How many Dac1's on Head-Fi now?
Sep 15, 2004 at 6:19 PM Post #16 of 37
I'm not going to argue about the merits of a component I haven't heard, but I will say I'm not a fan of the Grado RA-1, especially for the price.
Sep 15, 2004 at 6:24 PM Post #17 of 37
The DAC1 is nothing like the RA-1 (which is practically a CMOY in a wooden enclosure). I agree that the RA-1 isn't a good deal, but the DAC1 on the other hand is a bargain. For under $1000 you have a DAC that bests players in the $2K range (and one that is nearly jitter-immune and source independent), not to mention a dual-output headphone amp that is above the level of a PIMETA. Comparing the DAC1 to the RA-1 illustrates how little you know of the DAC1; I expected more from an MIT student!
Sep 15, 2004 at 6:28 PM Post #18 of 37
Where's the choice for those of us who had one and sold it?

The most common assessment of the DAC1 is that the DAC section is great, but that the headphone amp section is just so-so. My belief is that this is only due to the fact that Benchmark also sells the amp section separately, and people know what they charge for it. Therefore they assess the quality of the amp based on that known cost. I compared the DAC1 to a basic PPA, and felt the Benchmark bested it. I thought it was on par with a Gilmore SS amp. It also powers AKG K1000's pretty easily too, which neither the PPA nor the Gilmore can do. You may not prefer the overall sonic signature (which is difficult to separate from the DAC portion), but that is not an indication of quality or value. I agree with NielPeart in that the beauty of the DAC1 is in its near-perfect integration of parts for its intended uses. My only (small) complaint, from a "quality" standpoint, would be the volume pot, which is not the best. Too bad there is no room for a stepped attenuator substitution.

Btw, I also had a Rega Planet 2000 and sold that too, so...
Sep 15, 2004 at 6:54 PM Post #19 of 37

Originally Posted by NeilPeart
The DAC1 is nothing like the RA-1 (which is practically a CMOY in a wooden enclosure). I agree that the RA-1 isn't a good deal, but the DAC1 on the other hand is a bargain. For under $1000 you have a DAC that bests players in the $2K range (and one that is nearly jitter-immune and source independent), not to mention a dual-output headphone amp that is above the level of a PIMETA. Comparing the DAC1 to the RA-1 illustrates how little you know of the DAC1; I expected more from an MIT student!

Hey Neil

being MIT or Caltech does not put a stamp that someone is good or gr8 / street smart.
simple as that. I have met people who got admissions there easily and had trouble getting into these places called IIT's in India.
Believe me if you want to see some friggin' nerd geniuses walking on earth go to one of these and you will be very surprised!!!
As for intakes about 500,000 write the entrance exam and about 2200 get in across all disciplines. Most of these guys end up in Sillicon Valley running their own companies.

Some very smart people indeed.
I should know... I worked my ass off for 5 years ( year 8-12) and managed a 1400's position which did not get me much better than Mech. Eng. I didn't take the place and came to Aus. which wasn't all that bad..

take care
As for the dac, it is not what it doesn't do or what it doesn't sound like, what it does really well is serve as a neutral, clear and accurate dac. for some that is bad and they want inaccuracy/ colouring in the recordings. I have no idea why but that is all I can glean from several comments on Head-Fi and elsewhere.

Sep 15, 2004 at 7:09 PM Post #20 of 37
I was joking about the MIT thing, hence the
. I work with many brilliant people that graduated from the lowly public state schools here and plenty more no-nothings who graduated with Honors from Harvard, MIT, etc. I know andrzejpw is a smart guy, and I was a bit surprised at the lack of knowledge regarding an item he compared to an RA-1. I realize that the DAC1 is not everyone’s cup of tea, but comparing a bargain DAC/headamp to the overpriced CMOY that is the RA-1 is simply foolish and uninformed (and even ironic). It’s back to my Opeth and Janos Starker now…perhaps some Stevie Wonder “Talking Book” for lunch.
Sep 15, 2004 at 7:17 PM Post #21 of 37
Although I realize cultural differences may have played a part in it, thanks for the confidence kunwar

Anyways, like I said, I don't want to make a comment on how the DAC1 sounds without hearing it, I'm just making some observations. I guess the whole flavor of the month thing at head-fi has made me a bit jaded about it all.
Sep 15, 2004 at 7:35 PM Post #22 of 37

Originally Posted by andrzejpw
Although I realize cultural differences may have played a part in it, thanks for the confidence kunwar

Anyways, like I said, I don't want to make a comment on how the DAC1 sounds without hearing it, I'm just making some observations. I guess the whole flavor of the month thing at head-fi has made me a bit jaded about it all.

nothing against any of you guys, all I am saying is if one hasn't listened to an item then why comment on it.
If i haven't heard something I try my best to find a source to try it out.

Also I am jsut sick of people back in India assuming that getting your qualifications from an IIT makes you smarter/better. It is such a load of crap.

Some very smart people and I mean smart people, come from very humble schooling/tutelage.

As for cultural differences, mate, you only have to come to aus and live here for a month before you stop taking too much notice of what anyone says.
All I said was that working or studying in a place does not make anyone smart/intelligent.

We have a saying here in Oz for it, it goes "I know where you are coming from..."

Sep 15, 2004 at 9:29 PM Post #23 of 37

Originally Posted by jpelg
My only (small) complaint, from a "quality" standpoint, would be the volume pot, which is not the best. Too bad there is no room for a stepped attenuator substitution.

I totally agree with you on this point. I constantly wonder how much better the headphone jacks would sound with a nice attenuator instead of the dink little pot it uses now.


Originally Posted by andrzejpw
I guess the whole flavor of the month thing at head-fi has made me a bit jaded about it all.

Well it is not as if you have bought the item because of its' popularity and been disappointed. In fact I don't know of anyone on head-fi who has yet. I think there is more to the DAC1 than some simple FOTM craze. Besides, what motive do I have to start such a craze? I don't work for Benchmark. I just simply took a chance on something that turned out to be awesome (IMO) and felt like telling others about it. I know at least a few in this thread are happy that I did.
Sep 15, 2004 at 10:33 PM Post #24 of 37
the benchmark is a great source + amp package for those who want serious bang for their bucks. the amp is around the level of a xp-7 (thats 495) and i seriously doubt the dac part will be bested by sources that cost around 500.
Sep 15, 2004 at 10:52 PM Post #25 of 37

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
I know at least a few in this thread are happy that I did.

Personally, I'm mad at you over it...
See, I was very happy with my E-MU until I heard the DAC1, now I want to upgrade, but can't spend the money... <sigh>

You Sir, are very evil...
Sep 15, 2004 at 11:29 PM Post #26 of 37

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
Well it is not as if you have bought the item because of its' popularity and been disappointed. In fact I don't know of anyone on head-fi who has yet. I think there is more to the DAC1 than some simple FOTM craze. Besides, what motive do I have to start such a craze? I don't work for Benchmark. I just simply took a chance on something that turned out to be awesome (IMO) and felt like telling others about it. I know at least a few in this thread are happy that I did.

No, I haven't bought it, but as I've watched head-fi grow from the beginning, there have been quite a few products that generate a huge stir, followed by a large selloff a few months later. The DAC1s have been popular for a bit longer now, mainly I've observed because a large number of them are being used with computers sources.
Sep 16, 2004 at 4:46 AM Post #27 of 37

Originally Posted by andrzejpw
I guess the whole flavor of the month thing at head-fi has made me a bit jaded about it all...there have been quite a few products that generate a huge stir, followed by a large selloff a few months later.

Bring it on! I'd love to pick up a DAC1 for around $400...
Sep 16, 2004 at 2:51 PM Post #28 of 37

Originally Posted by andrzejpw
No, I haven't bought it, but as I've watched head-fi grow from the beginning, there have been quite a few products that generate a huge stir, followed by a large selloff a few months later. The DAC1s have been popular for a bit longer now, mainly I've observed because a large number of them are being used with computers sources.

that would be incorrect as I use it with my DVD player and the IHP-140 as well.
It just suits my needs perfectly.

Sep 16, 2004 at 3:49 PM Post #29 of 37
I think this whole flavor of the month thing is laughable. I could've said i liked it, or maybe 1 or 2 others, but one guy makes a big post about it that everyone seems to like, as if in a popularity contest, and then all of a sudden 20 of them are purchased.

I wonder how tangible this is to the recent NEW price hike... It makes the dac1 to me less and less desirable when i see it all of a sudden for sale for 950.

FYI, the retail price of the benchmark dac1 was 750, i was recommended by my friends uncle who whos a studio and a massive types of equipment. He told me to get it, since for the 'price' it couldn't be beat. Mainly it sounded as good as sources double it's price, and had a nice headphone amp. It's still a great piece, but i hope they chill on the price increases.
Sep 16, 2004 at 7:45 PM Post #30 of 37

Originally Posted by kunwar
that would be incorrect as I use it with my DVD player and the IHP-140 as well.
It just suits my needs perfectly.


I was making an observation not about your uses, but of a general trend I've seen.

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