How many of you have found your endgame holy grail headphone?
May 28, 2014 at 1:45 AM Post #17 of 105
I'm really close to my end-game in both speakers and home use headphones. I think a better source (Bifrost maybe), my O2, and a pair of LCD-2r2 would be it. As for speakers, a Bifrost into my O2 as a pre-amp, with my Emotiva UPA-200 powering a pair of Apogee/Magnepan would be my end-game.

I'm not sure which to do first, I think the speakers because I have my eyes on an Apogee Stage which are difficult to find... especially in Canada where planars/electrostats are uncommon. I want to do both at one point. I'll profess that I'm in love with the exotic planars and stats, I love the way the music just flows and oozes detail.
May 28, 2014 at 1:49 AM Post #18 of 105
I don't really think about upgrading from my V200/T1...  Maybe not "holy grail endgame" but I don't have the funds to consider to something like a high end stax rig, so I prefer it to everything else I've heard at a similar price (to be fair, I haven't heard any high end stax rigs, so idk if I'd even prefer them).  But it's "end game" enough that I don't think about upgrading for now. 
Mostly I just think of better speaker amps/speakers for if/when I have a bit more space than I do now and other ways to kill my wallet like that :D
May 28, 2014 at 2:14 AM Post #19 of 105
Personally, I've found the "grail headphone" so to speak, buti am currently in the process of finding a good amp/source combo to pair with it.

The headphones in question are the JVC HA-DX2000, and I have heard nothing better than them thus far, (to my tastes) bar none, not even the mighty STAX 009 or TH900.
May 28, 2014 at 2:56 AM Post #21 of 105
My current setup is:
Accustic Arts CDT > Orpheus Dac One SE > Rudistor 030 Anniversary > HD800
I am not sure for when will I have my next upgrade but I m pretty much settle with it at this moment. :)
May 28, 2014 at 3:55 AM Post #22 of 105
I was able to get both the PSB M4U 2 and the Audeze LC-XC, then I had to upgrade my pre-amp to Marantz 7701 because my old one starting dying and bought a headphone amp (Woo Wa-7).
Then discovered how crappy my Blu-Ray player was so went with a Marantz UD 7707 (?) because it also can play SACD and sounded really good with the Wa-7.
Micromega MYDAC and Audio Quest Firefly should work with my computer and Ray Samuels Predator with my cell phone and Audio Technica ATH-ESW9 portable headphones.
At low volume in a quite environment the LC's sound OK when played thru a cell phone or the Predator...cranked up it seems to make them screech, Audio Technicia's are nice and the PSB's sound good thru the Predator and really nice thru the Wa-7.
I am contemplating buying some higher res files and loading them on the cell to play thru the Predator.
Found my old Technics SL-1950 turntabe with a Ortofon cartridge, no records yet...would buy another cartridge when or if I get some records.
I am still recovering from paying for all the new gear so I doubt whether I will be purchasing anymore in the near future.
My thanks to all who posted their impressions and reviews of various kinds of equipment, it helped guide me on my quest.
May 28, 2014 at 8:27 AM Post #23 of 105
^def would like to hear those dx1000/2000 I had the dx700 and it was a wow experience until I desired more clarity.

The dx2000's are a beast, clarity and soundstage leave nothing more to be desired, and the sheer tight visceral bass is a perfect compliment to my DITA Answers. I do recommend you try and find a pair to listen to, though from what I've seen they're rather difficult to come by...
May 28, 2014 at 4:59 PM Post #25 of 105
I need to amend my previous post where I said it was the HD800's. I just got some Beyer T-1's today and these just moved to the head of the class. Wonderful headphones in every respect.
May 29, 2014 at 8:08 AM Post #29 of 105
The T1 is more flavored from what I've heard. I haven't heard the HD800, but everyone talks about how neutral and unforgiving they are. The T1 sounds a little bit forgiving to some of my mid-bit-rate songs, and have a nice punchy low end and possibly a tad spiked highs. Someone who likes some EQ in their music would probably prefer the T1 over something that is neutral, e.g. the HD800.
May 29, 2014 at 9:49 AM Post #30 of 105
The T1 is more flavored from what I've heard. I haven't heard the HD800, but everyone talks about how neutral and unforgiving they are. The T1 sounds a little bit forgiving to some of my mid-bit-rate songs, and have a nice punchy low end and possibly a tad spiked highs. Someone who likes some EQ in their music would probably prefer the T1 over something that is neutral, e.g. the HD800.

Maybe, I kinda found the HD800 to be very clear and transparent while keeping all of the good parts of the T1, but tyhe HD800 has a slight treble peak around 6k that the T1 does not have. It is especially apparent with cymbals when listening to rock music imo.

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