iBasso DX170 You want your Music? It is right here. *** NEW Firmware: 1.06 Apple support and other additions! ***
Jul 18, 2023 at 1:05 AM Post #1,397 of 1,725
How is it for driving 'hard to drive' iems like planars?
do you mean the sony? it has a volume cap so i imagine not very well. however i use with it koss portapros, moondrop arias, and on bluetooth some sony headphones and all of those have no bother.

normally its plenty loud enough (for me) at around 70 of 120.

Jul 18, 2023 at 1:08 AM Post #1,398 of 1,725
do you mean the sony? it has a volume cap so i imagine not very well. however i use with it koss portapros, moondrop arias, and on bluetooth some sony headphones and all of those have no bother.

normally its plenty loud enough (for me) at around 70 of 120.

What do you mean it has a volume cap? That would be something limiting the max volume and you can use the full volume of the DX170.
Jul 19, 2023 at 4:34 PM Post #1,400 of 1,725
I've owned the 170 for about 5 weeks now and have come to love this. I will say that it takes a bit of time to get 'in sync' with this guy and how it works. What it does do and what it doesn't do. However, once you get a bit dialed in with it the sound and features are amazing.

I've got one nagging issue that I can't figure out so was hoping you guys could lend some guidance. Loading music onto the DX170 on the SD is a bit slow going, especially if you are transferring large amounts of music. Last night I loaded 68GB onto the SD memory and it took about 2 hours with the device plugged into the computer.

I have a USB3.0 memory card reader that can move that amount of data in a few minutes. When I try to transfer music directly onto my SD and load it into the DX170 I have issues. I format my SD card in the DX170, then pull it out and place it in my memory card reader, transfer all my music to the \MUSIC directory, and then put it back the DX170. Without fail the DX170 says unrecognized card would you like to FORMAT? This is an endless loop.

Do you guys tranfer music to an SD card via a card reader or do you ALWAYS have to transfer music to the device directly while plugged into the computer? Is there something I am doing wrong when transferring via the card reader?
Jul 19, 2023 at 4:43 PM Post #1,401 of 1,725
I've owned the 170 for about 5 weeks now and have come to love this. I will say that it takes a bit of time to get 'in sync' with this guy and how it works. What it does do and what it doesn't do. However, once you get a bit dialed in with it the sound and features are amazing.

I've got one nagging issue that I can't figure out so was hoping you guys could lend some guidance. Loading music onto the DX170 on the SD is a bit slow going, especially if you are transferring large amounts of music. Last night I loaded 68GB onto the SD memory and it took about 2 hours with the device plugged into the computer.

I have a USB3.0 memory card reader that can move that amount of data in a few minutes. When I try to transfer music directly onto my SD and load it into the DX170 I have issues. I format my SD card in the DX170, then pull it out and place it in my memory card reader, transfer all my music to the \MUSIC directory, and then put it back the DX170. Without fail the DX170 says unrecognized card would you like to FORMAT? This is an endless loop.

Do you guys tranfer music to an SD card via a card reader or do you ALWAYS have to transfer music to the device directly while plugged into the computer? Is there something I am doing wrong when transferring via the card reader?
I never use the DX, any DX to format my card. I leave them as I got them or format to the current best option. Never have an issue and always, always use a card reader.
Jul 19, 2023 at 5:22 PM Post #1,402 of 1,725
I never use the DX, any DX to format my card. I leave them as I got them or format to the current best option. Never have an issue and always, always use a card reader.
Huh, I just tried not formatting the card with the DX170, just dropped the music onto the SD card in my FLAC folders and it worked great! Dang...all this time I was letting the DX170 format the cards and then adding music when all I needed to do was drop music onto my SD card.

Took 12 minutes to move 68GB vs. 2 hours!

Jul 19, 2023 at 5:25 PM Post #1,403 of 1,725
Huh, I just tried not formatting the card with the DX170, just dropped the music onto the SD card in my FLAC folders and it worked great! Dang...all this time I was letting the DX170 format the cards and then adding music when all I needed to do was drop music onto my SD card.

Took 12 minutes to move 68GB vs. 2 hours!

And there you go! :^)
Jul 20, 2023 at 10:55 AM Post #1,405 of 1,725
Jul 20, 2023 at 11:47 AM Post #1,406 of 1,725
Have you installed it? Any issues? What are the improvements?
This is what it says:

Improvements with this firmware:

1. Parametric EQ gain adjustments are now accurate to 0.1dB per step.
2. Improved support of ID3.
3. Rectified the bug that with some CUE files, the last song was not parsed.
4. Improved the Japanese song order.
Jul 20, 2023 at 12:05 PM Post #1,407 of 1,725
The New firmware in downloadable and for the .img (if needed) is on the 1st page.

Enjoy the Music as always.
iBasso Stay updated on iBasso at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
http://www.ibasso.com/ paul@ibasso.com
Jul 20, 2023 at 9:41 PM Post #1,409 of 1,725
I had a wonderful mind-blowing experience with my DX-170 and my Grado GH-2 headphones. I have audio chains that cost 10 times more, but not any better! What a great combination! Listened to Chopin nocturnes by Bruce Liu, Desert of Lost Souls by Madi’s, and Summer 1 by Max Richter (sounds a lot like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons).
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Jul 20, 2023 at 11:24 PM Post #1,410 of 1,725
Has anyone else found the DX-170 to be unstable? When it works, it surpasses the performance of other DAPs in its class. But like Hamlet or other tragic heroes, the DX-170, for me, is plagued with the tragic flaw of … unreliability.

I started my journey with the DX-160, which introduced me to these same tragic flaws. I had to return the first DX-160 because after working for a couple of weeks, it froze and would not exit the startup routine. The second DX-160 did not have that flaw, but it would frequently (more than once per song) stumble upon the internet connection and interrupt its streaming play. I returned it. (No other DAP that I had experienced this problem on my internet). IBasso, throughout all of these experiences, was of utmost help and most responsive.

When the DX-170 came out, the first one worked most of the time, but then again froze up within the Amazon return period. It also developed an intermittent connection in its output. Like the DX-160, I returned it for replacement. The second one, for a particular charger, would not show that it was receiving a charge, leaving the charge indicator low. It worked OK on other chargers, so I kept it after first requesting yet another return.

Now, the DX-170 keeps dropping my internet connection, which of course keeps it from streaming music. If I reconnect it, it works for a while, but then drops it again.

Like a Shakespearean tragic figure, the DX-170, for me, has some exceptional qualities but exhibits the tragic flaw of unreliability. My Sony ZX-507, on the other hand, always, ALWAYS works, but not with quite the exciting sound quality nor the great user interface of the DX-170.
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