I'm sad... and I want to tell you why. From grados to nowhere?
Jun 14, 2007 at 12:42 PM Post #31 of 35
Hi fellas! I just found frequency graphs in www.headphone.com and it clearly shows difference between SR225 and E4's.

To me, the sound between the two is as different as that graph shows. Only if I had found that earlier... Ety ER-4S on the other hand shows higher peak in highs admit it's in a little different place than 225's. I think super.fi5Pros aren't for me because of their lower end.

Now what come in my mind is how different preferences people have. I think my ears have become adjusted towards sound what many would say bright since many prefers Sony MDR-V6's bright as well as grados.
For example here's some words from E4 reviews over the net which I read before made my decision:

From CNet

The E4cs sounded more open, less inside our head, more dynamic, and a tad richer than the ER-4Ps. The Etymotics are still great headphones, but on Lucinda Williams's white-hot new CD, Live @ the Fillmore, the E4cs put us in the first row of that legendary venue. It was amazing how clear the sound was.

From Trusted reviews: (Itlooks like they were revieved totally different phones than mine??? Bass is actually good, imho.

e4cs bass is lacking – despite claims of “brilliant highs and extended bass”. This problem stems from the fact the driver is so small. On the plus side - the highs really are brilliant with amazing clarity. I could pick out every instrument individually without any problems and I could hear new detail in familiar music that I'd never heard before.

Goog Gear Guide:

For the most part, the quality of the sound is on par with something like the Audio Technica AD700, if not better. The mid range was absolutely crystal clear, to the point where we were hearing background elements in our songs that not even our Beyer DT880s had brought out. This is the best quality of these headphones, their detail resolution. Everything sounds so wonderfully complicated it makes your music that much more technical. This is only enhanced by the brilliantly biting mid range, and the incredibly liquid highs. Listening to some of our Radiohead test tracks, we had Thom Yorke's gob-smacking vocals, ornate keyboard riffs, bells and biting guitar all hitting us at once. Incredible.


Of course most of you have noticed by now we neglected to mention the bass on this model, and that is really the one weakness it has.

Audiophile audition:

The midrange was detailed and the high frequency response was excellent.

And finally this review made my decision clear:

At first, I thought the E4s sounded thin, a bit tinny, and unquestionably bass shy. As I continued my assessment, I realized that the E4s are quite extended on top, revealing a lot of detail that on some recordings may register as harsh.

...like reading review about Grados....

So... Different strokes for different folks.

I decided to give a week for these and try to eq them for my liking. After that I might try etys (and keep them no matter what
). I found that more I listen these, more better and clear the sound become. I got headache first when trying to concentrate invidual performers, but now my hearing is become more get used to the sound. But I doubt I'll never gonna like them very much? My "warm" tannoy speakers sounds crystal clear after listening to these.

ps. Sir Kramer, I'm not that sad looking!
Do you have any mods for E4's? How much are development & engineering costs?
Jun 14, 2007 at 12:56 PM Post #32 of 35
If you do decide to go for Etys, bear in mind that ER-4S's will need an amp, ER-4P's can get by without an amp (though an amp will help no matter what).

One thing to consider is that you can buy the ER-4P's and then also buy the adapter which converts the 4P's to 4S's, thereby you can have both at once!
Jun 14, 2007 at 1:10 PM Post #33 of 35
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. Buying an adapter and I'll get both. Very nice, thank you very much! I've been looking an amp for grados, but if XinSupermini4 or maybe headphonia DAC, for example could be good for both -Grados AND etys, it would be a steal for that pricerange.
Jun 14, 2007 at 2:16 PM Post #34 of 35
While I can see where you're coming from Aaron, I happen to be in the camp that prefers Etys as IEMs while loving the Grados. My experience with the ER-6s is such that they should soon be fore sale, compared to the ER-4p. Amped with the Tomahawk, and they have enough low end for me, though I am not a basshead by any means. I do love my detail, which they are both pretty good at (etys are more detailed, I'd say) and I find that the Etys and the Grados are pretty similar in terms of accuracy to how something sounds live. Plus the up front sound of the Grados is apparently what I prefer.

But compared to other IEMs and other larger cans, I'd have to concur that the etys (4p) come closest to the Grado "house sound" from the few things I have heard.
Jun 14, 2007 at 3:20 PM Post #35 of 35

Originally Posted by L7R /img/forum/go_quote.gif

ps. Sir Kramer, I'm not that sad looking!
Do you have any mods for E4's? How much are development & engineering costs?

LOL... nope Ive never owned an ER4... and even if I did I dont think I would mod it. "If It aint' broke.."

There is another member who modded the snot out of his ER4. I cant remember who though. But it doesn't even look like an ER4, outside of the foam tips.

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