How to "enjoy" music?
Oct 26, 2006 at 10:34 PM Post #226 of 365

Originally Posted by Patrick82

See in the end of video I try to enjoy music, is that how you do it?

Yes - That's it!!!!
Oct 30, 2006 at 11:21 PM Post #228 of 365
After my ERS Paper tweak all my albums sound acceptable now because background is black. It wasn't black before which is why I didn't enjoy music! Before I just kept complaining of the sound instead of listening to the music. It was either too muddy, too warm, too cold, too harsh, too edgy, too smooth, too much bass, too little deep bass, too much noise, too little detail, too small soundstage, too little resolution, not hairy enough transients etc. But now I have nothing to complain about anymore!

Now I can focus on the music instead of tweaking, I'm even trying some new albums now!

Oct 31, 2006 at 12:32 AM Post #230 of 365
You get the same thing in photography. There are the guys that are all geeky and technical and couldn't create a decent photograph to save their lives and then you have the people who are only interested in the technology as a means to an end and they understand what makes a photograph great. It's an emotional thing that some people just don't have or haven't tapped into.
Oct 31, 2006 at 12:47 AM Post #231 of 365
I always find it funny to apply the other meaning of 'tweaking' to Patrick. Things make a lot more sense that way.
Oct 31, 2006 at 5:00 PM Post #232 of 365

Originally Posted by giff07
For me it happens when I hear a piece of music I am familiar with already, and when I listen through a good headphone setup or a quality speaker system I hear new details I have not heard before. An example was a few years ago when the song "headstrong" by trapt came out, I must have heard that song on the radio 100 times before I bought the cd. If you are familiar with the song there is a part where they play a recorded sound of doves calling, I had never heard that until I listened through a good pair of headphones on a quality amp. I always thought it was just an electronic effect.

sadly, my trapt cd was stolen from my friends car when they took his stereo and cd binder. =[ i never backed it up either. i wonder if i can hear that in a 192 kbps mp3.
Oct 31, 2006 at 6:13 PM Post #233 of 365
After watching all of his videos in one sitting, I have a sudden urge to sell my keyboard and get a k1000.. Then take all the carbon fiber sheets I have made (for building table tennis racquets lol) and use them as "ers sheets" while constructing my own power regenerator with 16 used car batteries and some nice transformers in my room. arrg... my light is broken too
Nov 17, 2006 at 2:25 AM Post #234 of 365

Originally Posted by Patrick82
Ok, I went outside and entered a tournament. I didn't stroke my stick for 8 months and I won tournament, I tell you, practice is not needed. I haven't entered a tournament for years, last time I won was 5 years ago. Audiophile hobby is great, now it gives me a reason to play to win. Obsessive audiophile playing tournaments is unstoppable! I want to buy that $13 000 Tara Labs Zero cable... Soon you see me on TV winning world championships, mark this post!

BTW, I didn't get enjoyment from winning, I didn't even know I had won until someone gave me the cash. I felt like a brainwashed zombie the whole time.

1 month later, 7 tournaments, 4 wins, $400. Speaks for itself.
3 more years and I have the cable. I already play my worst game and still win, it's the obsessive concentration that does it, I have learned it from tweaking my audio system.

I ate some beans and felt sick in stomach, but I still managed to win. Opponent resigned the final for some reason, maybe he didn't like my gas.

I still don't get the emotion thing. I lose, no emotion. I win, no emotion. I get cash in hand, no emotion. I feel something bubbling in stomach, no emotion. I get home and listen to music, no emotion.

Music doesn't impress me anymore, either the placebo has worn off or then I just got used to it and it sounds normal. But since I don't have emotion how can there be placebo? I did blind tests and made "lucky" answers.

I have realized that I don't enjoy music, I just enjoy improvement. Oh well, just need to keep on upgrading then.
Nov 17, 2006 at 2:40 AM Post #236 of 365

Originally Posted by Patrick82
I have realized that I don't enjoy music, I just enjoy improvement. Oh well, just need to keep on upgrading then.

There's lots of people that enjoy improvement. I enjoy music, but I'm sure a lot of things I do are largely for the sake of improving something that I can improve (better sound quality, making my car faster, etc)
Nov 19, 2006 at 3:40 AM Post #237 of 365

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Music doesn't impress me anymore, either the placebo has worn off or then I just got used to it and it sounds normal.

Problem solved! I downgraded my system and heard how bad it sounded, then when I upgraded I got impressed!

You don't need to keep upgrading, you can just downgrade and upgrade, it's for free!
Nov 19, 2006 at 3:45 AM Post #238 of 365
Patrick, do yourself a favour and download that Ultrasone Test CD.
Nov 19, 2006 at 5:14 AM Post #239 of 365

Originally Posted by Patrick82 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
1 month later, 7 tournaments, 4 wins, $400. Speaks for itself.
3 more years and I have the cable. I already play my worst game and still win, it's the obsessive concentration that does it, I have learned it from tweaking my audio system.

I ate some beans and felt sick in stomach, but I still managed to win. Opponent resigned the final for some reason, maybe he didn't like my gas.

I still don't get the emotion thing. I lose, no emotion. I win, no emotion. I get cash in hand, no emotion. I feel something bubbling in stomach, no emotion. I get home and listen to music, no emotion.

Music doesn't impress me anymore, either the placebo has worn off or then I just got used to it and it sounds normal. But since I don't have emotion how can there be placebo? I did blind tests and made "lucky" answers.

I have realized that I don't enjoy music, I just enjoy improvement. Oh well, just need to keep on upgrading then.

Nordost has a new power conditioner. I think it's time to hop back on that tweak wagon. They made some pretty impressive claims. One buy even said the music stopped playing when he removed it from his system.
Nov 23, 2006 at 12:07 PM Post #240 of 365
I have realized it's not the improvement I like, I'm just a sick shopaholic and want to find a reason to buy something. I use the improvement as an excuse to buy it. I use the upgraditis disease to hide the shopaholic sickness which I use to hide boredom. So in the end upgraditis is just something that keeps me busy, I don't really need to upgrade.

I try to find something to improve in my audio system but can't find anything anymore. I don't like it. I try hard to focus but doesn't work, I don't find anything wrong. I used to hear the signature of my audio system but not anymore, I'm hearing the albums instead. ERS Paper did this.
My ears are too crappy to hear further improvements. Now I don't know what to buy anymore. I have tried to decide for months but can't decide, it's like playing chess and not making a move for months because of fear of making the wrong move. I don't want to pay for farmer technology anyway.
Being a shopaholic and refusing to buy stuff is a bad combination, it's like getting torn apart. This will be the start of schizophrenia if I don't already have it, the personalities will just go into separate directions to avoid the single personality of being ripped apart. The side-effect is that it keeps me busy, like in 'A Beautiful Mind' movie.

I want to wait a few years before buying something but I can't control myself. For the first time in a year I have purchased a music album, that should do it for a few days. I will see if I will enjoy it.

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