If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Jul 6, 2013 at 12:10 AM Post #1,936 of 19,319
Opens up the sound stage (maybe I do in this exchange loose a slight bit of detail..) when compared to the triple flangers or Shure Olives, but in my specific case, I do experience to loose the isolation from outside interference to a degree that may be very personal if it is a hit or miss...
Comfortable for sure and medium size will be the choice for some, but others may prefer the smaller or larger sized PFE tips..
Jul 6, 2013 at 1:12 AM Post #1,937 of 19,319
Opens up the sound stage (maybe I do in this exchange loose a slight bit of detail..) when compared to the triple flangers or Shure Olives, but in my specific case, I do experience to loose the isolation from outside interference to a degree that may be very personal if it is a hit or miss...

Comfortable for sure and medium size will be the choice for some, but others may prefer the smaller or larger sized PFE tips..

For me the isolation is about 80-85% of the ety foams.  Not to shabby.  I'm willing to sacrifice that small isolation if they prove to sound good after a while getting used to them...

EDIT: ahh... I think you're right. Things are a little bit less close. Bigger soundstage, same response i think. I'm liking it.
Jul 9, 2013 at 1:47 AM Post #1,939 of 19,319
Hi everyone,
I´ve used the Etymotic ER4 for around three years and finally my cable was broken. 
Do you know any cable replacement? (up to 150)
Thank you for any help you can provide me.

I don't know where you are, if you're in the US, Etymotic can replace the cable for 50 bucks: http://www.etymotic.com/cs/er4service.html  They also, if I'm not mistaken ship within the US for free. 
Jul 9, 2013 at 1:57 AM Post #1,940 of 19,319
Here is the email conversation I had with Etymotic when I enquired about a new cable. It's not quite as simple as ordering a cable and have them send one, when you read below you will understand.

Hello friend.

I was wanting to buy an Etymotic ER4S cable from you. I am located in Australia and need a replacement cable. I was wondering how much this would cost with shipping.

Look forward to your reply.

Awesome person

Hello Awesome person

Thank you for writing. Unfortunately, we do not sell replacement cables for the ER-4 as an accessory. We require that the earphones be sent to our facility referencing a return authorization (RMA) number. There are a few reasons for this:

1) This allows us to completely evaluate the unit (cable and speakers).
2) There is a small component in the cable design that can easily break if the cable is not properly removed.
3) When our Service Department replaces a cable or transducers, they will perform the appropriate testing to ensure that the earphones perform with specification.

Simply complete the Service Return Form found at http://www.etymotic.com/cs/er4service.html, as this will serve as your return authorization. Print the completed form and include it with your headset inside a padded envelope or small box. Please send only the headset, as we will not require any packaging or accessories. You may use the carrier of your choice, however we always recommend a method that might allow you to track or confirm receipt. The address is listed below:

Etymotic Research, Inc.
Attn: Service Dept.
61 Martin Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

I usually ask to allow 3-5 days for turnaround. We will contact you with the results of the evaluation and recommend service as soon as the evaluation is complete.

Best Regards,
Jul 9, 2013 at 2:04 AM Post #1,941 of 19,319
Here is the email conversation I had with Etymotic when I enquired about a new cable. It's not quite as simple as ordering a cable and have them send one, when you read below you will understand.

Hello friend.

I was wanting to buy an Etymotic ER4S cable from you. I am located in Australia and need a replacement cable. I was wondering how much this would cost with shipping.

Look forward to your reply.

Awesome person

Hello Awesome person

Thank you for writing. Unfortunately, we do not sell replacement cables for the ER-4 as an accessory. We require that the earphones be sent to our facility referencing a return authorization (RMA) number. There are a few reasons for this:

1) This allows us to completely evaluate the unit (cable and speakers).
2) There is a small component in the cable design that can easily break if the cable is not properly removed.
3) When our Service Department replaces a cable or transducers, they will perform the appropriate testing to ensure that the earphones perform with specification.

Simply complete the Service Return Form found at http://www.etymotic.com/cs/er4service.html, as this will serve as your return authorization. Print the completed form and include it with your headset inside a padded envelope or small box. Please send only the headset, as we will not require any packaging or accessories. You may use the carrier of your choice, however we always recommend a method that might allow you to track or confirm receipt. The address is listed below:

Etymotic Research, Inc.
Attn: Service Dept.
61 Martin Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

I usually ask to allow 3-5 days for turnaround. We will contact you with the results of the evaluation and recommend service as soon as the evaluation is complete.

Best Regards,

That's understandable.  There are companies that do want to ensure the rest of your buds are proper before sending them back.  I've had good experiences with Etymotic in the past.  They won't make replacements, or charges, without your consent BTW, I don't think they can do that legally.  So if something else is wrong, they'll ask you before they do anything.  The RMA form does let you put in comments, make a statement that you only want the cable replaced; they can evaluate the rest of the unit, but just replace the cable. 
It's not like you're going to be able to use the ER4 without the cable anyways :p  Up to you though.  A cable can change the way the headphones sound/perform. 
Jul 9, 2013 at 2:08 AM Post #1,942 of 19,319
There's a cable on eBay which appears to be upgrade however, it's for P series and does not support the 100ohm resister.
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:06 PM Post #1,943 of 19,319
My replacement er4s should be here tomorrow. Now I can't wait to receive my pico dac/amp and the new fuze I just ordered. As I am impatient I will have a second new fuze later this week if anyone is interested.
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:21 PM Post #1,944 of 19,319
That's understandable.  There are companies that do want to ensure the rest of your buds are proper before sending them back.  I've had good experiences with Etymotic in the past.  They won't make replacements, or charges, without your consent BTW, I don't think they can do that legally.  So if something else is wrong, they'll ask you before they do anything.  The RMA form does let you put in comments, make a statement that you only want the cable replaced; they can evaluate the rest of the unit, but just replace the cable. 
It's not like you're going to be able to use the ER4 without the cable anyways :p  Up to you though.  A cable can change the way the headphones sound/perform. 

They probably also don't want people getting cables and selling them when they don't have their er4s anymore.
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:22 PM Post #1,945 of 19,319
My replacement er4s should be here tomorrow. Now I can't wait to receive my pico dac/amp and the new fuze I just ordered. As I am impatient I will have a second new fuze later this week if anyone is interested.

I want a fuze.  Is it the original with line out?
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:47 PM Post #1,946 of 19,319
I am not sure if either one will be a v1 or v2 but they will both be brand new sealed 2gb black fuzes. The only way to tell would be to check the firmware. The are definitely not the fuze plus. I just ordered a 64gb sansa micro sd for it you can get those on the cheap as well.
Jul 9, 2013 at 6:50 PM Post #1,947 of 19,319
I am not sure if either one will be a v1 or v2 but they will both be brand new sealed 2gb black fuzes. The only way to tell would be to check the firmware. The are definitely not the fuze plus. I just ordered a 64gb sansa micro sd for it you can get those on the cheap as well.

I thought they only supported 32gb? :-o  If it is a fuze v1 or 2 where did you get it?  How much would you sell it for?
Jul 9, 2013 at 7:20 PM Post #1,949 of 19,319
Per Saratoga (Rockbox developer) 64 gb will work on a rockboxed fuze and it is likely that 128gb will work as well.

I just noticed you are from New Hampshire, I sent you a pm.

Cow Hampshire indeed.  You been here?
Jul 11, 2013 at 5:41 PM Post #1,950 of 19,319
wow with the er4 amazing


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