Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@userlander-saw your comments in the uDac thread. Interesting, I think you might be correct in that I have the wrong impression of the uDac. I will check out the Hotaudio DAC-Extasy.
My whole motive here is to find something that synergises with my ER4Ps better. The Icon Mobile is way too bright for these cans, imho. I was having serious listening fatigue with that setup.
I've never heard the icon mobile, so I can't really comment on that, or how bright it is. My impression of the Extasy, however, is that it is very well balanced across the board, very neutral, neither warm nor bright, neither forward nor laid back. It's just "even." I wouldn't call the mids especially "lush" or the bass especially "deep" -- to me, it all just sounds extremely natural and accurate. That neutral signature might sound "bright" to someone coming to it from the standpoint of liking artificially boosted bass, etc. But as far as I can tell, it's just extremely neutral and accurate. Very nice.
The uDAC, otoh, doesn't sound that way. By comparison, there is a slight bump in the mid-bass, a slight recession in the upper mids, and the highs are more rolled off, "sizzly," and definitely thinner in comparison. The highs on the Extasy sound much more natural and realistic than the uDAC, and also much more balanced with the rest of the frequencies.
Even though the highs are more rolled off with the uDAC, because they are a little bit "sizzly," the DAC as a whole tends to have that kind of "U"-shaped sound, with that bump in the midbass and the slightly recessed upper mids all contributing. Usually that is done for "wow" factor, which is great if that's the sound you prefer. But from your description it sounded like you were going for something more like the Extasy, which is ruler-flat by comparison, has more even mids and better highs, and overall is just better balanced throughout.
Those are my impressions, at least, once again coming from the standpoint of *neutrality,* or of valuing neutrality. If you are coming from wanting a more bass-boosted sound, or more of that "wow" factor sound as opposed to neutrality, you might very well prefer the uDAC, if you could overlook the fact that the highs quite frankly are just not as good. To me, that was a flaw with the uDAC that goes beyond mere preference, so it was hard for me to get beyond that, but for some people having that slightly colored or artificially "warm" sound is more important and they can overlook the flaws with the highs. I like balance and neutrality more, so I went with the Extasy.