How to appriciate my JH-13 ?
Mar 29, 2010 at 4:09 PM Post #16 of 23
From reading the appreciation thread, and from my own experience, I would bet that less than one percent of the people who have purchased these don't think they are worth it.

That's pretty good odds if you are considering them.
Mar 29, 2010 at 4:42 PM Post #17 of 23

Originally Posted by Horseman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From reading the appreciation thread, and from my own experience, I would bet that less than one percent of the people who have purchased these don't think they are worth it.

That's pretty good odds if you are considering them.

This is a good point. There hasn't been a headphone or IEM on head-fi or at other forums that have had such a positive consensus.

Also, the best headphones I've heard (speakers too) give you an initial "meh" feeling but in time become a long lasting favorite.
Mar 29, 2010 at 4:45 PM Post #18 of 23

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Turn all that OFF and try again.

This may be part of it as well. You may need time to adapt, and the JH13 Pro may take benefit of more playing time.

This. I mean some people like a colored sound, (me included), but that's ridiculous.
Mar 29, 2010 at 5:40 PM Post #19 of 23

Originally Posted by mesasone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've often wondered if it's really worth it to outlay the coin for this kind of upgrade if you have to go back to your old headphones to be impressed. Just food for thought as I continue to ponder a pair of JH13/16 myself.

Well of course you have to have experience with lesser quality phones/ IEMs to be impressed. If someone went straight from nothing to the JH13 they would not appreciate what they were hearing because they wouldn't know what to listen for. If you're used to a particular IEM you may grow accustomed to its sound signature and you'll require more than just a few hours with something better in order to fully compare the differences. There's pretty much no way the IEM the OP mentioned is better than the JH13s, he's likely just used to the sound signature, has a liking for it and needs time to get accustomed to something new.
Mar 29, 2010 at 11:27 PM Post #21 of 23
Well, as all of you predicted, things seems to get better:
The first time I've put on the JH13, they didn't sound good with the EQ and other effects off. So I turned on the EQ and effects as I do with the E4c. This is how I got the initial impression that opened this thread.
Following your recommendations, I've turned EQ and other effects off. This time the general feeling was better, but the mids felt like they are hidden behind the lows and highs (this was very apparent and not much fun). Then I've put the volume few notches up from what I'm used to, and that was it !! Everything was balanced, and the bass was so beautiful that I couldn't stop listening even though my wife was waiting for me. I never thought of myself as someone that will say "beautiful bass", but that was exactly the words that came to my mind when this bassy part was playing...
Now I'm quite confident that as all of you said, as time passes on I'll enjoy the JH13 more and more. Just hope to be able to do it with low volume levels.
Thank you all for your comments !
Mar 30, 2010 at 12:27 AM Post #22 of 23

Originally Posted by yanival /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just hope to be able to do it with low volume levels.

Your ears will most likely adjust to the new signature over time (which is, reportedly, very neutral). I'm sure you have nothing to worry about... you're just cleansing your audio memory of an unbalanced sound sig...
Apr 8, 2010 at 2:15 AM Post #23 of 23

Originally Posted by jjcha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I like my E4c's a lot. And I can certainly point to a few things I'm not that impressed about with the JH-13s.

But agreed on putting the other IEM away and turning off EQ and giving your ears a few weeks to get used to the JH-13s. Then try going back.

This is kind of relevant I guess.. but this is exactly how I felt when I first got my UM3Xs. I EQed the crap out of them for extra treble and bass while drastically lowering the mids. Putting the UM3Xs in with no EQ I was like blah and thought they were horrible.

After solely listening to them for about 3 days I love them. I have used them at least 3 hours a day now every day since then.... they get a TON of use.

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