IEM for metal music and hard rock - ultimate solution

Nov 1, 2018 at 3:20 PM Post #32 of 2,193
Lately I made Sony N3AP my choice for metal, hard rock, and all other genres btw.
They have fast detailed and forward bass, quick and controlled mids, detailed and non aggressive trebles.
For this reasons they sound good with all metal varieties, and all other music genres.
They are also forgiving with bad recordings.
Nov 2, 2018 at 7:37 PM Post #34 of 2,193
Hi there, how about the fiio fh5 for metal listening? This iem have very good reviews as i can see, I want it for use with a DAP X7ii. Thanks for your opinions.
Nov 3, 2018 at 6:12 AM Post #37 of 2,193
Hi there, how about the fiio fh5 for metal listening? This iem have very good reviews as i can see, I want it for use with a DAP X7ii. Thanks for your opinions.

I'm not a big fan for the fh5 and metal. Fh5 is bright and the high hats will annoy you at some point and once heard ... I'm taking the plunge and ordered a pair of dm6's
Nov 3, 2018 at 10:35 AM Post #38 of 2,193
Hi there, how about the fiio fh5 for metal listening? This iem have very good reviews as i can see, I want it for use with a DAP X7ii. Thanks for your opinions.
For me the issue with the FH5 for metal isn't so much the tuning as much as the soundstage, which is pretty small despite having excellent instrument separation. I prefer a wider soundstage for metal.
Nov 3, 2018 at 4:22 PM Post #40 of 2,193
For me the issue with the FH5 for metal isn't so much the tuning as much as the soundstage, which is pretty small despite having excellent instrument separation. I prefer a wider soundstage for metal.

That is very true. The sound stage is smaller compared to other multi BAs. Still I love their accuracy and balanced approach. Perfect for complicated rock songs especially with some foam or other good sealing tips. Brings out the fuller bass
Nov 4, 2018 at 10:27 AM Post #41 of 2,193
Ultimate Ears TF10 if you can still find one
Dec 15, 2018 at 11:37 PM Post #45 of 2,193
I wouldn’t recommend them at all for rock and metal. I’m actually selling mine because they do it so poorly

For me the FH5 are my favorite IEMs for deathcore, metal and rock. I enjoy the warmth and musicality of the FH5 more than the clinical and neutral IEMs I've heard. The only thing I wish they had would be a larger soundstage as it sounds too much in your face.

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