How old are you?
Apr 7, 2003 at 4:47 AM Post #16 of 92

Originally posted by rickcr42
passed that and heading for either old age second childhood

I think in your case it's still your first childhood -- second teen-angst-hood would be a better description!


usc goose writes
Weird DanG, you were born exactly a year after me. You know we got Bill Gates and Julia Roberts on 28 October too. Not bad company.

I'm happy to share a birthday with Bill Gates, but not Julia Roberts. I think I'd trade her for Gwenyth Paltrow.
Apr 7, 2003 at 5:09 AM Post #18 of 92

Originally posted by Outdoor Man
Happy Birthday afterall Maxvla



just another bday since i dont drink.
Apr 7, 2003 at 7:20 AM Post #19 of 92
25 heading towards 26...

After 25 your hearing detiorates... damn, better get plenty of listening in before June!!
Apr 7, 2003 at 7:39 AM Post #21 of 92

Originally posted by DanG
I'm 20 but have been a hopeless alcoholic since I came to college at the age of 18.

Don't worry, you'll get over it. Hopefully while there's still something left of your liver
I've found that once I turned 21, drinking wasn't as appealing.

I'm 27 now.
Apr 7, 2003 at 9:38 AM Post #22 of 92
I agree completely about the turning 21 and urge to drinking going away. Weird stuff. If someone would have told me 2 or 3 years ago the amount I'd be drinking now I probably would have laughed. I went from waking up in night sweats and having my stomach turn if I hadn't had a drink in 12 hours to now where I have maybe 2 or 3 drinks a week. So there is hope yet. I hear AA actually has a chapter for people who quit before 21 called like never had a legal drink or something. Always thought that was interesting.
Apr 7, 2003 at 9:59 AM Post #23 of 92
I'm not really such an alcoholic -- I find I can go long stretches being happy that it's been weeks since the whole rugby team has been crowding around chanting "five in five, five in five" (that means chugging five cheap, warm beers in five minutes). My first binge-drinking experience at the age of 16 was so bad that since then I've been careful about not becoming a "real" alcoholic. I seem to be okay so far

Also, I never grew a beer belly (luckily enough for my gf
Apr 7, 2003 at 5:39 PM Post #28 of 92
I'm 21 a month ago today.
Apr 7, 2003 at 5:52 PM Post #29 of 92
Hmmm... I notice that only one person over thirty has replied to this thread. ?

Anyway, I will be two score this year
. I'll have to medicate my depression with the purchase of some nice intoxicating audio equipment
Apr 7, 2003 at 6:19 PM Post #30 of 92
25, man its true what they say, my bones aching, all of a sudden i'm allergic to corn, more likely to worry about useless crap...i'm basically falling apart already.

If you're in your teens, enjoy it!!!

I already miss being a clown in Highschool.

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