In search for adequate IEMs for my player. No cash for amp, narrowed down and willing to give info :D
Nov 30, 2010 at 5:28 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Nov 30, 2010
Hello, my first post, and already a question...
A disclaimer: I have been reading HeadFi, TechEnclave, and other forums/review sites, to get the basic info. I really don't wan't to spam or generate a 100th thread with thesame question. I tried to go deep to find an answer, but, living in Poland, it's hard to get to touch the actual product unless you buy it abroad... also, forgive my language skills.
I'm sort of a guitar geek, so I listen [and play :D] a lot of it. Mostly blues, rock, modern instrumental rock [Satriani, Petrucci, Timmons]. A bit acoustic guitar [McKee] and jazz.
I am searching for a good IEM for my iPod Nano 6gen, and I can't afford a portable amp, so I need something that sounds good by itself.
I use Apple Lossless [please feel free to comment] on all my CD's.
My budget is up to 200 US$.
I think I narrowed it down to two choices.
1. Fisher Audio DBA-02. Loved here, quite analytical and detailed. Budgen sells them for 160$, earhooks could be a nice option for 9$. They seem the best double armature not only below 200$.
2. Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10. That's a shocker! List 400$, Amazon 255$, Amazon Merchants 170$? Please tell me if that's correct and can I really get a new set for as low?
Now the tech blabber of an underknowledged man. Forgive me, I want to know and Wikipedia+Reviews tend to be a good source, but in need of verification here and there.
1. Frequency Response:
DBA-02 20Hz-20kHz
TripleFi 10Hz-17kHz
TripleFi win here, since we can feel the low freq  we no longer hear, and 17kHz is plenty.
2. Sensitivity:
DBA-02 108dB
TripleFi 117dB
Point for UE
3. Impedance:
DBA-02 43Ohm
TripleFi 32Ohm
Point UE?
From everything I can read, not having access to the 'phones, DBA-02 should be cleaner and 'truer', but can they really play with iPod, without amping?
On the other hand, TF10 are more sensitive and have lesser impedance, so they should be better with iPod saute, and since they have a 'V' shaped Freq response, and iPod's tend to get the middle out, they should complete eachother nicely.
What is the question, then?
The question is, am I right? should I go with UE TF10, and can I really get them for 170$. Are they really better for an iPod, and finally, is there any sense in my blabber?
Many thanks for those who got that far and even more for those who decide to answer
Nov 30, 2010 at 7:08 PM Post #2 of 7
You just missed an Amazon deal that had the UE TF10 for $99. Everyone bought them out, so now you will find them resold on amazon and ebay for around 175 for a while.
Dec 1, 2010 at 4:07 AM Post #3 of 7
I heard about that deal, didn't hear is was Amazon. So they are really that cheap now. Thanks for the first reply.
I really wonder If I'm thinking right, and I'd like a second opinion - are TF10 better for iPod based on the fact right now I can get them for the same price?

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