I'll host an Atlanta Meet - who's in?
Jul 2, 2005 at 8:00 PM Post #16 of 134
Hey guys, I should be able to make it as well. My stash of gear changes quite a bit, but whatever happens I'm sure I'll have quite a bit of it to bring to the meet later this month!

Hey purk, you still got the RKV? I'd rather not have to haul my speaker amps to the meet just for the K1000
(plus they're probably not as good a match as the RKV).
Jul 2, 2005 at 8:12 PM Post #17 of 134
Yep, I still have the RKV and you will definitely like the K1000 and RKV combo. I've now sold my K1000 due to my somewhat large head.

I will bring the following items:

-SACDmods Sony SCD-C555ES
-Modwright Pioneer A47i w/ absolute truth tube mods.
(I can bring more sources but they are heavy)

-Single Power SDS Supra (1st generation purchased from Tom Hankins)
-Doobooloo Maxed Out PPA w/ Diamond Buffer and STEPS PSU
-Audiovalve RKV MKII w/ Impedancer.

-Senn HD-650 w/ Zu Mobius
-Senn HD-580 Jubilee w/ Equinox Cable
-Sony MDR-CD3000 recabled with MoonAudio Silver Dragon w/ Headphile earcups
-Audio Technica ATH-A100ti
-Grado SR-325.
Jul 4, 2005 at 1:27 AM Post #18 of 134

Originally Posted by mulveling
Hey guys, I should be able to make it as well. My stash of gear changes quite a bit, but whatever happens I'm sure I'll have quite a bit of it to bring to the meet later this month!

Hey purk, you still got the RKV? I'd rather not have to haul my speaker amps to the meet just for the K1000
(plus they're probably not as good a match as the RKV).

i have a bonestock SI t-amp that i run w/ batteries if you want me to bring it
Jul 4, 2005 at 6:04 PM Post #20 of 134
Naga, both of those sound good

For headphones I guess I will bring:
Audio Technica L3000 (hopefully soon I will have some sort of solution for the minor channel balance problem
AKG K1000
Senn HD650 (though purk has em too I figure a 2nd pair can't hurt)
AKG K340 (I have a recabled and a stock pair)
Grado RS-2 (assuming I don't get the urge to sell them soon
I also have all the main grado pads: bowls, flats, vwaps

I also have HD600 and Grado sr225, but I'll only bring them if someone requests to hear them. Sorry I sold my Joe Grado hp-2 last month, guys - ironically it was by far my favorite grado, too.

For amps I've sold a lot of them recently so I'm left with my '97 Headroom Max. I also have an '04 upgraded Supreme and '01 Little, but I don't really like either of those, so again I'll only bring if someone requests it.

For sources I just have an old Panny rp-91 DVD player (which I actually like very much) and the Meridian G08 that is currently for sale. If it's not sold by the time of the meet I'll bring it along. I also have a Denon DVD-2910 which I'll bring if someone requests it.

So...how many ladies are going to be at this meet?
Jul 4, 2005 at 8:07 PM Post #21 of 134
If you want to bring the HD-600 that will be great so we can have all the highend Senn phones.
Jul 4, 2005 at 9:23 PM Post #22 of 134
Alright! Looks like we'll be having a great meet! I'll update the first post to reflect the rsvp list.

Also, those of you bringing source equipment, bring a power strip if you can. I'm mapping out spaces for everyone (purk gets the kitchen island.
) and want to make sure we don't end up with extension cord issues. I have plenty of room, and a number of sturdy places to park gear.

I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the cheap DIY tube amp and do the tweaks on it as part of the initial build. I *love* tubes, so purk's RKV has me just a drooling.

Mulveling - only chick(s) that I know might be there would be my wife if she doesn't run off and hide. Heh. Unless y'all want to bring your SO's or someone makes a stripper run.
(Please, no crackhos.
) And do please bring your 225's - would be interesting to see what, if any, differences can be heard between ours.

Also - in terms of snacks, I'm leaning towards "clean" food. Wouldn't do to have pizza or greasy potato chips around such nice gear, even though there are at least half a dozen pie joints that deliver here. I'll have at least a veggie tray and Naga will bring those muffins . Any requests for something else?

Jul 5, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #23 of 134
Ok guys,
hd600 and 225s will be there too! The 225s I have sure aren't lookers (I am not the original owner - don't blame me), but they sound fine. I guess I'll have more room for them since now the crackhos won't be coming along (they have to be at church)

Good thinking about the greasy food + gear being a bad combo
Heh, no greasy mitts on my L3000, please. Though, one possibility would be to eat after the meet, or we could all go out. The veggies and muffins sound good, too. I'm not really picky.
Jul 5, 2005 at 5:02 AM Post #24 of 134
I'll be there if exams arent the next day...ill have to check. Equipment ill be bringing are my modded k340, Technics SL-PG100 cd player, perreaux SXH-1, and a bunch of Pink Floyd cds.
Jul 5, 2005 at 5:09 AM Post #25 of 134
We should also try to contact Rob (Rmmmm), Leo, Tom Hankins, MagusG and any other georgia headfier, including Ph34rful although you live in tenn, we still consider you a Georgian
. There could never be enough equipment at the meet
Jul 6, 2005 at 2:28 AM Post #26 of 134

Originally Posted by aznsensazian
We should also try to contact Rob (Rmmmm), Leo, Tom Hankins, MagusG and any other georgia headfier, including Ph34rful although you live in tenn, we still consider you a Georgian
. There could never be enough equipment at the meet

Sounds like you just volunteered!

I just posted a request in the amp forum for demos. Hopefully, we'll get some things sent out to try. I need a top-class portable something awful. The thread is here:
Request for demos

Jul 6, 2005 at 3:00 AM Post #27 of 134
theres a guy who works at Audio Alternatives on indian trail who is really cool and was quite delighted to know i found out about the shop from this website, ill stop by there tomorrow and let him know
Jul 6, 2005 at 1:36 PM Post #29 of 134
Audio Alternatives - I think I know that place. Is it the one that's in an older strip mall kind of place, family-owned and pretty cluttery inside? Those guys are great.

videocrew = don't sweat that stand unless you absolutely want to. We can put your Rega on the countertop in the butler's pantry where it will be isolated from most vibration and will be hard to "bump". Do you have one of those fancy record cleaners? The missus is a big Asia fan and it would be a treat for her to listen to one of her old albums on something other than the cheapie she has now.

Anyone going to pony up for a new Orpheus to bring to a future meet? Too rich for me.

Jul 6, 2005 at 4:47 PM Post #30 of 134

Good news!! Pappucho, creater of Portaphile Amp, just contacted me and he will send out two amps for us to listen to. The first will be a basic configuration and the second will be the maxed out version of his portaphile amp. Again, thanks so much Cesar (Pappucho)!

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