Icon Audio HP8/MP 3
Feb 17, 2024 at 10:37 PM Post #1,291 of 1,546
Sunny Brisbane …
Ah, the gold coast. What a beautiful part of the world. Your weather is gorgeous, the water is spectacular and a modern city with all one needs.
Feb 17, 2024 at 10:39 PM Post #1,292 of 1,546
Wife once said “spend any more money on that HIfi and I’m leaving !”
Never thought a $200 power cable would reduce ambient noise by that much … 🤔
.... Wait until you consider a $200 [USD] fuse for HP8 .... 😳
Feb 17, 2024 at 10:40 PM Post #1,293 of 1,546
Ah, the gold coast. What a beautiful part of the world. Your weather is gorgeous, the water is spectacular and a modern city with all one needs.
Doesn't Adam Scott have a home in that area? As well as Jason Day? I follow golf, and they are two of my favorites. I want to go to the Byron Bay Blue Festival so badly and see Xavier Rudd. I saw him in California on his first US tour in 2004 and I have been following him ever since. He always plays Byron Bay. I won't wan to leave, sure about that.
Feb 17, 2024 at 10:41 PM Post #1,294 of 1,546
.... Wait until you consider a $200 [USD] fuse for HP8 .... 😳
This is where I go the other way. I didn't see a change worth $200. I know you swear by them Jonathan, but I don't. Electricity doesn't move left to right.
Feb 17, 2024 at 11:00 PM Post #1,295 of 1,546
Doesn't Adam Scott have a home in that area? As well as Jason Day? I follow golf, and they are two of my favorites. I want to go to the Byron Bay Blue Festival so badly and see Xavier Rudd. I saw him in California on his first US tour in 2004 and I have been following him ever since. He always plays Byron Bay. I won't wan to leave, sure about that.
Not sure where they live now,
Like a lot of things in life we tend to take so much for granted, buy a new big screen TV and the first few days it’s “Wow” … after that it’s just a TV ..
But sometimes you can’t help the feeling you get when going out on a clear morning and the sky is such a vivid blue …. Simple pleasures … 😄
Hifi can be a bit like that, constant searching for the next big thing to come along instead of just stopping to “smell the Roses” now and again ..
Feb 18, 2024 at 12:36 AM Post #1,296 of 1,546
Not sure where they live now,
Like a lot of things in life we tend to take so much for granted, buy a new big screen TV and the first few days it’s “Wow” … after that it’s just a TV ..
But sometimes you can’t help the feeling you get when going out on a clear morning and the sky is such a vivid blue …. Simple pleasures … 😄
Hifi can be a bit like that, constant searching for the next big thing to come along instead of just stopping to “smell the Roses” now and again ..
I couldn't agree more. In 2022, I didn't buy a single piece of audio gear. Not one. Well, that isn't true, I bought the HP8 in January then went dark for 12 months buying anything. I decided to just stop and smell the roses and let my system be what it was, my headphones what they were and I learned more about sound that year than any year before. I came out of that year guns blazing and turned my system into what it is today. But, I miss 2022. I loved not worrying about the next thing and just enjoying what I owned. At that time, it was a Cembalo Spring 1 until December 22' when my CFA3 magically turned up on my porch, the HP8 Signature, Exogal Comet+ DAC with a ZMF Auteur, LCD4z, and a Spirit Torino Radiante 1706. So, I wasn't exactly slumming it. :) It led me to reviewing and to a full understanding of what my system was and how things actually sounded instead of chasing what I thought I needed.

2023 was a year of change, 2024 will be a year of sitting still again, with 2 possible inclusions. We will see. Other priorities right now.
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Feb 18, 2024 at 1:14 PM Post #1,297 of 1,546
The only alternative that comes to mind are 2 x 6J5 tubes per 6SN7. These would need a @Deyan - built pair of adapters; there might not be enough space for all this atop HP8. Otherwise, no. Icon Audio HP8 was designed to use 6SN7 tubes. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Couldn't you pop a pair of 6cg7 or ecc40 into adapters and use them? IIRC they're meant to be the same as a 6sn7, only smaller
or possibly 7n7?
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Mar 1, 2024 at 6:41 AM Post #1,298 of 1,546
Hi all, sorry for taking so long with the update, I had to let the amp and tubes properly burn in before my assessment. Needless to say, this amp and tubes combos are a big improvement over my Quicksilver Headphones Amp. The QHA is now for sale on USAM and Reddit if anyone is interested!

My experience was interesting lol. The first two days were torturous, as I kept hearing this constant high-pitched hum sound that gets louder at higher volume, especially when on High gain. It is at least 12 kHz and it's there on both of my Atrium and HE1000SE. There were also so much crackles and noises, but I was a bit relieved to find out that they came from one of the brown-based David Shaw CV181s (doing the channel switch test). Luckily I already had the Westinghouse 6SN7GTB ordered (thank you again to @geoffalter11 and @jonathan c), but I still tried a bunch of other well-known solutions to get rid of this hum. Things I've tried but didn't work at all: swapping out my preamp tubes (3 different tubes), a different power conditioner (Furman SS6B), several different "hi-fi" power cables, and 4 different sets of RCA cables. Things I've tried that alleviated a bit: an RCA ground loop isolator, iFi DC Blocker, XLR balanced to RCA unbalanced, and running pink noise over two nights. Things I've tried that ABSOLUTELY worked: new sets of tubes LOL.

Still, I'm unsure whether it was the tubes or letting the amp "warm up" for days that actually solved my high-pitched hum. Nevertheless, it is DEAD SILENT now — at any gain and the highest volume (I don't listen at this volume haha, just testing for background noises). I love the lush, warm sound it gives to my Atrium, and I much prefer this to the clean, analytical sound profile of the QHA. I also love that I could change the output impedance to match my headphones, and I love its elegant aesthetic. I think I'm finally done with chasing the dragon (for now lol...).

As for tubes, again, thanks a bunch to @geoffalter11's and @jonathan c's recommendations. I'm now grooving to the Ken-Rad VT-231s, which still need a bit more time to burn in as they're still a bit bright. Their bass is pleasantly punchy and tight, slams harder than the Westinghouse 6SN7GTBs. Their mids are exceptionally clear, allowing each note to be distinct without bleeding into each other (best I've heard so far). Even though they haven't finished with burning in, the highs are never too harsh, and getting more and more smoothed out (could be my ears getting burned in too!). So far, I've tried them on R&B, Soul, Jazz, House, EDM, Techno, Classical, Alternative Rock, Metal, and Pop, and I can't find any fault in them. Unlike the Gold Lion El84 which can get too bright, or the Electro Harmonix El84 which can be too mellow and boring, these Ken-Rad VT-231s are unbelievably well-rounded.

The Westinghouses are more airy, spacious, and detailed, but IMO they're not as enjoyable as the Ken-Rad VT-231s. I'm still waiting on a pair of 1940's RCA VT-231s but I don't know, the Ken-Rad VT-231s might just be my daily for a while. I'm considering selling the Westinghouse pair for $120 if anyone is interested.

Overall, this amp is a beast for the price and for the footprint. I'm perplexed that at the highest gain, at either the lowest volume or the highest volume, I hear ZERO background noises. Yet, it provides such a warm undertone without sacrificing imaging and soundstage. Even though there's probably quite a bit of placebo in my experience, I'm happy with how sublime music sounds with this amp.
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Mar 1, 2024 at 2:56 PM Post #1,299 of 1,546
Hi all, sorry for taking so long with the update, I had to let the amp and tubes properly burn in before my assessment. Needless to say, this amp and tubes combos are a big improvement over my Quicksilver Headphones Amp. The QHA is now for sale on USAM and Reddit if anyone is interested!

My experience was interesting lol. The first two days were torturous, as I kept hearing this constant high-pitched hum sound that gets louder at higher volume, especially when on High gain. It is at least 12 kHz and it's there on both of my Atrium and HE1000SE. There were also so much crackles and noises, but I was a bit relieved to find out that they came from one of the brown-based David Shaw CV181s (doing the channel switch test). Luckily I already had the Westinghouse 6SN7GTB ordered (thank you again to @geoffalter11 and @jonathan c), but I still tried a bunch of other well-known solutions to get rid of this hum. Things I've tried but didn't work at all: swapping out my preamp tubes (3 different tubes), a different power conditioner (Furman SS6B), several different "hi-fi" power cables, and 4 different sets of RCA cables. Things I've tried that alleviated a bit: an RCA ground loop isolator, iFi DC Blocker, XLR balanced to RCA unbalanced, and running pink noise over two nights. Things I've tried that ABSOLUTELY worked: new sets of tubes LOL.

Still, I'm unsure whether it was the tubes or letting the amp "warm up" for days that actually solved my high-pitched hum. Nevertheless, it is DEAD SILENT now — at any gain and the highest volume (I don't listen at this volume haha, just testing for background noises). I love the lush, warm sound it gives to my Atrium, and I much prefer this to the clean, analytical sound profile of the QHA. I also love that I could change the output impedance to match my headphones, and I love its elegant aesthetic. I think I'm finally done with chasing the dragon (for now lol...).

As for tubes, again, thanks a bunch to @geoffalter11's and @jonathan c's recommendations. I'm now grooving to the Ken-Rad VT-231s, which still need a bit more time to burn in as they're still a bit bright. Their bass is pleasantly punchy and tight, slams harder than the Westinghouse 6SN7GTBs. Their mids are exceptionally clear, allowing each note to be distinct without bleeding into each other (best I've heard so far). Even though they haven't finished with burning in, the highs are never too harsh, and getting more and more smoothed out (could be my ears getting burned in too!). So far, I've tried them on R&B, Soul, Jazz, House, EDM, Techno, Classical, Alternative Rock, Metal, and Pop, and I can't find any fault in them. Unlike the Gold Lion El84 which can get too bright, or the Electro Harmonix El84 which can be too mellow and boring, these Ken-Rad VT-231s are unbelievably well-rounded.

The Westinghouses are more airy, spacious, and detailed, but IMO they're not as enjoyable as the Ken-Rad VT-231s. I'm still waiting on a pair of 1940's RCA VT-231s but I don't know, the Ken-Rad VT-231s might just be my daily for a while. I'm considering selling the Westinghouse pair for $120 if anyone is interested.

Overall, this amp is a beast for the price and for the footprint. I'm perplexed that at the highest gain, at either the lowest volume or the highest volume, I hear ZERO background noises. Yet, it provides such a warm undertone without sacrificing imaging and soundstage. Even though there's probably quite a bit of placebo in my experience, I'm happy with how sublime music sounds with this amp.
Please note @infinity3914 , that selector switch on the right side of the faceplate is NOT a gain selector, it is an impedance selector that you should use to match the headphones in use.
Low 8-40 Ohms
Med 30-300
High 250-1000
Where there is overlap (30-40 and 250-300) choose whichever sound you prefer.
Mar 12, 2024 at 9:20 AM Post #1,300 of 1,546
Just got my HP8 SE delivered, but sadly the input tube was completely damaged 😞

Did a quick check on ebay, where the same tube (McIntosh 12AX7A) is offered. However, I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to tubes (never bought separate tubes, only used what originally came with an amp), so would very much appreciate any guidance from the pros here if I should get that one or preferably use another brand.

The two output tubes on the HP8 are Sylvana’s (6SN7WGTA)

Mar 12, 2024 at 10:44 AM Post #1,301 of 1,546
Seller just came back saying he’ll send a replacement, so hopefully that will get sorted easily 😅

Then maybe just out of curiosity, does anyone know how the McIntosh and Sylvanias compare to the original tubes? (not actually sure which “standard” tubes are supplied with the LE 🤔)
Mar 12, 2024 at 11:17 AM Post #1,302 of 1,546
Seller just came back saying he’ll send a replacement, so hopefully that will get sorted easily 😅

Then maybe just out of curiosity, does anyone know how the McIntosh and Sylvanias compare to the original tubes? (not actually sure which “standard” tubes are supplied with the LE 🤔)
When I got my HP8, the Tungsram 12AX7 and the Brown-base David Shaw CV181s were included. I don't have any experience with the McIntosh (tbh I didn't know McIntosh made 12AX7A tubes, this is the first) 12AX7A or the Sylvania 6SN7WGTAs, but I'd highly recommend trying out some VT-231 tubes. I went with @geoffalter11 and @jonathan c's recommendations and got myself a matched pair of Westinghouse 6SN7GTB, Ken-Rad VT-231s (amazing bass), RCA VT-231s (amazing midrange), and they sound noticeably more enjoyable than the David Shaw CV181s.


As for the preamp tube, I currently run a cryo-treated NOS Mullard 12AT7. I like the extra headroom on 12AT7s as they have a lower gain than 12AX7s. Plus, NOS 12AT7s are not insanely expensive like 12AX7s. For 12AT7s, you really can't go wrong with Mullard. If you're set on 12AX7, I'd check out this article by Brent Jesse, who probably has a bunker of NOS tubes at this point.

Hope that helps!
Mar 12, 2024 at 1:15 PM Post #1,303 of 1,546
When I got my HP8, the Tungsram 12AX7 and the Brown-base David Shaw CV181s were included. I don't have any experience with the McIntosh (tbh I didn't know McIntosh made 12AX7A tubes, this is the first) 12AX7A or the Sylvania 6SN7WGTAs, but I'd highly recommend trying out some VT-231 tubes. I went with @geoffalter11 and @jonathan c's recommendations and got myself a matched pair of Westinghouse 6SN7GTB, Ken-Rad VT-231s (amazing bass), RCA VT-231s (amazing midrange), and they sound noticeably more enjoyable than the David Shaw CV181s.


As for the preamp tube, I currently run a cryo-treated NOS Mullard 12AT7. I like the extra headroom on 12AT7s as they have a lower gain than 12AX7s. Plus, NOS 12AT7s are not insanely expensive like 12AX7s. For 12AT7s, you really can't go wrong with Mullard. If you're set on 12AX7, I'd check out this article by Brent Jesse, who probably has a bunker of NOS tubes at this point.

Hope that helps!
Jonathan, what is the exact spec of that Footscray? That is an amazing 12AT7 at a reasonable price. Another is the RFT Rohre 12AT7. And that tube is like $30. As for 12AX7s, my favorite was the Amperex 'Fisher'.

You can also check out the 5751 variant of the 12AX7. They are 30% less gain than a normal 12AX7. The 12AT7 is 40% less gain. Using a driver tube with less gain will increase dynamics and headroom on this amp.

The CV181s are actually very nice tubes, but they don't seat well in my opinion. The globes aren't perfectly centered and they tend to move a bit. Just my experience with this amp. As always, I will forever feel this amp is about as good as you will find in its price range and even a little higher. I have yet to hear better bass from any amp. Something all Icon amps are known for.
Mar 12, 2024 at 1:58 PM Post #1,304 of 1,546
Here is the Brimar 'Footscray' (made at the Standard Telephone & Cable Ltd Foots Cray plant in 1956). Langrex currently has 247 of them:
Mar 12, 2024 at 2:02 PM Post #1,305 of 1,546
Here is the Brimar 'Footscray' (made at the Standard Telephone & Cable Ltd Foots Cray plant in 1956). Langrex currently has 247 of them:IMG_7488.jpeg
You cannot get more "bang for the buck" in a 12AT7 tube than with a Brimar CV455 of that vintage.

Thanks to Jonathan, I know about these tubes and use them as input tube in 2 different amps (Icon Audio HP8 & Woo WA3). They are now my favorite input tubes.

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