Icon Mobile Upgrade Recommendation

Feb 10, 2010 at 3:52 PM Post #31 of 36

Originally Posted by userlander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey Dave - maybe you should give the DAC-Extasy a nifty little "iPod" name like the uDAC has, or iBasso, etc. -- maybe eDAC, aDAC, or oDAC are available.
It might drum up sales a little to have a cutesy marketing name like that, as it seems to be what people go for over sound quality.

the u in uDAC read micro so it is not a marketing thingy, however your idea of eDAC , aDAC, oDAC make it sound like some Chinese knock off imitating products


Exactly - great description! The singer is "farther away," or more recessed with the uDAC, and there's a slight kind of "echo," or a little bit of a "hollow" sound there as I think I worded it. And not only on female vocals, but I noticed it with male vocals too, most notably with Pearl Jam and XTC.

what I mean is less in airiness, brightness that heighten the emotion. I didn't say it is good or bad because it will largely depend on what headphone a person is using. it is particularly good for people who use bright sounding, on your face earphone to smooth things up. but not too good for laid back and dark sounding gear. personally SRH840 is ok, but PFE has better synergy.
Feb 10, 2010 at 4:07 PM Post #32 of 36
Great work Hsiu, thanks for sharing your impressions here. From what you've said it sounds like the uDac might be a really good match with the ER4P.

Feb 10, 2010 at 4:10 PM Post #33 of 36

Originally Posted by Hsiu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the u in uDAC read micro so it is not a marketing thingy, however your idea of eDAC , aDAC, oDAC make it sound like some Chinese knock off imitating products

heh heh - it's marketing, all right.
It doesn't matter what the "u" stands for for it to be marketing, just like it doesn't matter what the 'i' stands for in iPod (if anything) for that to be marketing. It's the same "cutesy" kind of approach. And besides, people were calling it "you-DAC" long before they realized it was "supposed" to be µ for micro. So yeah, don't you doubt it - it's all marketing. How else do you get people to write 80-pages of hype about something when there are products that even objectively perform better that are hardly discussed at all? You give it a cutesy name.
Feb 10, 2010 at 8:55 PM Post #34 of 36
Got my Ibasso d4 today at about noon. It shipped from china on monday so that is crazy awesome shipping. props to ups as it was in alaska last night and here at noon. So far im really enjoying it alot. Made all spectrums of the music better. Treble extends better and is much more sparkly and awesome. Lows are still fast and accurate just a bit more impact to them. Really loving this thing so far. Only have about an hour with it so i cant say a whole lot yet. This is straight from my toshiba laptop via usb, music through winamp, headphones are unique melody custom Mage iems
Feb 10, 2010 at 10:08 PM Post #35 of 36

Originally Posted by Get_Zwole /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Got my Ibasso d4 today at about noon. It shipped from china on monday so that is crazy awesome shipping. props to ups as it was in alaska last night and here at noon. So far im really enjoying it alot. Made all spectrums of the music better. Treble extends better and is much more sparkly and awesome. Lows are still fast and accurate just a bit more impact to them. Really loving this thing so far. Only have about an hour with it so i cant say a whole lot yet. This is straight from my toshiba laptop via usb, music through winamp, headphones are unique melody custom Mage iems

That is insane shipping indeed! I'm assuming you ordered it express, right?

Sounds like you're enjoying the D4
. Good to hear, please continue to post your impressions when you get a chance. I'm assuming you're upgrading from the Fiio E1, correct? How does the D4 compare to the Fiio?

Feb 11, 2010 at 12:14 AM Post #36 of 36

Originally Posted by sid311 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That is insane shipping indeed! I'm assuming you ordered it express, right?

Sounds like you're enjoying the D4
. Good to hear, please continue to post your impressions when you get a chance. I'm assuming you're upgrading from the Fiio E1, correct? How does the D4 compare to the Fiio?


Shipping i think is 22 bucks or something like that from the US since its so far i didnt pay extra or anything though, i know 2 other guys on here that ordered when i did had theirs out for delivery today too. Yeah im upgrading form the E1, i really cant give it a fair comparison yet since i dont have an LOD for my iphone to the amp so it would just be from the headphone out. As for the sound from the computer compared to from my phone to the e1 to my mage is on a whole new level. Once i get an LOD ill be able to give it a fair judgement. I listened from the headphone out through the D4 for about 5 minutes earlier and it certainly outperformed the E1 but like i said i didnt get critical with it by any means was just killing time before i got my laptop set up. So far im more then happy with it though. The DAC's sound is just spectacular for the money.

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