Icon Mobile Upgrade Recommendation

Feb 9, 2010 at 3:22 AM Post #16 of 36

Originally Posted by Get_Zwole /img/forum/go_quote.gif
cant give a review on it yet but i just pulled the trigger on the ibasso D4 dual dac chips and a good amp and pretty portable. Should be here this week. 240ish shipped.

Please let us know what you think of the iBasso when you get it! It's a solid looking unit and from what I've read people seem to like it.

Feb 9, 2010 at 4:34 AM Post #17 of 36
Already received a response from Dave. As follows:

Well I have never really tried it with IEMs, but I believe it MAY be too powerful....

I guess you could turn it down via the computer....

Some IEM users have experienced mild 'hiss' in some of my other products so I just put that IEM warning there...

IEMs are VERY sensitive...


Well there you have it. I wish there was someone out there who's tried the Extasy with an IEM. Although the MiniBox E+ has a P to S switch that adds 75 ohms impedance, I would guess this might take care of any hiss.

Feb 9, 2010 at 2:45 PM Post #19 of 36

Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Please let us know what you think of the iBasso when you get it! It's a solid looking unit and from what I've read people seem to like it.


I will for sure, cant wait to get it supposed to be awesome sounding.
Feb 9, 2010 at 6:01 PM Post #20 of 36

Originally Posted by mark2410 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
that budget id say have a look at the XM5. very versatile and its bass bost does wonders far the er4

oh and it has a 75 ohm adapter bulit in

The XM5 looks interesting, lots of features. From some of the reviews I read it seems that the unit has a better amp section than the DAC. I'm really looking for a DAC first and amp second (to be used as a preamp to feed the MiniBox E+). So I'm not as concerned with the amp portion as I am the DAC.

Feb 9, 2010 at 6:51 PM Post #21 of 36

Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For those of you who've heard this amp-would you describe the highs as rolled off? The OP mentions that the highs are rounded and I'm not exactly sure what is meant by this.


I found some of my notes on the highs from when I was comparing the uDAC vs. the Extasy a few weeks ago, if this will help. I was going to post directly in the other thread, but considering the results I thought it might be better to just post it here instead so as to not disturb the fanboyism too much.
Between the two, the wolfson is clearly the superior DAC, though, so I hope this helps describe the differences more.


Handl - Suite in D (Watermusic) selections

wolfson: good clarity, balance (beautifully balanced), excellent instrument separation, very realistic soundstage - can hear the individual instruments in their separate places, excellent dynamics, very lively - highs are much better than the uDAC, more distinct, more clarity, not as much "sizzle" or "sheen," sounds more realistic - excellent portrayal during complex passages, going "wow" a lot - a lot going on, and the extasy misses none of it

udac: fuller/richer, but slightly more compressed, good dynamics, upper mid strings slightly thinner, more recessed, highs are... ? sizzly? with the lower mid focus, the uDAC isn't as well balanced as the extasy, can get slightly fatiguing, good soundstaging and separation, but not as good as the extasy, sounds good at first, but doesn't give the expansive "wow" factor of the extasy

Here's the complete list of tracks I auditioned and compared them with, with some notes below - the Extasy came out the clear winner across the board:


Stereolab - Miss Modular, Rainbo Conversation, Ticker Tape of the Unconscious
Jerry Goldsmith - Wrath of Khan soundtrack - Main Title, Surprise Attack
Hans Zimmer - The Last Samurai
Massive Attack - Angel, Teardrop
Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles pt.1, It's Summertime
XTC - My Bird Performs, Dear Madam Barnum, Holly Up On Poppy, Senses Working Overtime
Pearl Jam - Even Flow
Bjork - tracks from Debut
REM - E-Bow the Letter, King of Comedy, Star 69
The Jam - That's Entertainment
Miles Davis - So What, All Blues

udac: midbass boosted, vocals sound a little hollow, more recessed, hotter more "sizzly" high end;

extasy: much more natural sounding; definitely more "even" throughout, very nice mids, vocals more natural and prominent, less midbass boost, overall better balance

The extasy is my clear preference between these two dacs. The performance is top-notch in this price class. I can't find a flaw throughout the frequency spectrum - lows are there, mids are there, highs are there, all beautifully balanced with no sense of artificial emphasis anywhere. It's neither bright nor warm - simply very well balanced throughout. If anything, there is a very slight mid to upper mid emphasis, but I can't tell if that's just because of the comparison with the recession in that frequency in the uDAC.

Feb 9, 2010 at 7:31 PM Post #22 of 36
Userlander, do you happen to have some IEMs that you can check the Extasy's noise floor with? I'm pretty concerned about Dave's response email regarding hiss problems with lower impedance cans such as IEMs.

Feb 9, 2010 at 8:15 PM Post #23 of 36

Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Userlander, do you happen to have some IEMs that you can check the Extasy's noise floor with? I'm pretty concerned about Dave's response email regarding hiss problems with lower impedance cans such as IEMs.


No, I don't have IEMs.
Feb 10, 2010 at 12:31 AM Post #24 of 36

Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Userlander, do you happen to have some IEMs that you can check the Extasy's noise floor with? I'm pretty concerned about Dave's response email regarding hiss problems with lower impedance cans such as IEMs.


Not so much lower impedance but more higher efficiency....

I was reading about IEMs and hiss issues on this forum actually...

Seems MOST DACs and AMPs will have some level of hiss with the really high efficiency IEMs....

They are just too sensitive....
Feb 10, 2010 at 12:40 AM Post #25 of 36

Originally Posted by hotaudio40 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not so much lower impedance but more higher efficiency....

I was reading about IEMs and hiss issues on this forum actually...

Seems MOST DACs and AMPs will have some level of hiss with the really high efficiency IEMs....

They are just too sensitive....

I just order a DAC Ecstasy from you 2 hours ago, send it to me quick so I can tell you about the hiss. I have Westone UM3X (hiss monster)and Audeo PFE (full-can like hard to push IEM)
Feb 10, 2010 at 1:10 AM Post #26 of 36
Nice Hsiu, I look forward to your hearing your impressions. Please update here when you get a chance. I see you have a uDAC. How do you like it?

Feb 10, 2010 at 2:14 AM Post #27 of 36

Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nice Hsiu, I look forward to your hearing your impressions. Please update here when you get a chance. I see you have a uDAC. How do you like it?


x2 - That is great that you'll have both. I can't wait to hear your impressions - see how they match up with what I heard.
Feb 10, 2010 at 6:26 AM Post #28 of 36
Haven't compare uDAC to Extasy but Cowon D2+. using SRH840. uDAC has warmer mid, depend on what type of focal you listen it can good or bad. however uDAC is a little recess in the vocal, particular the female focal. recess with warm mean the airiness and echo is less to make more up-shifted emotional lacking in some songs. if the music itself is already U shape then it can be slightly harder to feel the singer. Singer is further and less "high". overall, uDAC sound is on the heavy side.

There is a Japanese song by Flipside called "Only my railgun" which people can try.another song I test is by Aya Hirano called "ElecTriCk" both foval sound less engaging with uDAC+Srh840 due to laid back and warm mid.

This is combination with SRH840 so please take the nature of SRH840 into consideration as well (also referred by some are laid back with punchy bass).

Looking at your first post I see you have Icon Mobile and ER4P and feel too bright of the sound. I have PFE (mid and high emphasis)which is closer sound to ER4P than UM3X or SRH840 while I try the same song. it bring back the singer quite a bit, although the bass become less prominent, the airiness of female vocal is much better and closer. overall uDAC will be better match with ER4P than SRH840 or UM3x (not saying these two match bad but ER4P or FPE is better for genre (anime song) I listen most.

At the end it is more of synergy of equipments, music style and personal taste. unless you can get super balance headphone, ruler flat DAC and amp, golden ear (mine is worst than rust >_<) you won't get perfect balance sound especially most headphone are not true neutral. one should really tried different equipment personally or read ahead to match their equipment (eg UM3x to my ear match better with Sansa Clip+ while PFE better with uDAC)
Feb 10, 2010 at 1:34 PM Post #29 of 36

Originally Posted by Hsiu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Haven't compare uDAC to Extasy but Cowon D2+. using SRH840. uDAC has warmer mid, depend on what type of focal you listen it can good or bad. however uDAC is a little recess in the vocal, particular the female focal. recess with warm mean the airiness and echo is less to make more up-shifted emotional lacking in some songs. if the music itself is already U shape then it can be slightly harder to feel the singer. Singer is further and less "high". overall, uDAC sound is on the heavy side.

Exactly - great description! The singer is "farther away," or more recessed with the uDAC, and there's a slight kind of "echo," or a little bit of a "hollow" sound there as I think I worded it. And not only on female vocals, but I noticed it with male vocals too, most notably with Pearl Jam and XTC.

For example, with the DAC-Extasy (and with the V-DAC - or I would assume with any neutral DAC), Eddie Vedder's voice is completely natural sounding and clear, not upfront, and not too laid back. You hear all the subtle nuances of his voice like he's right there talking to you. The mids are even with the rest of the frequency range. But with the uDAC, his voice sounds farther away and "thinner" and is buried in the mix a little more. It's not as neutral.

I noticed the same thing for XTC and REM, while strangely not noticing it as much with the female vocals in Stereolab. I guess those male voices are right smack dab in the range that is recessed on the uDAC, or else I wasn't keyed in to noticing it yet when I listened to the stereolab. But it's definitely there - thanks for the review. I was starting to feel like the only one on the planet who was noticing some of the sonic flaws in the iDAC... oops, I mean uDAC.
Feb 10, 2010 at 2:00 PM Post #30 of 36
Hey Dave - maybe you should give the DAC-Extasy a nifty little "iPod" name like the uDAC has, or iBasso, etc. -- maybe eDAC, aDAC, or oDAC are available.
It might drum up sales a little to have a cutesy marketing name like that, as it seems to be what people go for over sound quality.

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