Oct 30, 2008 at 2:10 PM Post #46 of 62

Originally Posted by suzuki /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i've been to hundreds of concerts, lots of live music and have a home speaker system worth 15 grand so i know what music sound like!

What speakers are those if I may ask? Because if they sound about the same as Yuin earbuds I think they've ripped you off.
Oct 30, 2008 at 4:10 PM Post #47 of 62
ibuds should not be used in the same sentence with "good". Never.
skullcandies, along with ibuds, should not be used with same sentence with "good" or "better" they're just slightly "less worse"

Bose, however, sound decent, but you have to insert "overpriced"
Oct 30, 2008 at 11:58 PM Post #48 of 62

Originally Posted by EnOYiN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What speakers are those if I may ask? Because if they sound about the same as Yuin earbuds I think they've ripped you off.

bostons with onkyo amp and cd.
and they sound great with a similar sound signature to my yuins. balanced and tight bass. obviously the yuins ain't as good as my speakers.. duh!
i don't think the yuins or my speakers are a rip off. both get me moving and singing to my music.
my speakers won speaker of the year at sound and image in australia by the way.

i don't comment on people getting ripped off and don't tell them they must not buy this or that. i love my yuins.
so many intense people. wow.
and i thought music was supposed to relax people.
Oct 31, 2008 at 5:50 AM Post #49 of 62

show me where i said you all got ripped off

I think I already explained why I thought that; because you say that your yuins sound better than very expensive headphones that sound boomy etc. etc. then going on to tell us to watch how we spend our money.

if I bought something for $$$$ that didn't sound as good as something that cost $$ I would feel ripped off; wouldn't you??
and BTW you said this ... direct quote from page 2

people bash ipod headphones but i think even they are better than some of the stuff i heard that cost hundreds.

accurate enough for you??

and I never said that I actually walked around with the ibuds on full volume I said that was the only way that I could get any decent volume out of them; can you spell hypocrite?? well out of context and i'm LMAO. I use IEM's with better isolation so I DONT have to use full volume to get decent bass response etc. In fact I stated that I actually threw them out or gave them away. thats just one of the reasons I think they suck. and to the yuins I already said that they sound good for the price and I don't have to spend $$$$ to get enjoyment out of something; I said that I think they sound like crap when compared to the denon MD5000 and ultrasones and these aren't even the most expensive cans out there. for budget; I prefer a stock koss KC75 (re-cabled even better) which is definitely not expensive, especially if you bother to re-cable them yourself.


what am i not allowed to say that if i believe so.

sure you are but there are better places for it ie. the yuin appreciation thread. Starting a thread that insinuates (ok not says) that all people that are enjoying their $$$$ cans are spending way too much money on something, that can be beat with something cheap may be just buying the marketing hype and not using their ears, is just plain condescending IMO. I'm not sure what sort of response you were hoping for??? sure this business IS rife with some snake-oil, but there are IMO tangible differences between cheap cans and expensive ones. whether that difference is actually worth the money is up to the consumer to decide.
Nov 2, 2008 at 3:21 AM Post #51 of 62

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think I already explained why I thought that; because you say that your yuins sound better than very expensive headphones that sound boomy etc. etc. then going on to tell us to watch how we spend our money.

if I bought something for $$$$ that didn't sound as good as something that cost $$ I would feel ripped off; wouldn't you??
and BTW you said this ... direct quote from page 2

accurate enough for you??

and I never said that I actually walked around with the ibuds on full volume I said that was the only way that I could get any decent volume out of them; can you spell hypocrite?? well out of context and i'm LMAO. I use IEM's with better isolation so I DONT have to use full volume to get decent bass response etc. In fact I stated that I actually threw them out or gave them away. thats just one of the reasons I think they suck. and to the yuins I already said that they sound good for the price and I don't have to spend $$$$ to get enjoyment out of something; I said that I think they sound like crap when compared to the denon MD5000 and ultrasones and these aren't even the most expensive cans out there. for budget; I prefer a stock koss KC75 (re-cabled even better) which is definitely not expensive, especially if you bother to re-cable them yourself.

sure you are but there are better places for it ie. the yuin appreciation thread. Starting a thread that insinuates (ok not says) that all people that are enjoying their $$$$ cans are spending way too much money on something, that can be beat with something cheap may be just buying the marketing hype and not using their ears, is just plain condescending IMO. I'm not sure what sort of response you were hoping for??? sure this business IS rife with some snake-oil, but there are IMO tangible differences between cheap cans and expensive ones. whether that difference is actually worth the money is up to the consumer to decide.

like i said show me where i said the ibuds are balanced across the whole spectrum?
and yes i think the ibuds were better than SOME of the headphones.
and how does that say i said you got ripped off?
if that's how you want to interprete and that helps you make a point than interprete any whay you want!
so you are saying that if someones makes something for less than it cannot possibly be better than something for more? and like i said before just because it cost more doesn't automatically make it better.
i have clothes/sporting equp/motorbikes/food whatever that costs more than my friends have bought for, and if they say to me their stuff is better, do i feel ripped off? no, i am happy with what i bought. if you feel ripped off then that's YOUR problem!
man you keep using the IBUDS to somehow build your case instead of the yuins, what up? i mentioned the ibuds once but you haven't stopped!
if you feel like the ibuds help you put your point across then good for you, whatever rocks your boat.
you take so much out of context its not funny! i don't understand why you need to do it?
and i never said "YOU WALK AROUND WITH YOUR HEADPHONE FULL BLAST"! i said people just have to use a bit of control.
i find it funny how you say there's a law suit against apple for hearing damage but fail to recognise that if any headphone is too loud that also can do damage.
i never said people are spending way too much money on stuff than can be beat for cheap. there you go again. i originally said i prefer my yuins to more expensive stuff. sorry if that makes YOU feel like YOU got ripped off. the comment to watch how you spend your money was general advice to people, and you even agree with the snake oil comment?
whay do you feel like i'm being condescending when i say watch out for all the hype and listen for yourself? many reviews are mixed by people, some say this headphone is way better than that or this amp is way better than that.
best advice is to listen for yourself if you can, and you don't even have to believe me when i say my yuins are better. do you really have such low self esteem?

i'm over this issue with you qusp.

anyways, glad you can spell "insinuates"!
Nov 2, 2008 at 3:24 AM Post #52 of 62

Originally Posted by SOUNDinterpreter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
suzuki, do you mind if i quote this? "people bash ipod headphones but i think even they are better than some of the stuff i heard that cost hundreds."

Nov 2, 2008 at 4:49 PM Post #54 of 62
whatever suzuki really I dont know why you keep on with this crap the ibuds thing was just to illustrate my point. and why bother with a cheap shot on a typo; how old are you honestly???

In the last post all I did was pull direct quotes from your posts; thats all.... if you want to say that its out of context then bully for you. Its very easy to say that you didn't mean something after the fact but its wearing a bit thin. I dont have to justify my purchases to you and I never felt that I did. I mentioned both the yuins and koss as being good value for money the KOSS are going for less than $10 now and I just bought another set to recable. but i'm not fool enough to think that they actually sound better than my shures. they do sound great; especially for rock or for extended listening; but for critical listening; no way IMO.
Nov 3, 2008 at 2:25 AM Post #55 of 62

Originally Posted by Rednamalas1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
this thread is still around? people usually drop their case when 20+ people disagree with you

i don't care if 10000 people disagree with me. i still hold to what i said in my first post or any other. i don't follow like sheep.
it's nice to see you pop your head in now and then.
Nov 3, 2008 at 2:31 AM Post #56 of 62
haha, I thought the yuins were little too overrated by people who has tried them - they're certainly not "giant killers" - they sound decent, nothing spectacular imo. Only two portable gears that impressed be quite a bit were: esw9 and triple fi 10 pros - and I generally don't like that much isolation. I'm hoping that esw10s can blow esw9 away.
Nov 3, 2008 at 2:37 AM Post #58 of 62

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
whatever suzuki really I dont know why you keep on with this crap the ibuds thing was just to illustrate my point. and why bother with a cheap shot on a typo; how old are you honestly???

In the last post all I did was pull direct quotes from your posts; thats all.... if you want to say that its out of context then bully for you. Its very easy to say that you didn't mean something after the fact but its wearing a bit thin. I dont have to justify my purchases to you and I never felt that I did. I mentioned both the yuins and koss as being good value for money the KOSS are going for less than $10 now and I just bought another set to recable. but i'm not fool enough to think that they actually sound better than my shures. they do sound great; especially for rock or for extended listening; but for critical listening; no way IMO.

don't know what typo you talking about? if it was the insinuates bit i was having a dig at you after you said to me,"can you spell hypocrite"!
i've never come across anyone who misquotes/insinuates and puts words into peoples mouths. you don't have to justify anything to me mate! i don't need it or wanna hear it.
so what are you trying to say, that i say something and mean something else or something YOU want me to mean?
get real mate, if one of my friends says mine is better than yours, why do i have to justify or feel ripped off? i like what i like, am i not allowed? i think you are allowed!?
who's the kid now?
Nov 4, 2008 at 3:19 AM Post #59 of 62
question, is yuin not easy to ruin?

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