I hate the snow in London.
Feb 2, 2009 at 5:42 PM Post #16 of 91

Originally Posted by soozieq /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, it's a novelty here at the moment as we hardly ever get this amount of snow either! But it looks like London can't deal with it yet again, since just about everything has closed down. The roads are deserted, trains aren't running, buses aren't running, schools are closed - it's like the end of the world. It's unreal out there. It's just white everywhere. The snow on the trees has blended in with the white of the sky so I can't see where the trees end or the sky begins.

This must be what the twilight zone feels like

I have four school mates stuck in London...looks like they're gonna miss most of this weeks classes. Lucky ducks got to go to London and play in the snow. I'm in Florence, and the snow here is about an hour north
Feb 2, 2009 at 5:54 PM Post #19 of 91

Originally Posted by mark2410 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
ahh but you forgetting in the uk we only need about 2cm of snow before we go into a screaming panic and the whole country grinds to a halt, really, im not joking


Guess its more about what we are used to...
Feb 2, 2009 at 5:58 PM Post #20 of 91
The same goes for the Netherlands. Only a little snow or wind and a national weather alarm is active.
Feb 2, 2009 at 6:11 PM Post #23 of 91
It snows like very much indeed on southcost of norway. Its right over 1 cm. -5¨c.
Feb 2, 2009 at 6:11 PM Post #24 of 91
Plenty of US cities also go into panic mode at the drop of a snowflake. The Southern US, like Atlanta, just doesn't get snow that often, and hence they do not have the driving skills necessary to cope. Of course, they also don't have things like snow plows (except at the airport).

Also a factor is that many people who lack the proper driving skills try it anyway, usually with predictable results.

Anyone who feels like they don't have enough snow, let me know and we'll ship some of ours to you.
Feb 2, 2009 at 6:17 PM Post #25 of 91
I had to laugh, my wife left our Arctic island home on the tail of a cranky blizzard only to get snowed in in London and now her flight home has been cancelled until tomorrow.

What is it with a major capital city like London constantly shutting down every time they get a dusting of the white stuff?
Feb 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM Post #26 of 91

Originally Posted by IceClass /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What is it with a major capital city like London constantly shutting down every time they get a dusting of the white stuff?

to be fair, you are polarizing that argument a bit, its more than a dusting, heaviest fall in 18 years.

but you are right in the broader argument, the reason is simple, the powers that be have no desire or nessecity to invest in and provide the required infrastructure, no matter how much money it costs businesses and all the disruptions it brings for the few days its ever here.


because it happens so infrequently thats why, we are so un-used to it. its kind of like the attitude when you are buying a cell phone, the sales person may ask would you like insurance with that, and then you think, and maybe retort, nah! a mobile phone of mine has never broken or given up the ghost, i wont need it.

we saw a similar ethos with the floodings we had last year (year before?) or so in the UK, no work had been done, or not enough, because of its infrequency.

same mentality, why go through all the effort and expense to only be able to use it occasionally.

not my opinion, but am calling it how i think the government sees it.
Feb 2, 2009 at 7:31 PM Post #27 of 91
They canceled a concert just because of a little bit of snow?! I'm in Canada where that amount of snow is considered nothing, unless you live in Vancouver. I see no reason to cancel a concert because of that much snow and you have the tube to travel on underground so what is the issue?
Feb 2, 2009 at 7:34 PM Post #28 of 91
eh this kinda stuff happens in the uk every couple of years, the reason nothing is ever done about it is that its great for lots of people, the media love it give hem stuff to report, people get days off and anything that goes wrong for the next 3 weeks will get blamed on something going amiss because of the snow

and no one want to actually spend any money on this stuff, elections are rarely if ever in winter
Feb 2, 2009 at 7:39 PM Post #29 of 91
Yea, I guess London has no plan to deal with snow like we do in Canada. In Toronto as soon as the snow starts falling there is an army of snow plows and sanders out on the roads. Where I live now they are pretty lax about keeping the roads clear compared to Toronto.
Feb 2, 2009 at 7:46 PM Post #30 of 91
Yep, everything ground to a halt today. Trains, buses, the underground, because of a foot of snow. Call me a misery, but it's a friggin' winter wonderland, and I nearly got pelted by some brats throwing snowballs. At least I've got my laptop now, so I'll be 'working' at home for the next day or two. At least we have our lovely spring and 'summer' to look forward to...

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