I think I'm missing the point.....
Dec 14, 2001 at 7:10 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


X-CANs and HDAMs
Jun 23, 2001
Can someone please please tell me what the big deal is with hearing "dance" music over a crappy £20.00 radio in an office is I seem to be the only one at work who activly dislikes it being played.

Don't get me wrong, in a nightclub with it blaring full out and so on I can imagine its a least more tolerable, but on said radio to my ears its just plain annoying and repetitve.

So please tell me what I seem to be missing out on??

There are times I wish that I could like all the stuff that gets played on the radio, but when I DO hear it I think "thank god I don't like THAT!"

Oh and if I hear Destiny's ****** child again I'm going to scream.

Thank you....
Dec 14, 2001 at 7:31 PM Post #2 of 21
yeah, it's pretty bad. and know what, even in a club it's repetitive and annoying...
Dec 15, 2001 at 11:26 AM Post #4 of 21
Maybe it's a morale thing. Reminds people there's something to look forward to at the end of a hard week at work. Just guessing.
Dec 15, 2001 at 12:28 PM Post #5 of 21
Thank God I'm not the only one.

Like I got flamed at for hitting a very tender nerve in the thread about "Songs About Drugs", if there is any real music out there, it's buried in so much crap it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, and that is way too much like work.

As for listening to it on a cheap s**t radio at work, management should do something about it.

Or OSHA for hazards in the work place because it gets on the nerves so bad that you either get hurt or hurt somebody just to get some peace and quiet.

Or the EPA for air polution.

Oh well, let the flames begin.
Dec 15, 2001 at 4:48 PM Post #6 of 21

Originally posted by gaineso
Like I got flamed at for hitting a very tender nerve in the thread about "Songs About Drugs", if there is any real music out there, it's buried in so much crap it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, and that is way too much like work.

IMO there is a period in our lives where our tastes in what we think music should be is formed. That becomes our point of comparison (I'll freely admit that late 60's music is the standard by which I judge, by and large).

That doesn't mean that later (or earlier) music is crap. It simply means that we have different tastes. Even in the 60's, some of the most innovative music never got heard. I spent some time going back and building a collection of LP's of very obscure 60's garage band/psychedelic music that IMO is far better than most of what people remember as "60's music"...but that's just me.

Even today (perhaps especially today, as the internet starts to chip away at the recording industry), there is some superb music being produced. Spend some time in clubs listening to bands you've never heard of. Try different things on independent labels...don't go in with preconceptions. There are all sorts of ways to find really good music from any point in time.

However, the ossified recording industry makes it difficult to find. That's been true for a long long time tho...way before the 60's. "Pop" music has never really been the way to find good music at any point. Once the suits start adjusting artistic content to maximize sales, well, only a few bands have enough clout and can retain enough control to preserve their artistic vision. That's been true since well before the 60's.
Dec 15, 2001 at 6:15 PM Post #7 of 21
In my mind, pop music is about the worst place to look for good music.

The generic dance music that gets played on the radio often is quite horrid, it all sounds the same, has they same rythms, and they use maybe 5 or 6 different tunes amongst all of them, and it has no sense of innovation at all.

Then again, when I hear a song I like on the radio, I am stunned.
Dec 16, 2001 at 9:12 PM Post #8 of 21

Originally posted by gaineso
Like I got flamed at for hitting a very tender nerve in the thread about "Songs About Drugs", if there is any real music out there, it's buried in so much crap it's like looking for a needle in a haystack...

Well, I don't think you got flamed for that, I think you got flamed because you were wrong. ;-p Quote:

...and that is way too much like work.

Ah, here's the problem. In today's music market, you have too much choice. It's still out there, you just have to look around for it. Don't listen to the radio for it (unless you have a really good radio station), and don't watch television for it.
Dec 16, 2001 at 9:34 PM Post #10 of 21

Originally posted by KR...

Well, anyone who listens to the radio or watches TV to find new good music, well is a moron.

I think THATS a little harsh to be honest! I always tune into totalrock broadcasting on sky digital on saturday nights after 6, simply because I enjoy the broad range of rock (proper rock I might add!!
) For example they've played maiden, sabbath, magnum. scorpions, dare and so on and so forth, have loads of varied guests on most weeks and don't take themselves seriously. Name me one local or national (I'm in the uk btw) that'll play that wide range of music? At least as far as I know all the local stations in the south are either dance orientated (shudders) or pop/chart orientated (shudders even more!!)
Dec 18, 2001 at 7:48 AM Post #13 of 21

Originally posted by Raymond Kim
What kind of "dance" music are we talking about here?


Or hip-hoppity?

I'm assuming the hip-hoppity kind because the author made a reference to Destiny's Child?

The stuff I was referring to was the generic dance c*** (imho!) that gets played day in day out at work. These stations get hold of one song by an artist and then play it to death. Its as though they've never released ANYTHING else!!!
Dec 18, 2001 at 8:46 AM Post #14 of 21

However, the ossified recording industry makes it difficult to find. That's been true for a long long time tho...way before the 60's. "Pop" music has never really been the way to find good music at any point. Once the suits start adjusting artistic content to maximize sales, well, only a few bands have enough clout and can retain enough control to preserve their artistic vision. That's been true since well before the 60's.

That's like saying that only horrible music can sell well! Now I'm *really* missing the point!

My current pet peeve is remixed, boom-boom dance-beat-ed versions of perfectly all right songs... just bought Aaron Kwok's 'Pure Energy Collection', not knowing everything was remixed... I WANT TO KILL THE RECORDING ENGINEER!


I sure got my fair share of 'repetitive' and 'annoying' from that album--if only because songs that were 3min. to start with became 7min. after remix!
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