I Believe!
Nov 15, 2006 at 4:27 AM Post #16 of 37
All is proceeding as planned... soon this one will be ours.
Nov 15, 2006 at 4:32 AM Post #17 of 37

Originally Posted by Fitz
All is proceeding as planned... soon this one will be ours.

Too late. I think Head-Fi has mestastisized. We can't save him now, but at least he'll be happy and he does have a caring support network here.

When the upgraditis gets painful again, as it always does, I suggest a nice class A desktop tube amp. That will help.
Nov 15, 2006 at 4:40 AM Post #19 of 37
dunno why it is, but i've seen the most converts to the "ok it DOES make a difference" team when they add a line out via ipod dock to a portable amp, regardless of the cans - they can be KSC35 to a K701, doesn't matter. basically, if you can't hear an improvement from an ipod headphone out going to a line out to amp, you are very lucky - run far far away and don't look back!
Nov 15, 2006 at 5:02 PM Post #20 of 37

Originally Posted by philodox
Now just wait until you hear something better... like a good home amp... or even a tube amp... or even a balanced amp.

The sky is the limit my friend.

I suspect most of us would reach bankruptcy before we reached the sky . . .
Nov 16, 2006 at 8:31 AM Post #22 of 37
Head-Fi can be devastating: just 5 weeks ago I was listening to 128-160-192 kbps mp3's on my cellphone with $8 earbuds.

Now I have all my music at 256-320 kbps AAC, an Ipod, an ALO lineout silver dock, a Little Dot Micro+ and 4 new headphones: PX100, PX200, HD485 and the SWEEET HD595... Upgraditis is a subtle sickness!!!
Nov 16, 2006 at 9:43 AM Post #23 of 37

Originally Posted by Rick Hunter
Head-Fi can be devastating: just 5 weeks ago I was listening to 128-160-192 kbps mp3's on my cellphone with $8 earbuds.

Now I have all my music at 256-320 kbps AAC, an Ipod, an ALO lineout silver dock, a Little Dot Micro+ and 4 new headphones: PX100, PX200, HD485 and the SWEEET HD595... Upgraditis is a subtle sickness!!!

subtle indeed.

well, 3 weeks ago i was using an ancient Creative Muvo Slim to $6 phones (and they actually sounded good to me then!), now i've got an iaudio m5l with senn omx52 and a LDM+ and PX100 on the way.

conclusion: you're richer than me, dude...
Nov 16, 2006 at 10:21 AM Post #24 of 37
You guys are too much. Oh, I am there to. Well if you are going to listen do it in style!
Nov 16, 2006 at 11:08 AM Post #25 of 37

Originally Posted by Rick Hunter
Head-Fi can be devastating: just 5 weeks ago I was listening to 128-160-192 kbps mp3's on my cellphone with $8 earbuds.

Now I have all my music at 256-320 kbps AAC, an Ipod, an ALO lineout silver dock, a Little Dot Micro+ and 4 new headphones: PX100, PX200, HD485 and the SWEEET HD595... Upgraditis is a subtle sickness!!!

In just a month or so I've thrown, oh, $1500 at audio equipment. The real killer is that looking back, instead of having a few DAP's, an amp, and 4 nice phones, I could have one DAP, a better amp, and 2 great phones. I spent all this $$$ easing in to the hobby when I could've just jumped right in. Hindsight's 20/20 I suppose...

Luckily, some of us actually hit a point when they're satisfied. Once I build myself a better amp and get a good pair of open phones I can stop for a good while. I've been "fortunate" not to hear anything vastly better than what I have, and with the exception of a nice, flat, open sound, I'm no longer listening to music thinking about how much better it could sound.

I also just moved to San Francisco from Phoenix late this summer, so I'm getting some inspiration to stop buying audio stuff by thinking about how fast I could actually save up money if I wasn't buying audio stuff.

Plus, I'm starting to feel excessively, uh, materialistic. Does anyone else feel that gathering so much equipment? I look at my Ultrasone's and think about how many famished people I could've fed for a month.
Nov 16, 2006 at 11:37 AM Post #26 of 37
There are farmers, and I mean the entire family, that make just a hair over 400 dollars a year here where I am living. So yes, there are some people who would welcome a little more money and it would be put to very good use. I saw many people in Nepal that were in need and do not ask for a dime.
Nov 16, 2006 at 11:49 AM Post #27 of 37

Originally Posted by mrmax
thanks for the encouragement guys. i just hope i don't try other stuff too soon...

Don't be to sure about that.....it has all started now. Soon you will be taking your rig to meets, trying new stuff, looking at the phone and amp boards here at Head-fi.
Just like me.....started out with a line out to a Headroom Total Airhead with my Ipod, five years later I am using a Meridian G08 with a RS Raptor and Senn 650 with Cardas upgrades, not to mention the interconnects and powercord upgrades.

It is an addiction ....but it is fix far better than drugs.
Nov 16, 2006 at 5:56 PM Post #29 of 37
I already placed an order for MS1's last night. hehe. vvs_75 let me sample his and i just gotta have one.
i hope that's the end of it.


Originally Posted by greg36
Don't be to sure about that.....it has all started now. Soon you will be taking your rig to meets, trying new stuff, looking at the phone and amp boards here at Head-fi.
Just like me.....started out with a line out to a Headroom Total Airhead with my Ipod, five years later I am using a Meridian G08 with a RS Raptor and Senn 650 with Cardas upgrades, not to mention the interconnects and powercord upgrades.

It is an addiction ....but it is fix far better than drugs.


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