How many starbucks are within 5 miles of your home?
Mar 31, 2005 at 5:06 AM Post #32 of 75
Nothing within 500 miles of here.

But how many places can you find fish tea, or manish water within 5 miles of your home?
Mar 31, 2005 at 5:29 AM Post #34 of 75
I counted up to 5 before I saw the web search link. Turns out it's 7.

edit: 8 within 10 miles, 14 within 20. So I'm basically in the epicenter.
Mar 31, 2005 at 5:36 AM Post #36 of 75
Only 12, and I'm in the Seattle WA. area...


Originally Posted by slick
btw, is a $5 coffee really that good? i dont drink coffee, dont like it, so i wont understand the coffee obsession.

Around here it's about $1.50 for a tall "coffee of the day" (the regular stuff, not Lattes, Espresso or any of that fancy schmancy stuff). And yes, compared to crap like "Seattle's Best" (sold all over the place) it's excellent coffee. I don't drink much either (prefer tea) but lately have picked up my consumption somewhat.
Mar 31, 2005 at 5:42 AM Post #38 of 75

Originally Posted by remilard
I have 53, which is roughly 53 too many.

Use the link, mine is much higher than I guessed. If you insist on not using the link please note that Barnes and Noble Cafe is not Starbucks and doesn't count.

Well I guess the Starbucks in the Safeway grocery store counts. It came up in that search link you provided. That gives me a total of one with in 5 miles, or 50 miles which is greater.
Mar 31, 2005 at 7:20 AM Post #40 of 75

Originally Posted by Mr.PD
Well I guess the Starbucks in the Safeway grocery store counts. It came up in that search link you provided. That gives me a total of one with in 5 miles, or 50 miles which is greater.

Yeah the ones in Safeway are starbucks, there is no starbucks in a barnes and noble anywhere but people always think they are starbucks (they do serve starbucks coffee, obviously)
Mar 31, 2005 at 7:28 AM Post #41 of 75

Originally Posted by karma
There are 167 within 5 miles of my office though.


Originally Posted by Oski
I have 169 Starbucks within 5 miles of me!!! My gosh. 3 of which are within 100 yards of my apartment.

Wow, I must be in the boonies in upper west side manhattan since i only have 149 in my radius.

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