IHIFI 760 + 770 (pg 13) + 800 (pg 25) : From makers of the 812V2 / 960
Dec 13, 2014 at 9:02 PM Post #376 of 482
  Gee,I thought the vendor was running some kind of holiday special....  Xuelin does have a tendency to modify their players without much fanfare..  They did this with the 960 player; I don't know what to say about this 770c model.  I know that I got the first modified 960 version that cost ~$400 US and then I subsequently got the 960 dual DAC version that was ~$329.  The dual DAC version sounds better to me, so I am still surprised that dual DAC version is still cheaper than either of the original 960 versions.  The Wolfson 8740 DAC has a better SNR than the 8718, but I have no idea how this will affect sound quality on the 770c.  I for one, however, would be very surprised if they released a version that has poorer sound quality than the original 770.  I would suggest you contact bigbargainonline (Penon Audio) to get an opinion on this newer version; they've always been very helpful to me...  By the way, it looks like Xuelin is also working on an 800 model that looks quite interesting as well, here is a link that shows the player along with some brief details:  http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrTHRUvy4xU.loAezVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBzY245ZnZqBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMTIEY29sbwNncTEEdnRpZAM-/RV=2/RE=1418542001/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.zasv.com%2fthread-2558690-1-1.html/RK=0/RS=gNX7RiGWYHx4SXKgAO8H4_x3txQ-

Not sure though considering it has a slightly different name, and it is also substantially cheaper than the 770. But if it does sound as good as the 770, then it's an amazing deal.
The 800 looks interesting for sure as well (thanks for the link). Oooh, and buttons lol!:


Dec 13, 2014 at 9:17 PM Post #377 of 482
Wow, the 800 is rather small and light as well. I think I'm starting to lust after it!
 Xue Lin ihifi800 player is about to begin closed beta, will be invited to 10-20 senior User Experience, start date to be announced. ihifi800 is Xuelin upcoming blockbuster 192K music player, which uses more than 15 dollars ES9018k2m priced flagship decoder chip. To improve the performance of the circuit at the same time we conducted a number of innovations in such a petite size we still use the four distortion as low as 0.00002% of the top rail to rail op amp dual lme49726. Respectively, as the machine i / v, lpf, buffering. (Note: Previously published in this section is a passive program lpf, has been changed) power supply with the cost of a more expensive multi-channel servo voltage source, the more traditional LDO transient indicators of magnitude improvement. Filtering is a rare film Panasonic (Lapis) series. At the same time the important parts of the circuit board are added electromagnetic shielding treatment, so that the noise floor of the system to reach a very low degree.Adhering to carry our years of accumulated experience in manufacturing and tuning in the preliminary prototype evaluation, ihifi800 the sound at the end of darkness, the sound field broad, sweet, low-key and reserved, not tired a long time to listen, to reach a satisfactory level. With only good performance is not enough, the whole shell is extremely time-consuming use of all Buxigongben full cnc aluminum alloy, with excellent metallic finish. While its volume is only 100 * 49 * 15mm, weight is about 110g. excellent portability, to overturn the traditional brick clumsy country's image.

Dec 13, 2014 at 10:12 PM Post #378 of 482
I like this :
"Excellent portability, to overturn the traditional brick clumsy country's image"
Seems to be 2 female trs jacks. Sure be interesting if one was a line-out.

Dec 14, 2014 at 12:08 PM Post #381 of 482
iBasso DX50 Vs. IHIFI 770. Which one should I get?

Unless you are in a hurry to get a nice DAP soon, then you might wait a few weeks, until some reviews come out on the iHiFi 770c player.  One of our fellow posters, dedPrince, has recently purchased the 770c and hopefully he can give us an early review in a couple of weeks.  I am going to email Penon Audio to get their impressions on the 770c, compared to the 770.  But if you have maybe even more time to wait, you might even consider holding out for the reportedly soon to be released iHiFi 800, which appears to be a completely different model type for Xuelin.  (Then you can give the rest of us a review on the 800!).  In the case that you can't wait to buy a DAP, I can't really give you an unbiased report on DX50 vs iHiFi770.  I've never heard the DX50, but I do own the 770 and the sound quality is very good.  Once you pair up the 770 with the proper headphone or earphone for your tastes, the 770 should provide you with really very nice sound quality.  Good luck.
Dec 15, 2014 at 12:30 AM Post #382 of 482
Take a look at this Link
This 770 look different! 
New logo on player, brushed finish, new software update with album art?
The 770c look exactly like the 770 except with the WM8718 chip.
Now I'm confused.
Dec 15, 2014 at 4:55 AM Post #383 of 482
seems the MAX chips there also look different.
Dec 15, 2014 at 10:03 AM Post #384 of 482
Seems to me that alot of vendors are posting confusing ads; I certainly don't think this is purposeful.  The same kind of confusion could also be found when the specs were listed for the different versions of the 960 model.  In any event, I asked Penon Audio for a quick opinion on the new 770C compared to original 770.  Here is their brief response:
hi dear friend
Thanks for your interest , we have consulted a number of businesses, each has different opinions, some say that the sense of hearing even better than the 770, it seems like everyone has his own perferance , xuelin also are waiting some other users review, we can not give too much test results now , we think that 770C is to reduce costs and prices to be produced , the sound quality depends on their preferences .
kind regards

Website: www.penonaudio.com
Ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com//bigbargainonline
Business days: from Monday to Saturday.
Business time: from 10.00AM to 7.00 PM(HongKong time)

So, I guess the bottom line is we're going to have to wait on some user reviews to come in to help us out...  No pressure, dedPrince, no pressure......
Dec 15, 2014 at 12:32 PM Post #385 of 482
Wow, so much pressure!
I'm looking forward to providing my impressions but I doubt that I can provide too much feedback as this will be my first DAP. I will try my best to compare it to my phone, my computer and hopefully an iphone 6 and/or a Ipod something.
I'm due to get the 770c at earliest, December 23rd and at latest, January 3 2015. 
Since the price gap between the 770 and the 770c is so big (~770c is $80 cheaper) each product is probably intended for different markets. The 770c is an entry level DAP competing against the fabled Fiio x1 while the 770 is higher high end.
If you're looking to spend $100 on your first DAP and are between the Fiio x1 and the 770c, Here is my breakdown (specs wise)
770c has full metal body while x1 has a plastic back.
770c wins and it also comes with a leather case
770c looks so sexy(personal opinion)
Fiio x1~$99
About the same
Fiio x1~up to 128
770c~8 gigs + up to 128 for a total of 136
770c wins here
Fiio x1~ipod style wheel | playlists | good UI
770c~touch control | two outputs, each with a different sound | many good sound settings
Each has its benefits but according to some users, the 770 touchscreen is a bit wacky. The Fiio x1 also has a much better user interface and is easier to use. The biggest win for Fiio is the ability to make playlists on the DAP while the 770c can not do that. In terms of sound options, the 770c wins because it has two outputs that provide different sounds and various settings that users have also praised.
The 770c beats the x1 in terms of build and physical aspects while the Fiio x1 trumps with its friendlier UI. If I were to reconsider my purchase between the two, I would go with the 770c.
I hope this clears any confusion, please correct me if I missed or falsely reported anything. I will report back once I get my 770c but I recommend others to consider it if they are in the price range. 
Dec 15, 2014 at 12:40 PM Post #386 of 482
  Wow, so much pressure!
I'm looking forward to providing my impressions but I doubt that I can provide too much feedback as this will be my first DAP. I will try my best to compare it to my phone, my computer and hopefully an iphone 6 and/or a Ipod something.
I'm due to get the 770c at earliest, December 23rd and at latest, January 3 2015. 
Since the price gap between the 770 and the 770c is so big (~770c is $80 cheaper) each product is probably intended for different markets. The 770c is an entry level DAP competing against the fabled Fiio x1 while the 770 is higher high end.
If you're looking to spend $100 on your first DAP and are between the Fiio x1 and the 770c, Here is my breakdown (specs wise)
770c has full metal body while x1 has a plastic back.
770c wins and it also comes with a leather case
770c looks so sexy(personal opinion)
Fiio x1~$99
About the same
Fiio x1~up to 128
770c~8 gigs + up to 128 for a total of 136
770c wins here
Fiio x1~ipod style wheel | playlists | good UI
770c~touch control | two outputs, each with a different sound | many good sound settings
Each has its benefits but according to some users, the 770 touchscreen is a bit wacky. The Fiio x1 also has a much better user interface and is easier to use. The biggest win for Fiio is the ability to make playlists on the DAP while the 770c can not do that. In terms of sound options, the 770c wins because it has two outputs that provide different sounds and various settings that users have also praised.
The 770c beats the x1 in terms of build and physical aspects while the Fiio x1 trumps with its friendlier UI. If I were to reconsider my purchase between the two, I would go with the 770c.
I hope this clears any confusion, please correct me if I missed or falsely reported anything. I will report back once I get my 770c but I recommend others to consider it if they are in the price range. 

For a guy who hasn't tried either the X1 or the 770C yet, that seems like a pretty good comparison! You've obviously done your research.
It would be nice if someone could compare the 770 directly with the 770c, but we might be waiting a while for that.
Dec 15, 2014 at 2:45 PM Post #389 of 482
@dedPrince, please don't worry about any future reviews you might give us on the 770c or any other DAP you may purchase.  We all (well, most of us) understand that any post in Head fi merely represents a person's opinion and the rest of us have to decide if we want to look into a reviewed product or not.  There is no pressure for you to support or defend your purchase.  I am a huge Xuelin fan and I certainly recognize the shortcomings of the iHiFi 960s and the 770.  But, the players work well for me and I really like the sound quality I get from them.  If I didn't already have my 3 Xuelin players (along with a couple other brands) then I would have already had my order in for the 770c.  I think the only thing I hope for is that you enjoy your 770c player when it arrives.  You too, Niyologist, I hope you enjoy yours too.  Just feel free to let us know your impressions, good or bad,  when you're ready.  Enjoy the holidays!

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