to more of your impressions, so keep 'em coming!

I'm free to stop by your new place anytime!
Apr 22, 2004 at 4:00 PM Post #5 of 44
See, this is the problem.

I had been a real good boy and stayed away from Head-Fi mostly since I've come to Japan (and a bit before then as well). I had a chance to try out some Stax before heading out here, and I liked what I heard. I had a taste of Stax, and I wanted more... but being put in a different world with different priorities nicely distanced me from the temptation. I know I'm in the land of Stax and all, but I was able to live happily with my MDR-V6 setup.

Then I go and click on this review, and the "me wantee" hormones are swimming in my brain again.

Of course, I can still dissuade myself because I know it will be several more years before I'll ever be able to afford any source that would do the Omega II's any justice. Then I'd have to save up a few more years to actually purchase the Omega's and an amp themselves.

Sometimes I really just love sharing the sheer happiness and enjoyment seamlessly incorporated into a review coming from someone who has anticipated and anticipated... and who has found that the payoff was worth the wait. Your Stax Omega II review has reignited my heaphonitus.
Apr 22, 2004 at 4:22 PM Post #6 of 44
I have to agree with the bass part. I through on some rave music and listened through my Omega II/007t setup, and the bass knocked my socks off. It was incredibly powerful. I had to check to make sure there wasn't a bassy car outside. It was like the room was filled with bass. It was so low, that I got the impression that I wasn't hearing the full depth of it. I've never heard bass like that in a headphone.
Apr 22, 2004 at 4:40 PM Post #7 of 44
Congrats JMT, I enjoyed your review.

I'm in agreement on the bass too, there is really good detail and texture way down in the lowest registers--I've never heard that in another headphone. The Omegas do open up after at least a half hour of playtime---they make you wait a little bit, but its worth it.
Apr 22, 2004 at 8:19 PM Post #8 of 44
Congrats on the Omega II's, Jon, and as we used to say when I lived in Maine, "That was a wicked good post".

From you also saying that you just got your Meridian 507 (yes, life IS funny that way) too, can we assume that that was your source for these sessions?

Thanks again for a very nice description of your experience and the nice points of reference for us to feel what you felt.
Apr 22, 2004 at 8:49 PM Post #9 of 44
Congratulations on the Omega IIs, glad to hear you like them now imagine how good they'll be when you build the KGSS to drive them!
Apr 22, 2004 at 9:00 PM Post #10 of 44
Thanks for the kind words guys.


Originally Posted by nanahachi
I'm free to stop by your new place anytime!

Anytime Joey, just say the word.

Originally Posted by LobsterSan
Your Stax Omega II review has reignited my heaphonitus.

Glad I could help.

Originally Posted by agile_one
From you also saying that you just got your Meridian 507 (yes, life IS funny that way) too, can we assume that that was your source for these sessions?

Yes, but I plan to listen to some SACD's this evening. I have just been so impressed with the redbook performance of the Meridian. It rivals, if not surpasses, my experience with the 555ES/Bel Canto DAC2 combo.
Apr 22, 2004 at 10:21 PM Post #11 of 44
We have now confirmed that you are indeed deaf.... or shortly on your way to complete loss of hearing. Stax don't do deep bass and I will not be biting you any time soon.
Apr 22, 2004 at 10:24 PM Post #12 of 44

Originally Posted by Tuberoller
We have now confirmed that you are indeed deaf.... or shortly on your way to complete loss of hearing. Stax don't do deep bass and I will not be biting you any time soon.

Apr 22, 2004 at 10:33 PM Post #13 of 44
Impressive write-up and very well don Jon. Well done indeed. These are truly the most amazing cans I have ever heard in my life, bar none. Their sound is effortless, dynamics superb, and separation of instruments and singers is second to none. The only way it gets better is by running a KGSS or Weebl to them. Which, I assume, is already being considered by yourself.

Congrats on the purchase of such an impressive system.
Enjoy the tunes my man, enjoy the tunes.
Apr 22, 2004 at 10:34 PM Post #14 of 44
Oh,stop it Rick. I'm joking and I been listening to Stax as long as anybody else here and likely much longer. They still don't do deep bass and you all know it........

The Stax "Matrix" has you Jon. I'll come inside to save you before it's too late. Don't be fooled by what you hear. It's not real and is designed to make you feel like you are hearing the truth. The Stax are lying to you in a sweet seductive voice. Wake Up!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 22, 2004 at 10:50 PM Post #15 of 44

Originally Posted by Tuberoller
Oh,stop it Rick. I'm joking and I been listening to Stax as long as anybody else here and likely much longer. They still don't do deep bass and you all know it........

I know, Fred.. it's your ears...

I realize you have your minions here at Head-fi that "trust your ears"...

You're either joking or you're not. There's a multitude of people here at Head-fi that believe the Omega II's do bass just fine.

Just because you're "Fred" doesn't mean everybody agrees with you.

I happen to think JMT's ears are at least as good as yours.

I also feel that you are condescending in your replies and for reasons known only to you, that you think your opinion is the bomb.

Give us all a break and take some personal inventory, you said you were doing anyway...


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