I Believe!
Nov 16, 2006 at 7:14 PM Post #31 of 37
"This one IS ours"
Nov 16, 2006 at 10:18 PM Post #33 of 37

Originally Posted by bazmonkey
In just a month or so I've thrown, oh, $1500 at audio equipment. The real killer is that looking back, instead of having a few DAP's, an amp, and 4 nice phones, I could have one DAP, a better amp, and 2 great phones. I spent all this $$$ easing in to the hobby when I could've just jumped right in. Hindsight's 20/20 I suppose...

Luckily, some of us actually hit a point when they're satisfied. Once I build myself a better amp and get a good pair of open phones I can stop for a good while. I've been "fortunate" not to hear anything vastly better than what I have, and with the exception of a nice, flat, open sound, I'm no longer listening to music thinking about how much better it could sound.

I also just moved to San Francisco from Phoenix late this summer, so I'm getting some inspiration to stop buying audio stuff by thinking about how fast I could actually save up money if I wasn't buying audio stuff.

Plus, I'm starting to feel excessively, uh, materialistic. Does anyone else feel that gathering so much equipment? I look at my Ultrasone's and think about how many famished people I could've fed for a month.

Be Careful! Some of us living in San Francisco have some REALLY nice headphone equipment. You don't want to accidentally hear some of it and get screwed (ie, check out my profile).

Nov 16, 2006 at 10:27 PM Post #34 of 37

...has become my mantra. Then you don't have to worry so much about "easing in" and losing a bunch of cash in the process. If you go ahead and buy a piece of equipment used, and take extremely good care of it, you can then sell it at or near the price you purchased it for. I like to knock a little bit off the price I paid because it makes gear sell quicker. I see it as an auditioning fee.

When I first got here in May I needed recommendations for headphones + mic to listen to music and play games with, and I did NOT want to buy an amp. I ended up buying some Plantronics DSP-500's and thought they were tha bomb. I remember back then seeing all the hype about the Headfive, and I was thinking, "$250 for an entry level amp?! These people must be crazy or rich or both, I'm outta here!" So then I stayed away for a few months.

I came back I think in August, because I wanted to get some cans that would sound kewl out of my iPod, and I did NOT want to buy an amp. Then I made most influential decision of my short Head-Fi career: SR60's. omg. The Gateway Can. Suddenly, for some reason, some odd twist of logic, $250 for an amp suddenly didn't sound so bad. And look at the great deals on these k701's at northern sound and light, I mean, $240, these things go for like twice that much. Might as well get them. One month later: whats that? corda amps on sale? email jan? okies. What is a DAC anyway? Oh, really? Better buy one. This one looks good.

And the saga continues! Stello DA100 + Corda MKII-SE! And from Grado SR60's, I find that I am a Senn guy. The journey has been expensive, but TONS of fun. Very helpful community around here as well, I've PM'd and pestered several members who have been very cool and helpful in their responses.

Come, learn, enjoy. Just don't forget its about the music.
Nov 16, 2006 at 11:22 PM Post #35 of 37
I love the Sennheiser sound. For me, that kind of sound is it. I also really like the Grado HF-1's. But too me, going ALL THE WAY up the senn line was worth it.

Nov 17, 2006 at 11:57 PM Post #36 of 37
recently i bought the 325i. now the student loan is almost spent.. i forgot to buy back a c.h.e.a.p.o berry-wine to my roommate that i drank earlier. i lied that didnt't want to make the extra walk to the liqour store - just didn't want to spend some extra coins

there is a shiny new studio headphone amp in school... i don't know what's the manufacturer, type... i don't want to try it... I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!

but i've managed to spread the word of ksc75. they swallowed the bait..mwhaha
Nov 18, 2006 at 2:43 AM Post #37 of 37
"Plus, I'm starting to feel excessively, uh, materialistic. Does anyone else feel that gathering so much equipment? I look at my Ultrasone's and think about how many famished people I could've fed for a month."

The only way we can even begin to think about feeding the famished is to have a job. This enables us to buy stuff from other people which inturn enables them to keep their jobs so they can buy stuff from us too. This is how riches and charities are created. It's OK if a few of us jump off this merrygoround of rampant consumerism to serve the Greater Good, but if too many of us do it, as in a Great Depression, things spiral downward just like they spiraled up and we end up being just as famished as those we wanted to help. So do your part in feeding the famished by buying a Roy Samuels amp! God willing, there will be a Green Hornet in my charitable giving too!

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