Icon Audio HP8/MP 3
Mar 27, 2013 at 1:06 PM Post #106 of 1,561
Sounds good to me, as I definitely think that a separate DAC, amplifier and server and/or streaming device is the way to go. I borrowed a Weiss Man301 and couldn't fault it's functionality and convenience, but it sounded kind of 'sterile' and not especially 'musical' to my ears. I'll try the Lessloss Laminar Streamer when it's released but fear that it's cost will be prohibitively expensive. 
Andy sells some really nice gear at great prices. I'd have snapped up that CD player a few months ago but I'm also transitioning into computer audio and am in the process of flogging all my CDs as well as my Graham Slee Solo, Music Streamer ii and Grado PS500's. I'll be using the proceeds to fund a Benchmark DAC and a nice tube amp for my T1's - probably the HP8. As far as tube amps go, there's only the Earmax and Icon readily available in the UK. For some reason, the Earmax doesn't appeal.

Mar 27, 2013 at 6:29 PM Post #108 of 1,561
Sounds good to me, as I definitely think that a separate DAC, amplifier and server and/or streaming device is the way to go. I borrowed a Weiss Man301 and couldn't fault it's functionality and convenience, but it sounded kind of 'sterile' and not especially 'musical' to my ears. I'll try the Lessloss Laminar Streamer when it's released but fear that it's cost will be prohibitively expensive. 



How about using the Tera player as the source? :D
Mar 27, 2013 at 8:27 PM Post #109 of 1,561
Project86, based on your innerfidelity review, I'm considering my first tube amp purchase, and seriously considering the Icon. Thank you for peaking my interest! I've also read wonderful things about the Woo WA6 here, so Andy, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that comparison. I listen with JH-13 IEMs, HE-500's, and 650's, so the prospect of a silent background and a lot of power sounds ideal. 
Mar 28, 2013 at 3:45 AM Post #110 of 1,561
prospect of a silent background and a lot of power sounds ideal. 

For my HP8 at least the background is not silent. I wouldn't really recommend it with IEMs! It was just about tolerable with W1000X (which are quite sensitive to hiss).
Mar 28, 2013 at 9:56 AM Post #111 of 1,561
As Spakka mentioned, the HP8 isn't really idea for ultra-sensitive IEMs. For one, the output impedance is too high - even on the "low" setting. Also, there's potential noise issues with IEMs which tends to be the case on nearly all tube amps.
I noticed my HP8 was very sensitive to ground loop issues. I have one spot in the house with a little system set up, and the HP8 would be super noisy there. The noise came when I plugged in RCA cables, even if those weren't attached to anything yet. Adding the Yulong P18 power conditioner fixed the problem in that spot. But in a different room, nothing I tried was able to get rid of the noise. In other rooms it is totally fine. Some amps are more picky than others when it comes to this type of thing. Also some tubes are more sensitive. 
Mar 28, 2013 at 10:17 AM Post #112 of 1,561
For my HP8 at least the background is not silent. I wouldn't really recommend it with IEMs! It was just about tolerable with W1000X (which are quite sensitive to hiss).

I guess I'm lucky.  With my LCD-2's (obviously way less sensitive than IEM's)  the background is dead silent with all settings on maximum.
Mar 28, 2013 at 11:29 AM Post #113 of 1,561
I guess I'm lucky.  With my LCD-2's (obviously way less sensitive than IEM's)  the background is dead silent with all settings on maximum.

LCD-2 is not a good test for sensitivity though - it's good even on noisy amps. W1000X is pretty sensitive but I got it nice and quiet with the HP8 once I fixed the ground loop issues.
Mar 28, 2013 at 1:14 PM Post #114 of 1,561
Oh I should probably mention I have a ground loop problem - I get crackles when plugging in my laptop via another socket etc. My noise issue isn't just the amp itself.

I can even get crackles when I touch my laptop with the USB cable from my external HDD.... Nothing I try has solved the problem though, maybe I do need a power conditioner...
Mar 28, 2013 at 1:16 PM Post #115 of 1,561
I am looking for an amplifier to drive my HD800. Currently I am using the Audiolab M-Dac and Meier Corda Jazz and find the sound to be harsh. Since I am in the UK Icon looks like a really good option but at £600 it is a bit over my budget. I have heard many good things about the Voilectric V100. Wondering which one to go for?
Mar 28, 2013 at 2:30 PM Post #116 of 1,561
Oh I should probably mention I have a ground loop problem - I get crackles when plugging in my laptop via another socket etc. My noise issue isn't just the amp itself.

I can even get crackles when I touch my laptop with the USB cable from my external HDD.... Nothing I try has solved the problem though, maybe I do need a power conditioner...

Even then, a power conditioner doesn't always solve the problem. I have one corner of a room with a little setup where nothing fixes it. I can have just the amp alone, nothing else plugged in, and it's still noisy. Weird. 
I am looking for an amplifier to drive my HD800. Currently I am using the Audiolab M-Dac and Meier Corda Jazz and find the sound to be harsh. Since I am in the UK Icon looks like a really good option but at £600 it is a bit over my budget. I have heard many good things about the Voilectric V100. Wondering which one to go for?

I loved the V181 and continue to love the V200, but I haven't yet heard the V100. I did try the Lake People G109 which is very similar to the V100. It's an excellent amp for the price. Sounds more neutral than the HP8. The Icon has a bit of tube warmth, sweetness, whatever you want to call it. 
Mar 29, 2013 at 5:21 AM Post #118 of 1,561
I have the Violectric V200 and now the Icon Audio HP8. You're welcome to audition both if you can get to Norfolk sometime for a demo. 
The Violectric is also an option as it's supposed to pair well with the T1 - although most T1 owners swear by tube amps. Just wish I had the opportunity to audition them both.

Mar 29, 2013 at 12:25 PM Post #119 of 1,561
I have the Violectric V200 and now the Icon Audio HP8. You're welcome to audition both if you can get to Norfolk sometime for a demo. 

Which one out of the two do you like more with your LCD's? 
Mar 29, 2013 at 1:21 PM Post #120 of 1,561
Too early to tell as the HP8 was only delivered yesterday and isn't burnt in yet.
Which one out of the two do you like more with your LCD's? 


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