IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

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May 11, 2021 at 3:03 PM Post #2,416 of 18,894
if they feel the need to defend him whenever his opinions are questioned
Wait wait wait, did you read this thread? This all started because people started throwing insults and disgusting comments my way, not because my opinions were merely questioned.

Again, there's this culture of bashing people who disagree in the IMR fanbase that's super toxic and turns off new people (including the subsequent victim-blaming when they fight back), yet the fanboys here ignores it and continues to spout the rhetoric that I apparently got offended when someone disagreed with me.

No, I got offended when someone called me deaf for not liking IMR IEMs, and the fanbase cheered on. Get that right.
May 11, 2021 at 3:15 PM Post #2,417 of 18,894
Wait wait wait, did you read this thread? This all started because people started throwing insults and disgusting comments my way, not because my opinions were merely questioned.

Again, there's this culture of bashing people who disagree in the IMR fanbase that's super toxic and turns off new people (including the subsequent victim-blaming when they fight back), yet the fanboys here ignores it and continues to spout the rhetoric that I apparently got offended when someone disagreed with me.

No, I got offended when someone called me deaf for not liking IMR IEMs, and the fanbase cheered on. Get that right.
I would still like to think the comments in question were not 100% serious. I’m also fairly sure its not the first time the deaf comment has been made considering you are dealing with audio :smirk:.
May 11, 2021 at 4:01 PM Post #2,420 of 18,894
Wait wait wait, did you read this thread? This all started because people started throwing insults and disgusting comments my way, not because my opinions were merely questioned.

Again, there's this culture of bashing people who disagree in the IMR fanbase that's super toxic and turns off new people (including the subsequent victim-blaming when they fight back), yet the fanboys here ignores it and continues to spout the rhetoric that I apparently got offended when someone disagreed with me.

No, I got offended when someone called me deaf for not liking IMR IEMs, and the fanbase cheered on. Get that right.

I just wanted make a brief point @crinacle To be honest when I saw the screen grab with the brief review notes on it I just thought it was someone new to IEM's / audio in general. I was very surprised when I found you had written them. I think I can appreciate why your reviews may have raised a few eyebrows here! In general, because what you have written is not the experience of many many others...certainly that I have read at any rate.

I remember reading one of your reviews of one of IMR's a while ago and was a bit disappointed to read your personal comments in regards to Bob.
I [think] I can understand why you said what you did but I have to wonder how those feelings may have affected your review/s?

Thinking further on it a couple of points come to mind:

A fair number of burn in deny-ers have had their views turned around after having done a due diligent burn in with their IMR's.
Personally, I have never experienced such a profound shift in sound than I have with the IMR IEMs - the difference after 300 hours is quite something to experience!

So I am wondering, given the amount of reviewing that you do if you ever have the opportunity to perform a full burn in for any IEM you have the good fortune to listen to review?!
Perhaps you had no particular wish to go the extra mile with IMR?

The tuning - IMR's ship with Black/Black filter which essentially gives you maximum bass - NOT something I want from an IEM. What I am looking for is a beautifully balanced and most of all natural sounding IEM.
I have been able to achieve this with all the IMR's I have bought through finding my own set of filter tunings after a full burn in and with my favourite tips.
My point here is, I doubt you would have the time (or in fact the wish) to go through this process for any or all IEM's given the amount of IEM's you must listen too? :)

One final thing, Ive been in this hobby for many years, Im over 50 years old. I don't 'fanboy' anyone BUT I will happily speak up for Bob's extraordinary kindness, generosity, customer support and for providing IEMs that beat anything and everything else I have heard.
Any 'fanboying' I do is coming from a deep feeling of appreciation and gratitude for creating an end game IEM (in my case the Opus Mia)
(Ive known and met Bob a number of times since the Trinity days)

Im trying to see things from your side and to try to imagine where your reviews come from and to appreciate what you do.

Im sorry to say though that in this specific case I do find your reviews of the IMR's baffling which from one point of view I find a great shame and frankly a disservice but from another point of you say its your opinion which is of course absolutely fine...(assuming you are not biased against IMR at all)
A few thoughts. Nothing personal either way. Keep up the good work
May 11, 2021 at 4:33 PM Post #2,421 of 18,894
Humility and humiliation are entirely different things. Humiliation is something one does to one's self through some shameful act. No one can impose it. Indeed, I lived in Asia for many years and have spent significant time is Singapore and I know the culture. Attempting to bring shame on someone else ultimately brings shame on one's self. If you consider someone disagreeing with you as "humiliation", your ego is way to to tender especially for someone who put's himself "out there" with some fairly polarizing views. You may want to think about thickening your skin.

Just for the record, humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking about yourself, less.

I will comment no more, nor will I respond to this topic any further - but it might be worth reflecting upon....

This is simply not correct. If you look up the dictionary definition of the word 'humiliation,' it says the following verbatim: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated. By definition, it is clearly not limited to a self-inflicted act. You may want to think about actually consulting the dictionary next time.

Second, do you have any experience with IMR products to share or questions about them that you post here or are you here just to be a cheerleader? Crinacle's fans can get just as emotional if they feel the need to defend him whenever his opinions are questioned. As demonstrated by a few posts above and in other threads across this forum.

It's not a difference of opinion that's the issue. Sure, I disagree with plenty of Crin's opinions, but that's just how it goes in this hobby. What it doesn't mean, then, is that I have to resort to jeers and personal attacks like depicted in so many posts here. C'mon, how childish is that? Likewise, the side-stepping and taking things out of context aren't cool either.
May 11, 2021 at 4:49 PM Post #2,422 of 18,894
This is simply not correct. If you look up the dictionary definition of the word 'humiliation,' it says the following verbatim: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated. By definition, it is clearly not limited to a self-inflicted act. You may want to think about actually consulting the dictionary next time.

It's not a difference of opinion that's the issue. Sure, I disagree with plenty of Crin's opinions, but that's just how it goes in this hobby. What it doesn't mean, then, is that I have to resort to jeers and personal attacks like depicted in so many posts here. C'mon, how childish is that? Likewise, the side-stepping and taking things out of context aren't cool either.
lets forget the definition here. In that context humiliation didn't make sense that much, and Crin know that himself I think' it was just an attempt on play on words with humility.
I think we can move on now.
May 12, 2021 at 2:51 AM Post #2,426 of 18,894
I am waiting for Bob’s Bass Cannon (BC) to blast my ears and blow my

Btw, I have been enjoying my Semper ever since I hooked my Max to my trusted Wagnus amp over the past weeks. Metallica, Dreamthearter, Dire Straits, Neil Young, John Mayall, Peter Green, Uriah Heep, Ozzy, and so on...excellent synergy with wonderful Top to Toe SQ. None of those ‘battlefield’ effect so to speak. Just pure joy and into the music that warm my heart smooth my brain experiences.


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May 12, 2021 at 7:25 AM Post #2,428 of 18,894
I am waiting for Bob’s Bass Cannon (BC) to blast my ears and blow my

Btw, I have been enjoying my Semper ever since I hooked my Max to my trusted Wagnus amp over the past weeks. Metallica, Dreamthearter, Dire Straits, Neil Young, John Mayall, Peter Green, Uriah Heep, Ozzy, and so on...excellent synergy with wonderful Top to Toe SQ. None of those ‘battlefield’ effect so to speak. Just pure joy and into the music that warm my heart smooth my brain experiences.

May I ask what filter combination are you using with your Semper?
I’m having a hard time figuring out which one works best for me...
May 12, 2021 at 8:43 AM Post #2,429 of 18,894
May I ask what filter combination are you using with your Semper?
I’m having a hard time figuring out which one works best for me...
Here you go, but still boils down to individual.

With my current set up, Red nozzle black filter. It gives a more balance signature across the spectrum and in tonality. Tips is Comply T600 Large.

I’m using John Mayall & Friends album for adjustment, especially on track If I Don’t Get Home. You’ll will get all the instruments working harmoniously and effortlessly; keyboard, guitar, harmonica, snare hitting more in line with the kick drum, etc.

And just enough air in the lower octave for the Testify track. On Black nozzle is too much for me to stomach even though I am quite a bass head since I went into DD.

The rest of the tracks are equally fingers tapping and enjoyable.
May 12, 2021 at 9:46 AM Post #2,430 of 18,894
Here you go, but still boils down to individual.

With my current set up, Red nozzle black filter. It gives a more balance signature across the spectrum and in tonality. Tips is Comply T600 Large.

I’m using John Mayall & Friends album for adjustment, especially on track If I Don’t Get Home. You’ll will get all the instruments working harmoniously and effortlessly; keyboard, guitar, harmonica, snare hitting more in line with the kick drum, etc.

And just enough air in the lower octave for the Testify track. On Black nozzle is too much for me to stomach even though I am quite a bass head since I went into DD.

The rest of the tracks are equally fingers tapping and enjoyable.

Thank you, I think I've not tried that combination yet.

I've gone through black/black, black/blue, grey/blue, pink/red and pink/pink, which is the one I'm using now as I find it the most balanced for me.

It's just that I keep finding my self tip and source rolling trying to find a combination that works best with most genres.
With PB1 and OG Aten I'm fine with black nozzle / blue filter, but with Semper I find bass a bit bloated with anything above pink nozzle, and treble too sharp and sometimes screechy with any filter above pink.

I've even come to think that my Sempers could be out of phase and did some tests available on YouTube just to make sure it wasn't the case.

I think Semper sounds really good with good mastered songs, but it may sound really convoluted in not so good mastered ones (for example, I can barely listen to any black metal albums with them).

So I'm about to finally send my Semper to the drawer and call a day, and just enjoy my PB1s which sound just amazing; It's just that I can't help keep trying from time to time to find my perfect nozzle/filter combo, as I'm aware of the potential that lurks inside those big shells lol.

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