IEM man going to first pair of headphones (hd598 - hd650)
Apr 18, 2012 at 8:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Dec 19, 2010
Hey guys looking for some information
I currently own a pair of Senn IE8's have loved this earphone and had them for about 2 years now. Looking for a set of Cans for home use mainly on the computer
The only amp i currently have is the Fiio E10
I really do like the sound signature of sennheiser and has brought me to the options of
Hd598's or HD650's
Originally i was just going to get the HD598's but after looking online at prices. they are not to far apart than i would have thought.
HD598 - $300AUS    HD650 - $420AUS
After reading everyones raving about the HD650's its very tempting.
Now with my Fiio E10 is it a complete waste getting the HD650's or you think it would drive it fine for now. sound better than HD598's. with the view of a better amp on the horizon?
What price range would i be looking for a decent amp to drive the 650's
Thanks in advance for any information.
Muchly appreciated.
Apr 18, 2012 at 9:15 AM Post #2 of 10
Fiio plus hd650=complete waste of time. I'm not a hater or anything but you'll need quite an amp/dac to get that hd650 to sound good. 
You might consider with the fiio:
*denon d2k-closed with excellent bass extensive and sparkly treble
*HFM he400-planar open with beautiful sound at the $400 price point (as much as I love the d2k, the he400 would be more in line with what you've talked about. See review in signature)
Apr 18, 2012 at 9:21 AM Post #3 of 10
Sennheiser 650's are quite hard to drive, don't quote me on this but I'm not sure if your E10 can drive it. The Senn 650's can scale up really well with good amps.. but being an IEM/portable's person I'm not very knowledgeable about amps. I have tried the Senn 650's with a variety of amps though, and I can say that they really do improve a lot with good amps. The 600's are easier to drive, I'd recommend those instead. They don't sound as good, but driven from a entry level amp the 600's will sound better.
Coming from ie8's though I'd actually recommend something with excellent bass, such as the denon d2k. It might be a waste to drive denons via amp though... they're incredibly easy to drive.
Also, if you're pairing middle-fi headphones with a computer make sure you have a good soundcard.
EDIT: LOL I got ninja'd whilst I was writing this post... as you can see our separate opinions are very similar :3
Apr 18, 2012 at 9:30 AM Post #4 of 10
I didn't mention the hd600's but he is right. For my money I'd try the HFM though. It shared some characteristics with the Sen's but does other things incredibly well. 
Apr 18, 2012 at 9:59 AM Post #5 of 10

Fiio plus hd650=complete waste of time. I'm not a hater or anything but you'll need quite an amp/dac to get that hd650 to sound good. 
You might consider with the fiio:
*denon d2k-closed with excellent bass extensive and sparkly treble
*HFM he400-planar open with beautiful sound at the $400 price point (as much as I love the d2k, the he400 would be more in line with what you've talked about. See review in signature)

I'm not sure I entirely agree about E10 and HD650.  I haven't tried and E10, but I have an E11, which, from what I'm aware, is basically the same amp with a DAC.  If it is, the E11 isn't actually bad with the HD650.  In fact I like HD650 on the E11 more than on the Headroom Micro Amp (Desktop), which I discovered much by accident and is the event that lead me to seek a new amp, eventually settling on Lyr.  Now, Lyr and E11 are worlds apart with the HD650, it's not even a close contest.  They don't even sound like the same headphone. But the fact that the little $65 E11 bested my $350 headroom shocked me.  
Now that doesn't mean E11 is a better amp than the Headroom.  It's not, not by far.  But for those particular headphones, the Headroom is too dark it messes with the sound.  (There are other folks who would disagree though.)
On the other hand, I certainly can't disagree with Matt....HE-400 does much of what I loved about HD650, and so much more that I didn't like about HD650, and does it for less money.  Technically HE-500 is more along the lines of HD650's laid back sound signature.  But if you like IE8, I'm not sure you'd like the laid back sound either. At the old $350 (USD) price, HD650 was a tremendous value.  At Sennheisers new shoot-self-in-foot pricing strategy of $500 (USD), it's a lot harder a recommendation outside folks with top-tier DACs & Amps, where HD650 still shines well.
Apr 18, 2012 at 5:35 PM Post #6 of 10
So looking around around the he-400 will cost me a fraction more than the hd650

based on this do you still think it worth it?

Have found the 650 for $360 now
He-400 would cost me over $400 after shipping
Apr 18, 2012 at 7:37 PM Post #9 of 10
If you want to seriously get into headphones, just get an Objective2 amp and you will never have to worry about insufficient power (except in the most extreme cases like HE-6). You can use your E10 as the dac and your good to go.

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