If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Oct 10, 2014 at 12:19 AM Post #4,876 of 19,272
If you have a fine-tipped soldering iron and a steady hand, you should go for it :) It's not that hard, and even if you make a mistake, you can just grab your solder-remover and start again. Yes you definitely need to add the resistors yourself, because these plugs come with nothing but the pins, pcb and plastic shell. You'll need 27 ohm resistors for the P model or 102 ohm for S. If you're off by an ohm or two, it's no big deal (it will be easier to find 100 ohm resistors!), but you need to match them for the left and right drivers, to make sure you get the same frequency response from both. You can do this by buying a huge pile of resistors and testing them all with a good multi-meter to find a nice matching pair, or (my preference) is to just buy some good quality low tolerance TFT resistors, which already come with the exact same resistance and are tiny enough to fit in the plug housing.

Thanks for the information!  Ill need to find some good resistors, any good places online?
As for cables, I'm a fan of anything that reduces microphonics or adds functionality (I know some see this as sacrelige, but I like to use my ER4's with my iPhone and really need a remote!). For either of those two reasons, it's totally worth it. However - and I'm not wanting to get into a flame war here - IMHO, if you're only looking to 'upgrade' your cable by soldering on those highest-purity silver/unobtanium cables, you're wasting your time and money. Any cable that gives you the necessary impedance will do the trick. Of course, the FR will change if the cable impedance changes. You might even prefer that change, but it isn't magical, it isn't what the manufacturer intended and it isn't something you couldn't have achieved via a simple EQ. (Check out the Pencil EQ in the 'Can Opener' app for iPhone - it also works with external DACs. It's awesome!) I suspect slight changes in impedance have convinced some people that those $800 cables on Amazon and eBay are worth the money. Unless somebody shows you some newly-discovered electro-magnetic-gravitational-relativistic physical property of cables that we didn't previously know about, I'd view such cable 'upgrades' as very expensive jars of snakeoil :wink:

The ER4 is meant to be a studio monitor stock, so I dont doubt that their cable is of a more than sufficient quality.  My gripe with the microphonics are merely secondary to the extra long cable that I need to fold up and stuff in my pocket, or the constant need for the P to S adapter.  I liked the feel of the cable I had on my W4 a whole lot more, and thought it would be interesting to try and make the ER4 feel similar.  Im not so sure about overly expensive cables myself, but im certainly not going to buy the cheapest thing I can find either.  Im not intending on doing this for audiophile reasons, as I cant imagine why I would want the ER4 to sound any different (unlike my AKGs).
I am having good results with the rockbox EQ on my iPod classic, and am really surprised at how well the ER4 accepts the changes without distortion.  The stock iPod always sounded muddy to me, but whatever processing the rockbox flash got rid of makes it a pretty good portable device.  I was planning on getting an external DAC, but I really dont think it would make much of a difference to justify the extra bulk.  I already dont use my smart phone.
Oct 10, 2014 at 4:32 PM Post #4,877 of 19,272
Just received my ER4pts after a long battle with USPS. Would like to share my experiences.
First impressions (without adapter):
quite Clean
quite Fast
smaller than expected.
surprisingly good with modern electronic/lounge music
microphonics better than expected
--- Soundstage is ok.
Lacks mids
Lacks bass for electric guitars (feel cold) - enough for acoustic.
Lacks seperation and placement
Lacks life in some tracks
--- can't yet tell whether the purchase was worth it ---
Price: $225 (incl. shipping)
Not final impression.
Oct 10, 2014 at 5:58 PM Post #4,879 of 19,272
like they say in loaded weapon 1(bad ass action movie...) when the cop tries head&shoulder on the murder scene:
"hey sarge! it's tingling"
"good, that means it's working!"
with the ER4 it's pretty much mandatory that you will hurt your hears at least on the first day trying all the tips. it's an initiation to the brotherhood. 
Oct 10, 2014 at 6:03 PM Post #4,880 of 19,272
Have you tried them with the adapter and luisdent's EQ settings? Since you didn't complain about pain in your ear canals, I'm not sure if you inserted them deep enough.

From what i have heard / am hearing right now, the adapter makes it more distant. The p is more in-your-face than the s - it seems to me.
I don't know about those EQ settings. More info is welcome.
I feel pain alright, especially on the right ear, which seems be quite different from the left. It is not unbearable, but my right ear does feel sore.
Currently listening to one of my reference tracks: The Carpenters - Mr. Postman (Studio Digital Remastered):
(I can't shake the feeling the Rockets would have been a better purchase - NOOOO, don't think that!)

Oct 10, 2014 at 8:23 PM Post #4,882 of 19,272
From what i have heard / am hearing right now, the adapter makes it more distant. The p is more in-your-face than the s - it seems to me.
I don't know about those EQ settings. More info is welcome.
I feel pain alright, especially on the right ear, which seems be quite different from the left. It is not unbearable, but my right ear does feel sore.
Currently listening to one of my reference tracks: The Carpenters - Mr. Postman (Studio Digital Remastered):
(I can't shake the feeling the Rockets would have been a better purchase - NOOOO, don't think that!) 


The adapter that turns ER4P to ER4S requires a headphone amp for best results. If I'm not wrong ER4P = 32 ohm and ER4S = 100 ohm so ER4S will appear much softer in volume. Put the ER4S through a decent headphone amp and hear it sing.....and don't forget.....deeeeeeeep insertion with the triple flange. Oh yes....ER4 is known for it's flat response therefore it's not the IEM of choice if you're looking for accentuated bass.
Oct 10, 2014 at 8:39 PM Post #4,883 of 19,272
What part of the midrange do you feel missing? Surely not around 2k!

By lacking mids, i also lack the warmth and the body of guitars for example.

The adapter that turns ER4P to ER4S requires a headphone amp for best results. If I'm not wrong ER4P = 32 ohm and ER4S = 100 ohm so ER4S will appear much softer in volume. Put the ER4S through a decent headphone amp and hear it sing.....and don't forget.....deeeeeeeep insertion with the triple flange. Oh yes....ER4 is known for it's flat response therefore it's not the IEM of choice if you're looking for accentuated bass.

I use a Meier Corda 3Move as my portable amp. Even with an amp, i feel that the er4 becomes more polite.
My previous iem was a RE-262 (150Ohm) whih is also why i bought a portable amp in the first place.

I also chose to try Etys because i consider myself a Gradohead. Thats why i can indeed live without accentuated bass.
The biggest 'complaint' i currently have is the lack of warmth and some body. Otherwise they are quite fine.
Oct 10, 2014 at 8:50 PM Post #4,884 of 19,272
By lacking mids, i also lack the warmth and the body of guitars for example.

So a boost from 200hz to 500hz- upper bass and lower mids. That's what usually provides the sense of warmth.

Edit: or a large dip in the upper mid can give the same affect. The ER4 is a bit hot in the 2k area with flat lower mids and upper bass, so it can seem cold next to warmer phones.
Oct 10, 2014 at 9:50 PM Post #4,885 of 19,272
  The adapter that turns ER4P to ER4S requires a headphone amp for best results. If I'm not wrong ER4P = 32 ohm and ER4S = 100 ohm so ER4S will appear much softer in volume. Put the ER4S through a decent headphone amp and hear it sing.....and don't forget.....deeeeeeeep insertion with the triple flange. Oh yes....ER4 is known for it's flat response therefore it's not the IEM of choice if you're looking for accentuated bass.

or just push the +button of your volume control to make up for the voltage loss? ^_^
not saying that a good amp can't sound good and bring it's own thing, but the ER4 doesn't "need" an amp. I have owned a few IEMs I couldn't use without an amp, the ER4 isn't one of them, P or S. it has no impedance problem, if anything it gets slightly better for some people ^_^. it's not very much sensitive to hissing, and doesn't need much power.
Oct 11, 2014 at 9:50 AM Post #4,889 of 19,272
From what i have heard / am hearing right now, the adapter makes it more distant. The p is more in-your-face than the s - it seems to me.
I don't know about those EQ settings. More info is welcome.

I feel pain alright, especially on the right ear, which seems be quite different from the left. It is not unbearable, but my right ear does feel sore.

Currently listening to one of my reference tracks: The Carpenters - Mr. Postman (Studio Digital Remastered):


(I can't shake the feeling the Rockets would have been a better purchase - NOOOO, don't think that!) :xf_eek:  :mad:

If you read through this thread, you will find discussion of EQ settings and filters, which may all help to achieve a more balanced sound. You're feeling pain? Welcome to the club! It's absolutely worth it. Only weaklings complain about it. You are now owner of a professional grade iem and with a few little tweaks I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it and not look back. I'd recommend a player with parametric EQ, for instance a sansa clip zip or if you use an Android phone, you may want to install Neutron. There are other solutions, just ask around or use the search function.

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