I heart Rockbox
Apr 12, 2009 at 5:09 PM Post #17 of 57
oh yeah I heart Rockbox too; just about to update to 3.2 on DIYMOD and iHP120 (soon to be iHP 132CF) so couple that with cameron sino batteries for both and battery life should be phenomenal.

thing is I actually really like apple products and IMO OSX is a superb operating system; I disaggree with some of their marketing strategies and business tactics, but IMO they are no worse than many. all the same I would never think about going back to the original FW on my ipod; but I am looking forward to iphone OS 3
Apr 12, 2009 at 6:36 PM Post #18 of 57
wow!! how much quicker is 3.2 on the iriver hehe and I even had no problem with the automatic install on OSX. I normally avoid it like the plague, but had no drama whatsoever this time. made sure to plug the power adapter in; dont want to brick an H120
no extra logic boards for them. someone should really manufacture an OEM logic board for the iHP1xx series; they'de make a killing
Apr 12, 2009 at 6:54 PM Post #19 of 57

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I even had no problem with the automatic install on OSX. I normally avoid it like the plague, but had no drama whatsoever this time.

Well, the automatic install did not work on OS X for me with my 5G iPod. Even after formatting the iPod completely on my Vista laptop (via Disk Management), then restoring the Apple firmware with iTunes, and plugging the iPod back into my Mac, the installer still saw it as a MacPod. I repeated this with the same result, and then just said what the heck and did the whole job on my Vista machine.

From now on, whenever I do upgrades, etc. I will just avoid using my Mac. Transferring files with the Mac works great, and that's all I really care about.
Apr 12, 2009 at 7:12 PM Post #20 of 57
^ That's my main grief against Rockbox.
The fact that it won't install on Mac formatted iPod's, and that the Rockbox installer don't seem to work around this (aka convert to Windows format).
Apr 13, 2009 at 4:37 AM Post #22 of 57

Originally Posted by Jaska /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, the automatic install did not work on OS X for me with my 5G iPod. Even after formatting the iPod completely on my Vista laptop (via Disk Management), then restoring the Apple firmware with iTunes, and plugging the iPod back into my Mac, the installer still saw it as a MacPod. I repeated this with the same result, and then just said what the heck and did the whole job on my Vista machine.

From now on, whenever I do upgrades, etc. I will just avoid using my Mac. Transferring files with the Mac works great, and that's all I really care about.

yes, the ipod or whatever DAP you are using must be FAT32 formatted; automatic install is still problematic with ipods I admit, but thats no reason to go to the darkside; just do a simple manual install; the ipod version is the simplest of them al in this regard; install the bootloader from the automatic install (this has always worked for me) then just find yourslef an unzip program (freely available on the web; I use zipeg) and simply unzip the install directly to the root level of your ipod and answer yes to the prompt to replace any pre-existing version you may already have installed...done
. its the most reliable way of installing it on either machine, I was just a little hesitant to use it with the iriver as I hadnt done a firmware upgrade with them before, so was happy to find that the auto install worked so well on my iHP120. as it turns out you still have to dehex the firmware to the player anyway and wasnt any dramas. Loving 3.2, its sooo much quicker and responsive on both DAPs so far and I have found a cool font that also displays very quickly.. rockdoom is soo funny on the iriver LOL uninstalled straight away, but was cool for giggles
Apr 13, 2009 at 4:41 AM Post #23 of 57

Originally Posted by iriverdude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Change themes.

if you have the fonts package installed you should just be able to select a larger font; no need to change themes; at least in 3.2 anyway. cant say I remember that in 3. from memory its actually in the themes section anyway. pity you cant select a different size font for the screen and remote independantly
Apr 13, 2009 at 8:01 AM Post #25 of 57
With a bit more usage, I've run into a little problem with audio dropouts. The first one happened yesterday while listening to an entire album, and then last night when going to sleep I listened to another album, and had a total of 3 short dropouts. I don't have any of the special audio features enabled except for crossfeed (I'm just experimenting with this), so I suppose this just means having to bump up the anti-skip buffer and test again. Any specific recommendations on what setting/value to use to get around this problem without causing too much of a drain on the battery?
Apr 13, 2009 at 4:17 PM Post #28 of 57
Manual installation is easier than automatic, actually.

All you do is download the patcher .exe file and run it. It automatically installs the bootloader.

Then you place the .rockbox folder onto your player. Done.
Apr 13, 2009 at 4:19 PM Post #29 of 57
well I'm currently using 3.2 and get random loackups, sometimes the buttons don't seem to register like I hit it 10 times before it finally registers. Perhaps 3.1 might be better?
Apr 13, 2009 at 4:34 PM Post #30 of 57
I have had the issue that the wheel won't scroll until I hit a button. After that it works fine.

I'm more annoyed at the bug (supposedly in the apple portion of the bootloader) that keeps the player from turning on and requires a hard reset in order to boot. Happens about 1/10 times on both my 5th gen ipods.

This is with 5 gen ipods, 30 and 80gb running 3.2.

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